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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. While most of the mecha-heads are no-doubt over at the Toys forum and therefore are already aware of this, Save and I did a photo gallery of how to transform a VF-4G. http://www.macrossworld.com/3968/vf-4g-transformation-photo-gallery/#more-3968 Kudos to SAVE for orchestrating, taking, and editting the pics!
  2. Heres a little something to make the wait a little more (less??) bearable: http://www.macrossworld.com/3968/vf-4g-transformation-photo-gallery/#more-3968 Thanks goes out to SAVE for orchestrating, taking, and editting the pics!
  3. Todays event in Hirakata Park is looking pretty darn....Superdimensional!
  4. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    As others have noted, she is the winner of the Singer Wing section of the Miss Macross 30 Contest. As such, yes, the opening (Planet Cradle) and ending (Wandering) of Macross 30 are her singing debut. Similarly, the role of Mina Forte will be her voice acting debut. So far she has only performed on stage once - she sang Planet Cradle at the announcement of the game at the Bandai-Namco booth at TGS (and was damn good too, I might add ;-) I won't be visiting the Osaka Valk until early January but will presume that the exhibition is similar to what they had in Tokyo. In which case, the chronology (a huge wall) was of the chronology of the Macross franchise. It was very much made by people who know their Macross but was meant as an introduction for guests rather than some sort of treatise on what is 'canon' and what isnt - something that most people on MW care about far far more than Kawamori does. As for the cast of Macross 30 being in future material, this is not something that has never happened with original characters from the manga, novels or video games in the past. Its nice to want things but its not going to happen. The Macross 30 story, I expect, will be a self-contained one. Random thought - since the only timeline that Macross 30 seems to interact with in a potentially impactful way is Frontier (since its noted that it takes place 1 yr after Frontier), and all plot summaries to date make a note of the fact that Leon was ordered to Uroboros, and given the fact that SMS has a base there for seemingly no reason other than the mysterious ruins, I'd say it isnt outside the realm of possibility that the events of the game were set in motion by a certain Mr. Bilrer... ;-)
  5. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Have updated last weeks post with last nights Famitsu pics so they are all easily accessible in one place. The file upload system/gallery function has changed and I'm still working my head around it but in the meantime they are at the bottom of the original post: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37500&st=315 Awesome! Thanks for the offer. PM me and we'll work it out.
  6. Single with OP/ED is due out on Feb 27, as was announced at the 4:01 mark of the trailer over on the front page, for 1155yen :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/3749/macross-30-new-trailer-gameplay-details/ It looks like that, instead of the studio album she was supposed to get as winner of Miss Macross 30, she is getting a single and voice acting gig instead....still, its a heck of a lot more than the winner of the actress wing got...
  7. Amen brother. Preorder GET! Now only Mac 2 to go and the collection shall be complete (and my wallet will be allowed out of the madhouse)
  8. Nice spot! Among the more interesting things in the more expensive first pressing are a selection of footage from the Firebomber 2012 concerts, the staff talk from the premiere and some new music videos.
  9. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    A minor point, but I like the way the shape of the Valk in the life/armor gauge changes depending on what tye of Valk you are pilotinig. Its the little things...
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Same as the rest of the game - the planet of Uroboros.
  11. Save was working on them yesterday while we were doing a podcasting session in a Firebomer themed karaoke room (Macross overload much? Lol). So, should be up soon.
  12. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Gamefaqs.com is your friend.
  13. Regarding the confusion about shipping dates, it's important to remember that Yamato is a very very small company. They dont have the muscle or distribution network of a bandai or some larger company like that. Additionally, this is an online only product, so other online stores that are stocking it are just regular customers as far as Yamato is concerned and will have their VF-4Gs sent to them at the same time as everyone else. To clarify: -Yamato has said they will ship on Dec. 25th, however due to the large number of orders they have received, some may slip to the 26th or 27th. But they expect all orders to go out within this 3-day window. This means orders to individuals and online retailers. (FYI, the deadline for payment to Yamato for individual orders is Dec. 14th - ie, today. Not sure if they have a different payment date for larger online retailers). -add a few days for you online retailer of choice to recieve and repack. -take into account the fact that the whole country of Japan shuts down from around Jan 28 or 29 for the better part of a week (hey, it makes up for always working on Christmas). So, realistically speaking, I think that most online retailers will send their orders out during the 2nd week of January, with a handful managing to ship prior to the New years break.
  14. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Some pics of valk skins http://www.4gamer.net/games/185/G018559/20121213018/screenshot.html?num=009 http://www.4gamer.net/games/185/G018559/20121213018/screenshot.html?num=010
  15. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Nope, ps3 games are region free with a small handful of exceptions so you will be able to play it fine.
  16. Actually there IS a version where all the synth is replaced by electric guitars and the song is done by Megumi, Fukuyama and Chie only (no May'n). The bad news is that it's only ever been done live. The good news is that it was recorded for a possible DVD release.
  17. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    ANN has chimed on in the trailer and game story: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-12-13/macross-30-ps3-game-4-minute-promo-streamed
  18. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    PS3 only, sorry.
  19. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Glad to see they are really playing with the character interaction potential. Guld: 'The pilot of that YF-19 is someone I know...and he is far more dangerous than reaction weaponry.' Ozma: 'So... I heard that Basara has turned up?' Misa: 'It sounds like I become someone pretty famous in the future.' Leon: 'I can't believe that THE Hikaru Ichijo is here.' Also - Hikaru's replacement VA sounds lame (as is always the case), but on the good-side, Mari can still pull off the Minmei speaking voice fairly darn well!
  20. Thanks for that Sketchley! Saved me from picking it up. Also - new trailer and news on the front page for Macross 30: http://www.macrossworld.com/3749/macross-30-new-trailer-gameplay-details/
  21. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Posted the information I've been working on on the front page. I'll be adding and updating as new info becomes available. http://www.macrossworld.com/3749/macross-30-new-trailer-gameplay-details/ Oh and heres the character relationship chart: http://www.macrossworld.com/macrosswp/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Character-relationships.pdf
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Will be putting a translated version up later today once I've looked over today's Famitsu (doesn't appear to be any new news tho)
  23. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Probably because Bandai Namco has been running new information on Macross 30 in Famitsu approx. once every two weeks ;-)
  24. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Ah, fair enough. Since they hadnt updated it for a month (despite all the new images that were released), I suppose i hadnt been checking the official website as often as I should have. Am digging the chunkiness of that Fire valk tho: Famitsu comes out every thursday, fyi.
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