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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Then theres the YF-29B (which was mostly clipped from the scan).
  2. Some new pieces by Mikimoto & Ebata: http://www.macrossworld.com/3613/new-mikimoto-ebata-character-art/#more-3613
  3. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Sorry, the office scanner cut some of the left-side off, but heres some of the glorious new pics from todays Famitsu! (p2 has new characters, p3 has lots of in-game pics) Famitsu_11_22_p1.pdf Famitsu_11_22_p2.pdf Famitsu_11_22_p3.pdf
  4. WooT! :-) Suppose I'll just have to watch it a third time now... ;-)
  5. http://www.macrossworld.com/3592/japanese-fans-vote-diamond-crevasse-for-favorite-macross-song/#more-3592 No Heart & Soul?!?!? #RAAAAAGE!
  6. It was...quite bizarre. Not to say I didn't enjoy it but I think I'll have to hit the cinema again for a repeat viewing. I'll also reserve judgement until 4.0 because 3.0 raises many many questions and doesn't answer any of them. As such, 4.0 could seriously change how I look at 3.0. One things for sure tho- discussions of whether to watch the movies or the series - they are now too different from each other to compare anymore. Also- Akio Ohtsuka! And Misato is still hot even when she is.....hmmm, well I won't spoil it. ;-) Keep an eye out for the first review over at Kotaku within the next 12 hrs or so.
  7. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Some coverage from ANN. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-11-16/macross-30-ps3-game-slated-for-february-28
  8. It's ok, although still niche. theres also the fact that these figures dont take the rental market into account, nor digital distribution, etc.
  9. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    I called the story back when they announced it at TGS - its Super Robot Wars style -ie, think of the story as glorified fan-fiction. Its very very unlikely that anything that happens in the story will have any lasting impact on the Maross storyline (much as FB7 had minimal impact). At most, maybe expect some sort of new mecha. A similar thing happened in Another Century's Episode R, from memory (Shin talking with frontier characters. Surprised that the events of Zero are known and that he was presumed dead, etc). Been a while tho so i might replay it.... -Yup, VF-0D for the win! Again though, the same piece of (obviously unfinished) art is being shown for the box and the game cover. This never happens - one of them has to be a placeholder. In fact, at this stage, I'd say most of that image is placeholder. -No-one announced yet although the interviews/talk footage will feature 16 voice actors/actresses. Given how well Tomo Sakurai covers Minmay songs, i wonder if she could pull the voice off as well.... People sure seem to have short memories around here - dont panic because this is the exact thing that happened to the DYRL box and it came back up on preorder afterwards. Why? Because Amazon Japan will not ship games overseas. As a result, a lot of their preorder traffic is spilling over into other, less prepared sites. The LE should be available at the usual places or elsewhere later on once the initial rush has subsided and preorder allotments are worked out. Again, disc art is quite possible placeholder at this stage. Moreover, what do you mean? It states the name of the game clearly on the disc and nothing else. In what way does it 'look like a Hybrid disc'? For anyone interested, Macross 30 got a brief mention in this weeks 'X-button' column over at Anime News Network. http://www.animenews...tton/2012-11-15 Also - a slightly larger pic from the official website: http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/limited/
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Could be placeholders. Feb is still a ways off and remember how long amazon used placeholder images for the DYRL boxset for? (Aaaaaaages....)
  11. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    New details courtesy of famitsu.com. Release date: Feb. 28 Price - Regular Edition: 8380yen Price - Super galaxy box Edition: 11800yen Super galaxy box Edition also includes: -Voice actors and Kawamori talk/interviews (90mins) CG movies from the game. OP movies from the PSP games. -Hidetaka tenjin box illustration -A selection of layout (ie, stages, environments, etc) docs from the game. -Character and mechanical design docs from the game -Reproductions of posters from various 30th anniversary events. -30th Anniversary memorial booklet -DLC for two custom valk paint jobs for use in-game (VF-25 & VF-1S) Thanks to ANTIBIOTICAB for the heads up!
  12. Blu has yet to be announced. If nothing else it will probably have a recording of the cast talk session held after one of the screenings (Amino, Aya, Megumi, Fukuyama) since there was an official camerawoman present.
