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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Well, since FB7 isn't a music video clip show and appears to actually have a story, I'd hazard a guess that it will not resemble FB2012 at all. As far as Frontier is concerned, it already got its music video special (Nyan Clip).
  2. Looks like I was beaten to the punch! I put some impressions from the screening on Sunday as well as far too many pics up on the frontpage if anyone is interested. http://www.macrossworld.com/3320/animax-macross-special/#more-3320
  3. Well, since it only ran for 6 days (8 sessions total), her last minute withdrawal meant she was effectively out for good.
  4. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Some pics I took yesterday of the upcoming Mylene/Ranka figure.
  5. Possibly to attempt to explain the absolute lack of news on the exhibit for months now? I had begun to think they had cancelled it outright so wouldnt be surprised if others had as well.
  6. 1/1 Valk exhibit announced for Osaka! The Valk will be displayed from Dec. 22 and... ......wait for it...... they've given up on having a standing Gerwalk. It will be the same as the Tokyo.Nagoya exhibits. I knew it! I friggin' KNEW they had bitten off more than they could chew with claiming they could do a standing valk :-( http://www.chojikuutenrankai.com/
  7. 1/1 Valk exhibit announced for Osaka! The Valk will be displayed from Dec. 22 and... ......wait for it...... they've given up on having a standing Gerwalk. It will be the same as the Tokyo.Nagoya exhibits. I knew it! I friggin' KNEW they had bitten off more than they could chew with claiming they could to a standing valk :-( http://www.chojikuutenrankai.com/
  8. You arent the only one. Even back when it first came out, I considered Ace Combat 3 to be the best Macross game out there - it was just lacking transformable jets, lol. I think it was due to all the drama in the plot - in-cockpit chatter, Production IG cutscenes, etc. I've always felt lucky that I imported the Japanese version without waiting for the English release - that cut so much of the good stuff out.
  9. Famitsu piece on Musicalture, including pics (scroll down): http://www.famitsu.com/news/201210/03022235.html
  10. Famitsu piece on Musicalture, including pics (scroll down): http://www.famitsu.com/news/201210/03022235.html
  11. Its being reported that acute gastroenteritis is the reason behind Sayaka's sudden withdrawal from the Musicalture: http://t.co/aYzTCMOG
  12. Well, after the guy dropped out they DID accept requests for refunds. Set up terms, refund period, etc, so I suppose there must have been a lot of upset fangirls at the time. Of course, in Sayaka's case, it's far too late for any of that. And the timing is just...wow. I mean WOW. And she was so pumped for the show in the last 2 events she appeared at too...I7d really love to get the scoop on what caused this. Oh and Renato, your current handle tag suits you to a T! ;-) We just need to add some Tom cruise right? 'Uncharismatic Tom Cruise hermaphrodite'?
  13. WOW! Thats amazingly bad news! She was so happy to be involved too!!! I wonder what happened?!?!?! Is the Musicalture going to be ok? Hmmm.... I guess I will find out on Saturday!
  14. Latest event pics: http://www.macrossworld.com/3281/oshare-macross-30-shinjuku-marui-one/
  15. Yes it was crazy! 2 hours before I heardthere were already 100people in line from a friend so I didn't bother trying. SO many more people than for other signings - thats how popular Frontier/Sheryl is! Also - check out the front page for event pictures!
  16. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Heres the teaser trailer that was shown at TGS:
  17. teaser for Macross 30 game:
  18. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    No argument from me that it played slower. I liked it better that way. Certainly felt more in line with the speed of battles in SDFM IMO. But to each their own and all that.
  19. No it's Android specific I believe.
  20. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    So.....heard from a source that will go unnamed that, while not rare, the basara-Sheryl figure has the lowest production run of any of these premium UFO catcher figures to date, so get your preorders in early (releases in Nov) just to be safe.
  21. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Not to sound like a broken record but theres even less of a PC gaming scene in Japan than a 360. Telling someone you like PC games is the equivalent of saying you play hentai games all day and will get you some strange looks. VO was the exception to the rule and we will unlikely see the likes of it ever again Im afraid.
  22. We are in Japan. Sarcasm isn't done here :-p
  23. The show is reused Macross 7 footage with some new Frontier footage. This has been known for a while now and can be seen in the trailer.
  24. Apologies for not being clearer. I admit that I'm far too used to 'speculating' becoming 'rumour' becoming 'some guy posting utter rubbish on the internets.' Hence I'm no fan of the 'speculation' stage - especially when I've seen how it can start unfounded rumours that then damage orders for a product not yet launched (speaking from personal experience on that one).So sorry for jumping the gun. Let me put it this way - when Yamato has yet to even start receiving payment from their core and only official market it is far, far too early to be speculating anything. Pre-orders are one thing but until the money is in the bank it's too early to call the VF-4 a 'success.'
  25. Which part of Tomo Sakurai's name NOT being in the credits would lead you to think that?
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