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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Nice catch! Not much in the way of new information (text is all reused) but the illustrations are nice. If the website has finally updated then theres a chance there could be some new info in famitsu tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
  2. Just got an email from Yamato. They will officially ship the VF-4G on December 25th. MERRY MACROSSMASS!
  3. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    It wont. Microsoft has all but given up on Japan - they didnt even attend the Tokyo Game Show this year. Then again, this is in line with the size of their miniscule user base - The halo 4 'launch event' was a single room with 50-70 people, and finished before 11pm. ^^; As in the past - if you want to maximize the availability of titles from a specific region, buy the hardware made in that region. For Japan, this means Sony consoles and always has ever since they entered the videogame industry. On the flip side, I imported my 360 all the way from the US for exactly this reason (many many 360 titles either dont come out or are censored here). But anyways, off topic, sorry!
  4. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The PS3 hack did not have that much influence and resulted in far less piracy on the PS3 than there has been on the 369 for years. Certainly, Sony isn't happy, but it's hardly enough to force the rush of a new platform launch. More importantly, it hasn't had that much of an impact at all in Sonys two main core markets- Japan and Europe. Especially Japan, where HD gaming has only become common over the past couple of years and many developers are only just now coming to grips with the costs of current gen development. (The only two devs who have put major resources into the next cycle are Konami and Square Enix with their new engine tech). I think a PS4 announcement is likely in 2013 but not a launch. The 720, on the other hand, I expect to be out by the end of 2013. All this is beside the point however because PS3s simply aren't all that expensive anymore, especially if you hint one down during post Xmas or Black Friday special seasons. But to get back on topic, and to answer vfbanshees question, yes the new character is the main character and as such we will probably be spending a fair bit if time with him (this also probably explains how the existing cast members had already finished recording their lines back at TGS). But is this a cause for concern? IMO quite the opposite. It means we are more likely to get more original story elements (as opposed to yet another rehash of the series storylines with prettier gfx), which is just what I think Macross needs.
  5. She knows already. But is trying to...explain the situation ;-)
  6. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Nice spot! (altho I'm not a fan of 4gamer since they often seem to rip from Famitsu and not reference their source. But hey thats just me). Same basic news is up on famitsu.com. http://www.famitsu.c...2/06025164.html Am on my way to work now but will check the print edition at lunch, once the office copy arrives, for further details. As for gameplay, with the exception of outlining how main story missions are launched from your ship, the world-stuff is the same as famitsu described it 2-weeks ago. None of the translations ever used the term 'open world.' They just said you could fly around the planet and find towns from which sub quests and races could be accessed (sub quests only being accessible if you join a hunter guild). Well that pic IS an old one (was posted online 2 weeks ago) so hopefully the build has been updated since then. Fingers crossed! Either way, Bandai Namco has a maximum of 1month of dev. time left on the title so heres hoping more details come to light soon! Also, love the fact that the YF-30 is called Chronos, given the plot of the game :-) EDIT: no additional info in the print edition of Famitsu (unless you count the fact that they made one of this weeks Gamer Angel girls cosplay as Sheryl, lol).
  7. Going by past reissues of the Evangelion Chrinicle and Gundam Fact File, there will only be 30 new covers and most of the old ones will be reused. These wont necessarily be the last 30 issues - like the new content, they will most likely be mixed in with the old stuff. Having said that, since we are talking 30:50 issues worth of new:old content here, I think the double dip is worth it. (By comparison, Evangelion Chrinicles only got 10 issues of new content)
  8. http://www.macrossworld.com/3725/macross-chronicles-revised-edition-to-be-released/
  9. Macross Chronicle has been resurrected! http://www.macrossworld.com/3725/macross-chronicles-revised-edition-to-be-released/
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Kotaku weighs in with an article- no new info tho. http://kotaku.com/5965352/macross-30-looks-to-be-the-macross-game-weve-been-waiting-for
  11. No, they only do it once a year and their office isn't open to the public otherwise. But most of their reveals are done at the various hobby shows that are held throughout the year anyway.
  12. Just hit level 30. Want to make it to 50 before my 360 and I are forcefully separated for Xmas holidays (T-T) but given how little time I have to play I dont like my chances. Had a great Big Team Slayer round the other night where I ended up with 35kills thanks to everyone underestimating the power of a mini mac cannon on a warthog ;-) Doesnt happen often but when you get one of those outstanding MP games its just soooo rewarding.
