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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Thanks for the feedback everyone, as always We are always looking for ways to improve and refine the cast (Renato's anatomical adventures not withstanding) so its great to hear imput from everyone. Of course, if theres any sites/forums that you frequent or friends that might be interested please dont hesitate to introduce them to the cast! EXO - oh we noticed your original post alright I think more alcohol was probably called for though. Too many of us were either sick or losing our voices. Pterobat - The later episodes of SDFM tv are one of the few things about the original which fairly consistently separate/polarize Western and Japanese fans. As for hating Hikaru though, even as kid I always presumed he was just thinking with his head...the wrong head, unfortunately. Then again, from what I've been told by Japanese fans, there really was no team-Minmay vs team-Misa back in the day. Since most people watching it were relatively young, Misa really did come off as an 'old sourpuss' and most people preferred Minmay, despite her treatment of Hikaru. This is a big reason behind the ending (pairing) being all the more surprising to a lot of people. (Again, this is all anecdotal, so take it for what you will). I really wish we could get a cover album out of the Musiculture at the very least....sigh. At this stage, seeing as theres been no announcements, that seems about as likely as an official release (not the bootleg thats floating around) of Yoko Kanno's Tanabata Sonic Concert ...double sigh. :( Moving forward with the cast, there will probably be some changes over this year as things calm down a bit. While the 30th Anniversary isnt technically over (since it really started in October, despite all the events that preceded that month, and if Banprestos toy commercials are anything to go by, we are still smack-bang in the middle of the 30th) there havent been any new events announced yet and things are winding down until the announcement of whatever the next animated incarnation of the franchise will be (with a small spike in interest at the end of this month due to Macross 30). TL:DR - there will be less for us to report on. We are, however, going to be doing more vox pops, more interviews, retrospectives and (finally) getting more into discussing the various entries into the series to date. If theres any topics you would like to suggest or questions you'd like to have answered, please post them here. It may be another episode or two until we get around to them, but we will eventually and new ideas are always welcome!
  2. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    While, like everyone else, I'm speculating here, I'd say that there isnt going to be any more fanservice in said scene than we got with Sheryl chasing her panties around school. This 'article' came from a three-line comment in the source blog. I think they are trolling for hits. Also, screw people who ruin Famitsu Thursday for the rest of us. Stooopid interwebs.
  3. Looks like The Wolverine got a name change for Japan... Wolverine SAMURAI!
  4. That Yuki illustration turned out to be a postcard handed out to people seeing Ch.4 at the cinema a 2nd time.
  5. VF-25 is topping that FB poll - you can vote once per day so lets get in there and vote some classic Valks up a bit guys! Lets show them young-uns!
  6. Eegads, the 25 is massacring that poll! You can vote once a day so get in there and vote for some classic Valks while you still can!
  7. http://www.amazon.com/Evangelion-1-11-You-Alone-Blu-ray/dp/B0030ZOYHC/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1358641642&sr=1-1&keywords=evangelion http://www.amazon.com/Evangelion-2-22-You-Advance-Blu-ray/dp/B004EC5IUW/ref=sr_1_2?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1358641642&sr=1-2&keywords=evangelion Q will follow eventually but will take a while since its not even out on DVD/BD in Japan yet.
  8. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Lol. No worries. Was just surprised that's all. And unfortunately the movie didn't live up to most peoples expectations. But that's a discussion for another thread.
  9. Much like the figures it's based on, the game looks clunky and a little cheap. There's a trailer and gameplay footage up. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2013-01-18/battle-robot-damashii-game-opening-promo-streamed Wow, they are totally reusing sound effects from the Macross PSP games, not to mention the engine...