  13. After far too long a wait, Episode 6 is up! Hmmm... any ideas as to what we can call this ep? http://www.macrossworld.com/3562/macross-speakerpodcast-episode-6/ And sorry again for the delay on this one - we recorded back in September but events conspired against me when I tried to get it edited quickly. A new computer and new software later and its all good! The next ep will be recorded soon so I should have it up by early Dec.
  14. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-11-05/evangelion-is-no.4-in-japanese-music-royalties-in-last-30-years (I'm also covering my ears pretending that that TERRIBLE SMAP song didnt come in at no. 1 ....)
  15. The people involved are well aware of the popularity of Macross imo. Several people on this board as well as myself have told them so on at least one occasion if not multiple times (Kawamori, Mikimoto, Miyatake from SDFM, Fukuyama and Kajiura from M7, etc) i also dont imagine they would appreciate getting spammed by emails/letters (not to mention that they wouldn't be able to actually read them) but thats just my opinion. Of course, then theres things like Kawamori not wanting to do the same sort of thing over and over, Miyatake being semi-retired, etc. Given the current boom in popularity, more Macross is a given at this point. Whether the fans outside of Japan import it or current anime trends suit what they want are totally different matters though...
  16. Actually that is EXACTLY what Bandai IS doing these days with Blurays since US/JPN are the same region. The one caveat is that they avoid including English subs on older shows that may have unresolved rights issues - ie, Macross, the original Yamato, etc. I've mentioned this in a previous thread at some point, but to date the following have all had English subs on Blu: Yamato 2199 Gundam Unicorn Gundam Age Gundam Seed remaster Haruhi Tiger & Bunny Library Way Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Mardock Scramble 2nd movie Patlabor movies (all 3) Akira, Wings of Honneamise Jin-Roh Tenchi Muyo movies Garden of Sinners Baccano Fate Zero So its a trend that will probably increase as japanese companies try to export the japan business model to the US (niche product/hardcore fans/maximum priced premium editions only) and as they come to realise that the younger generation of anime fans outside of Japan apparently dont buy things anymore. Don't expect this to happen with any Macross properties anytime soon though.
  17. All I know is that I am 100% seeing this on opening day. Damn, have been seeing two theatrical anime a week at the cinema as of late. My poor wallet. Still, it's worth it for Eva! I Daresay a repeat viewing will be necessary too ;-)
  18. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Intriguing... the official homepage describes it as a mix of 'original Story x anime x Flight Action RPG.' http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/
  19. Damn, what an awesome couple of encounters! I went to a talk by Izubuchi on Tue night. Maybe he was doing another one. As for Fukuyama...utterly classic! Great job guys!
  20. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Literal translation would be 'the singing voice that connects the galaxy.' For something thats a little easier to say, how about 'The voice that unites the galaxy'? or something like that.
  21. Pics from Famitsu Online of Macross30. http://www.famitsu.com/news/201210/25023125.html
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Scroll down for lots and lotsa pics from famitsu online. http://www.famitsu.com/news/201210/25023125.html
  23. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Ok, am on the train looking at Famitsu now. First up, the release date is indeed FEBRUARY 2013. Graphically, it looks better than the Hybrid pack games but don't expect something that looks like a Mass Effect game or anything. In other words, it's exactly what I expect from a niche game from a small studio located in a market where HD content creation is the exception rather than the rule. The graphics seem to have a slightly more cell shaded look to them. Oh and the YF19 totally looks like the weathering version (although that COULD just be the cell shading). Also, while things are definstely bigger (ie, the Macross itself) than in past games,, scale is still off. The pic of the VF1S in gerwalk mode just above ARMD1 makes this kinda obvious.
  24. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Looking forward to picking up Famitsu tomorrow to actually see what some of the details are. Like the 'Hunter guild' mentioned in that pic- so either there's coop play or....Rick Hunter is back! Lol
  25. First details of Macross 30 game revealed. Head over to the Games forum to join the discussion in progress! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-10-24/macross-30-game-unites-multiple-macross-heroes-in-1-era
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