  13. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    So....you are asking if anyone has played a game that won't be released for 3 months yet? (°_°) If I were to make a guess, given that there are towns and a guild-based sub-quest system, yet is based on a familiar series of games, it would be like playing Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker in Japanese while being familiar with the game mechanics of earlier MGS games.
  14. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but its only one day a year and is often announced less than a week in advance.
  15. A minor, completely NOT official update on the guitars status. I noticed that it was missing from this years Yamato open Showroom so i asked some of the staff about it. Apparently the one they had on display last year (and at the Gengaten exhibit earlier this year) is STILL the only test model they have - as such, it was also used at the FireBomber 2012 concerts by Fukuyama last weekend and hasnt been returned to yamato yet! lol. As for a release date, they still refuse to commit to anything but I managed to get some vague comments that it would be nice if they could get something out mid-2013. Of course, no word at all on pricing yet. So it looks like theres a fair wait ahead of us yet!
  16. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Veef has pretty much hit the nail on the head. I think I'm gonna have to borrow the Straight-Talk Express from gundamn@mahq for this one... ...toot toot. Let's look at the practical and financial barriers to 'just' putting English subs on the game, as well as industry precedents. Wait, let's start with industry precedents for bilingual games on current platforms where the game was never slated for release outside of Japan. .... .............yeah, not many, are there? The few exceptions I can think of are things like MGS: Peacewalker where the fact that the artist they used for cutscenes was an native English-speaker meant that the speech bubbles in the Japanese version were all in English accompanied by Japanese subtitles. Then again, the game was always meant to come out in English-speaking countries as well. Games like fighting games often use English for menus, and a fair bit of detailed menu text in some of the Front Mission series was in English. As for story though? Nothing. Why? Well, because.... (i)Very few people at Bandai Namco Japan speak English. This applies to the overall country as well. Basic numbers and adopted loan-words from English are common, but trying to ask someone on the street for directions in English will not get you far. Asking a random person to try to translate the entire plot of a game that includes characters and references to previous installments going back 30 years? Yeah, good luck with that. The only option would be to farm the translation work out to an external translation house, however... (ii)This crap costs money. How much could a simple translation cost, you ask? The issue here isnt so much the translation as it is the fact that the text translation is only the tip of a money iceberg. First you have the translation which could be an ongoing expense depending on any changes that are made to character lines or story elements or item names or HUD closer to the game reaching its final build. (Also, keep in mind that Japanese translation houses are often 2-3 times more expensive than similar businesses in the US but are favoured by Japanese developers because of the lack of time difference, common work ethic, and ease of access). Then you need someone to implement/time the text. Since they wont be an English speaker someone else will then be needed to check the implementation of the text. On the UI side extra menu options also need to be added. And even if all that gets done, the game then has to be submitted to Sony for testing. And unfortunately,unlike Microsoft, Sony QA is not a single global process. For a regular Japan-only PS3 game, this would be done by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. But since there's English included, then the game will probably have to be submitted to Sony Computer Entertainment America as well - effectively doubling submission fees and QA costs on top of everything else. All this for a market with legal complications, and a niche, gray-area market at that (if Amazon Japan refuses to export software, then its a gray market area as far as most people are concerned - not to mention the big warnings on the games which clearly state that they are not meant for sale outside of Japan). On top of that, its a market whose numbers are unknown and difficult to measure - I've seen much bigger, well-known IP than Macross be localized for foreign markets and bomb spectacularly. So, in a nutshell, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that just adding subtitles is far from being cheap and easy.
  17. Sigh, you kids. Here you go: http://www.macrossworld.com/3694/vf-4g-yamato-open-showroom-2012/
  18. Am currently at the Yamato event. It's full of vf4s :-)
  19. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Right. But it would take very little effort for them to learn how to count from 1 to 10, right? ;-)
  20. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    I came across some of the new Ichiban Kuji figures at the Firebomber 2012 concert last weekend: http://www.macrossworld.com/3626/macross-30th-anniversary-first-attack-ichiban-kuji-figures-revealed/#more-3626
  21. It's a homage but with more than enough new elements to make it stand on its own imo.
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Look above them. They are obviously being controlled by Sharron.
  23. Tomo Sakurai spotted in lobby! Special guest appearance by Megumi Nakajima! First ever live performance of Virgin Story! And.....Chie Kajiura singing Aimo= mind blown! But enuff talk- I have a flight to Osaka to catch if I'm going to make it to tomorrow's gig as well.
  24. Well merch lines have been packed since 14:00, but the doors finally open in 20mins! Save and I are ready to get our Firebomber on! Anyone else from the forums here?
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