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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Amazon Japan also announced yesterday that there was a delay with shipping the book.
  2. Just to clarify, it's a single that will contain the FB song from the new trailer, the movie theme song with Sheryl/Ranka/FB, and 2 instrumental tracks.
  3. Well, being an FPS, utterly no-one I know locally will play it, lol.
  4. Now THIS is how you decorate a store!
  5. Might pick it up on the ps3 (apparently the better of the console versions) to play with some old friends in Taiwan but probably not until it gets discounted at the end of the year.
  6. Just announced by Sony at pre-TGS press conference: GUNDAM BREAKER. Most details TBA, although apparently you can fight the 1-1 Odaiba Gundam, lol.
  7. As in official ones or attendees being allowed to film? There were no official cameras filming the event - the hall was small enough that everyone could see the stage fairly clearly (the Yomiuri Hall holds total of 1100 ppl) - and fanclubs events arent usually recorded. or if they are they arent made public (the Appreciation festival was the same, as were the two non-fanclub Yokohama festivals). As for attendees taking pictures or video, thats a strict no-no at any and all anime events/concerts in Japan as a general rule (I've been physically tackled for trying to take a picture of the singer of the original OP for Dunbine at one point - and dont ask what happened the one time I got close enough to try to take a picture of Koichi 'Spike Spiegel' Yamadera).
  8. Thanks. Fixed. Gotta make smoke signals with something.
  9. Finally finished writing this up. Hopefully someone finds it as interesting to read as it was to write :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/3186/megaroad-launch-ceremony-2012-event-report/#more-3186
  10. This guy seems to think that his custom Soul Calibur character is Misa....^^; http://kimamanigf.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/271/
  11. To quote myself from another thread in the games forum: As Renato said, there is nothing on PSN Macross-related other than the the free BD commercial. Most Macross series are also available to rent from the PSN JP vid store in SD and at ridiculous prices. That's about it.
  12. ANN article on Musicalture: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-09-13/macross-stage-musical-cast-photographed-in-costume
  13. ANN article on Musicalture: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-09-13/macross-stage-musical-cast-photographed-in-costume
  14. Latest news roundup is..er....UP! http://www.macrossworld.com/3118/30th-anniversary-news-roundup-0914/#more-3118 Nothing official yet, no.
  15. Latest news roundup is..er....UP! http://www.macrossworld.com/3118/30th-anniversary-news-roundup-0914/#more-3118
  16. Macross 30th Anniversary Emergency Live Broadcast report http://www.macrossworld.com/3135/macross-30th-anniversary-emergency-live-broadcast/#more-3135
  17. Macross 30th Anniversary Emergency Live Broadcast report http://www.macrossworld.com/3135/macross-30th-anniversary-emergency-live-broadcast/#more-3135
  18. No, no footage at all. The first trailer with footage and featuring the new FB song, will be released on Sept. 22.
  19. The new FB song is great! And I thought it was really funny that Megumi had bought one of Sayaka's CDs when she was younger, hehehe. I'll post pics and comments tomorrow :-)
  20. New trailer to debut on Sept. 22! Features all new Firebomber song - its an actual duet too! Plenty of Chie \(^o^)/
  21. Latest Musicalture trailer has been released - just actor portraits still.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmKPTHtXjVs&feature=player_embedded
  22. You beat me to posting this! lol. Well, I'll be there! Hopefully front row! ;-)
  23. The amazon page has been updated with some pictures: Box set 1 http://www.amazon.co...d=AN1VRQENFRJN5 Box set 2: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B008CA4JSO/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_9?ie=UTF8&smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5
  24. First two are anime. Kids on the Slope is mostly covers or jazz classics. Its been licensed by Funimation last I checked.
  25. -Aquarion Evol -Kids on the Slope -Collaboration with SMAP -A lot of tv CM music
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