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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. How did the hell Brera turn 180 in his cockpit to hand Ranka his harmonica?
  2. I don't think its pretty far fetched. Doesn't the armor follow E=MC^2, that is that energy can be converted into mass and vice versa?
  3. I think Luca's goal is to keep the balance of power so that Bilra doesn't end up with a fold quartz monopoly... probably bad for LAI business IIRC didn't Brera mention something about Vajra learning from other Vajras' experiences and evolving? Maybe Ai-kun finally noticed the paper airplane / VF resemblance
  4. OMG I GOT IT! So Galaxy / Grace is possessed by a group of AI from another dimension who are trying to harvest Fold Quartz to feed their hunger for world domination. The only problem is that they can't do it in a sustainable way so Grace's dream is to create a Fold Quartz farm! Fold Quartz Paradise!!!
  5. So does this establish that Vajra arm pitching is an effective way to kill the Vajra with the SP2 updates?
  6. I think they did it in All That VF by pointing the thrust nozzles in opposite directions. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the Russian SU-27 can pull a similar maneuver (not the cobra) due to the amount of thrust that it can generate.
  7. Has anyone noticed that Ranka and Alto are wearing shoes in her room?
  8. LOL, was eating pineapple salad when watching this
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