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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Fukuyama had what looked to be close to a production model on stage last night. He himself referred to it as a generation 2 model (the first generation one being the fan-built version that he had to tune with a screwdriver). He used it for 6-7 songs and it seemed to handle pretty well. Looks utterly gorgeous. He said that he gets a lot of people asking him when its going to be released and that, while he would have thought it wouldve been released during the 30th anniversary...well, he hasnt heard anything and the only thing to do is to ask Yamato.
  2. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Agreed, there will never be a Macross game on the 360 unfortunately. I actually thought that the Sega/AM2 game controlled better than the Artdink ones. And after three games in the PSP series, I personally am more than ready for a new take on Macross in videogame form.
  3. Wouldnt surprise me in the slightest. Just meant that the official running time wasnt something that needed to be speculated over.
  4. Potential licensing issues aside, why on earth would they publicly discuss such a thing when the first version has yet to even be released? They have yet to even send Japanese buyers payment details yet and would just risk cancellations by announcing another release so soon. Makes absolutely zero business sense.
  5. Yes. It's been confirmed in this thread on several occasions and noted in multiple people's reviews I believe.
  6. Its been confirmed as a 90minute movie since it was officially announced.
  7. Gubaba beat me to it but yeah Alto apparently isn't in it. Nakamura wasn't in any of the post-recording session photos I've seen either. Like Aya Endo said- Alto wasn't really all that important, lol.
  8. The story is set prior to the end of the tv series/movie. The original plot description (that Ozuma ran into a new alien life form while on patrol and that sheryl and ranka were involved) made this fairly clear IMO. While the description was vague in spots, but they mentioned the Frontier fleet, and if it WAS a true sequel set after F, it would be marketed very differently IMO.
  9. I said BEER, not CHU-HI dammit!
  10. Single is coming out a few days after the movie hits cinemas (oct 20). Check amazon Jpn for preorders. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm in the middle of a Fukuyama tribute to basara concert. o(^â–½^)o
  11. Someone owes me a beer: http://www.macrossworld.com/macrosswp/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/MacrossFB7-Trailer.mp4
  12. Plus the fact that CGi modelling isn't widespread enough to be a hobby- at least one big enough to support such a book. Not to mention that those who make a living at it wouldn't want to give away any trade secrets. There have been small Macross F sections in publications such as CG World in the past but that's the most you will get.
  13. The 1999 has me intrigued. Aegis Fokker cameo?
  14. I very much doubt it would be CG modeling seeing that hobby modeling is what there's actually a market for.
  15. Captured footage from the recent Emergency Broadcast on Nico Nico Live has surfaced: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMxA_IaWE9s (split across 5 parts)
  16. Its not youtube and theres no direct links. Proxy IP would be your best bet.
  17. Trailer has gone live! http://macross30.com/fb7/movie.html
  18. Some kotaku footage of the event http://kotaku.com/5945486/come-for-the-games-stay-for-the-macross-concert
  19. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Macross 30 placeholder website is live http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/sp/
  20. Macross 30 placeholder website is live http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/sp/
  21. No gameplay has been shown so I meant STW in terms of storyline. Ie, some mysterious event happens that allows a crossover to occur but doesn't effect the actual series storylines, etc. As for the likely console, I'd say vita and WiiU r probably out of the question due to low Install base. PS3 or smartphone r most likely possibilities IMO.
  22. Someone snuck those shots from outside the pavilion! Lol! Nice! Although the reporting is a little misleading. Actually, they showed all still shots of NEW artwork. Nothing reused at all. Even had new art from Plus and Zero. Was not roo dissimilar to the style used for the pachinko games footage And there was a reference that characters would 'meet' a certain legendary idol. Sounds like a super robot wares or another century's episode sort of setup perhaps? Or will they work out a way to make this 'cannon'?...
  23. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    New game project coming in 2013. Macross 30. Name is tentative. No details on game type or platform. Apparently Minmay is in it and the other characters 'meet' her somehow. All dialogue has already been recorded. UPDATE: ANN has the games tentative logo graphic: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-09-21/namco-bandai-games-to-release-macross-30-in-2013
  24. So lotsa news reported! New game project coming in 2013. Macross 30. Name is tentative. No details on game type or platform. Apparently Minmay is in it and the other characters 'meet' her somehow. All dialogue has already been recorded. FB7- new trailer confirmed basic plot. Ozuma uncovers recordings of Basara. The cast watch them together. Looks like the F cast then reform Lovely Bomber. Sheryl and Ranka cover of Totsugeki Love Heart. When the live stream ended we got a mini live- 2 songs from Megumi (houkago overflow & niji iro kumakuma) and one new song from the miss Macross 30 contest singer wing winner. Stand in line? It's TGS. I just abused industry privilege lol. UPDATE: ANN has the games tentative logo graphic: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-09-21/namco-bandai-games-to-release-macross-30-in-2013
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