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Everything posted by D15C0RD

  1. This sounds great. I can't wait till you're finished.
  2. Wow. This was a tough choice. I had trouble choosing between Grace and Kaifun. I'd have to say Lynn Kaifun is the worst manager in Macross history. He didn't fit into sdf-1's story very well. He was an alcoholic obnoxious jerk and treated Minmay like crap. He didn't do much for Minmay career other than costarring in a movie with her. In fact he seemed to hinder her. On top of that I got really sick of him using Minmay to spew his anti-war nonsense. Ok we get it. War is bad. He'd even berate soldiers for saving Minmay and himself from invading/rebelling Zentradi. So, Yeah. Worst Manager in history and overall King of the Dumbasses. I absolutely hate Grace, but at least she fits into Frontier's plot.
  3. While I hope they do make a second season (more Macross is always good) , I'd say it depends on how well they resolve the storyline and whether there's any loose ends to tie up.
  4. That looks fantastic. Great job.
  5. Hmm... Most erotic thing. I'd say other than the animation, story line and the music. Any scene with the Big Mac and quarter pounder, mmm... giant mecha porn.
  6. 1/48 = 1 VF-1S Hikaru. Trying to decide what I should get next.
  7. Ok. I grew up on Robotech and I absolutely hate the music. I honestly don't understand how anybody can like it. The music in Macross is so much better. There's no comparison.
  8. That's cool. Which Regult did you get? Revoltech, Matchbox or something else?
  9. I'd say that I watch Macross the feeling I get overall is the vibe. *Macross T.V. series: I get Nostalgic although I think some parts are cheesy. *Macross: DYRL?: My favorite. I love the final battle with Minmay singing. Hikaru kicking Boddole Zer's ass with Minmay superimposed over the background is Iconic. *Flash Back 2012. Boring. *Macross II: Lovers, Again: Didn't like it. However I did like how the Marduk countered the Minmay Defense with their own songs. The death song was especially twisted. Macross Plus: Creepy. Macross 7: I watched about three episodes.Didn't care for it. Macross Zero: MY second favorite. I always get chills when the Bird Man's parts re-attach, The music cues up and it unfolds. The final battle between the Bird Man, U.N. and Anti U.N forces is fantastic. Macross Frontier: I like it so far. May become another one of my favorites.
  10. Looks like the trailer was only test footage and doesn't have a script yet. It's scheduled for a Summer 2010 release. John Lasseter is the Chief Creative Officer and it sounds like Steve Lisberger is no longer involved. Eddie Kitsis & Adam Horowitz are writing the script. See here for more info.
  11. Just wanted to say hi to my fellow New Yorkers and Macross fans.
  12. I agree The promo is getting a lot of good reception. Hopefully they continue and start production on TR2N. Otherwise I'll be be very disappointed with Disney for teasing us like this.
  13. The toys from the original movie were pretty horrendous actually. That's probably why you never saw them. In my opinion the only good Tron toys were the lightcycles. With that being said I found some links with pictures of Tron toys. Big Bad Toy store & Tron Sector
  14. It's funny. I was fiddling with my VF-1S Hikaru and once I got the the chair/backpack support set right it became very secure. I tipped it backwards and the fast packs stayed in place. I didn't even have to glue anything. This is what it should look like when you have the neck piece/back pack support set right.
  15. I voted Hikaru. In the TV series you see him start off as a civilian stunt pilot that's able to pull off some fancy maneuvers. When he joins the military you see that he's kind of a screw up and is prone to disobey (usually to do something heroic) orders. After Roy dies Hikaru becomes more professional and shows some great leadership. He's also been decorated ( (Titanium Medal of valor) and promoted several times in a relatively short amount of time. In DYRL He seems to be a better combat pilot (not as good as Max, but still good) and is very heroic. Plus he kicks ass in his Strike VF-1S. Hikaru was hospitalized because Misa screwed up. She wasn't paying attention and executed a Daedalus attack while Hikaru was in it's direct line of fire. I totally agree.
  16. Ok I just saw the teaser. Even though the video (cell phone cam?) isn't good quality TR2N looks very interesting. The updated light cycles look amazing and seem to be more maneuverable. I got the impression Kevin Flynn/Clu is evil now. Very weird.
  17. I'm Kind of relieved that I'm not the only one with that problem. Thanks for the helpful suggestions guys.I'll try Alain's idea after work tonight. If that doesn't work I'll try lurkers idea. thanks for the info. I just ordered a GBP-1S "chair along with hands and side covers from SILVERDRAGON. Hopefully that'll help. and thanks for making me feel welcome.
  18. Holy shizznit I can't believe they're making a sequel after all this time. I loved the original Tron movie when I was kid although it looks a little dated now. I can't wait to see what they do with the special effects in TR2N.
  19. I saw The Dark Knight yesterday and it was great. This has to be one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. All of the actors did a great job portraying their characters. The action and plot is intense. You can really believe Bruce Wayne / Batman are two totally different people. Heath Ledger's Joker is even better than Jack Nicholson's. The Joker this movie is completely insane and is someone you should be very afraid to encounter in person. The fall of Harvey Dent and his transition into Two Face was believable and sad. Some people have said that this movie is too long, but I thought was perfect. If you haven't this movie yet do so.You wont be disappointed.
  20. Thanks for the info Lurker. That's one hell of a snafu on their part. Is there any difference between the GBP chair and the super parts chair? Ie: the pieces that go behind the neck. Wow that comb/super glue idea is brilliant. I'll definitely have to try that.
  21. Thanks for the quick answers. I have pushed back in as far it will go and it is "sunken inward". The problem is there no "click" because there is no tabs to hold in place. There are no lumps there it just a smooth surface.
  22. I've always been a big Macross/Robotech fan and have alway wanted a Valkyrie since I was a kid. I just bought a DYRL Hikaru VF-1S and Super/Strike parts and I love it. The problem is although it seems to be in perfect condition the back pack is extremely loose with strike parts and neck piece attached. I can get it to stay as long as I don't move it , but as soon as I do the back pack falls backwards. I have reread the instructions and looked here for help. It seems the backpack (BP1) won't secure into the back (BC2) because it doesn't have any tabs. Is there any way to fix this? I was wondering if the GBP neck piece works any better because I was thinking of buying some GBP/TV hands and side covers anyway.
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