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    What do you mean by not out yet? Forum members who have seen it discussed it here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37269&view=findpost&p=1000699 We also discussed our impressions of it on the latest episode of Macross SpeakerPODcast (from the 31 min mark of Part 2) http://www.macrossworld.com/4157/macross-speakerpodcast-ep-7-bag-of-orgus/
  11. Vote for your favourite valkyrie now at Macross Chronicle's FB page! http://www.macrossworld.com/4221/vote-for-you-favourite-valkyrie/
  12. Valkyrie poll for the Macross Chronicle. http://www.macrossworld.com/4221/vote-for-you-favourite-valkyrie/
  13. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    That New Orleans minmay is PERFECT. Amazing for a prize figure. Although i get the feeling that Banpresto may have shot their load a little too soon. I mean, how on earth can the final figure in the series (Flower Girl Ranka) compare to this?
  14. Honestly it was better in 2D. The 3D looked good in two types of scenes - anything with ghost diving and anything with a CG vehicle in it. In other words, CG objects and special effects. But when added to 2D scenes it just looked like the image was slightly blurred or that there were two 2D images overlapping. This made it really difficult to know where to focus ones vision (imo, at least). At the time I figured that it was made basically as a way to gauge interest in a new installment in the franchise and possibly raise a bit of production money for it in the process. Speaking of which, Save and I managed to get tickets to the talkshow/reveal event for Arise on Feb 12! Before the talkshow you can pick one of 3 movies to watch - GitS 2.0, SSS 3D or the Laughing Man compilation movie. Decided to go with the Laughing Man since I'd seen the other two on the big screen before and, length-wise, Laughing Man gets you way more back for your movie-ticket-buying-buck!
  15. OMG!!! Theres a Street Fighter 3 character in Arise?!?!? :-p
  16. Yeah, you know, I've gone back and compared the new Motoko design side by side with some pics from SAC and if, I suspect, this is a prequel (as the tagline also suggests) then it isnt a bad interpretation of the character. Younger, angrier, less self-confident. My main problems are the colouring - the hair is too blue, although I dont mind too much, but why on earth are her eyes blue now instead of red?!?!? Hmmm... I suppose that, if the secretary in Total Recall can change nail colours with just a tap of a digital pen, then cyborgs in GitS should be able to change eye or hair colour at will......
  17. Terrific vid! Can't believe that he was THAT pumped about the Gold Book at such a young age - total kudos! The guy has got himself a new subscriber :-)
  18. Oh comeon, as if the 30th Anniversary party isnt bigger than Mylene's! :-p Ah, and that art is already popping up elsewhere. Like on this years new fanclub membership card, for example.
  19. Yet it ties in well with the plot of the upcoming Macross 30. :-)
  20. Excellent point! We could well be looking at an origin story with Motokos activities up until being recruited into section 9. While that would be the exact opposite of what I wanted (a 3rd season of SAC set post-SSS with a more mature Togusa increasingly taking on a leadership role) it could still be very interesting - thing of the sniper battle where she first met Saito for example. It would also mean they could do a greater variety of low level enemies and would account for what I felt was one of the largest hurdles that IG faced after SSS- namely that Motoko was just so damn powerful that it would be increasingly difficult to come up with plausible enemies for her. There's an event for the show in Feb. Might see if I can ninja my way in ;-)
  21. It's like they merged the designs of the GitS movies and S.A.C. And added blue. And clothes. www.kokaku-a.com/#
  22. But the context for his outfit was explained previously - the man is going to a party and has to look the part! http://www.macrossworld.com/3613/new-mikimoto-ebata-character-art/ Tag for what? That pic is in no way NSFW unless you work in a monastery or something lol! Unfortunately these particular items aren't commercially released although I'm sure the artwork will pop up elsewhere in the near future.
  23. Mine came yesterday but unfortunately I wast home so it was redelivered today. So far the I'm happy with what I've seen... Now only a year and a half to go...
  24. New Ghost in the Shell announced! With Ubakata writing the script, I'm expecting great things. It's certainly different to what I was expecting tho (ie, Stand Alone Complex 3) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-01-15/ghost-in-the-shell-arise-anime-to-launch-in-2013
  25. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well, its a good thing that no-one can order from Amazon Japan anyway, since they seem to have sold out of initial preorders for the Limited Edition (although they nearly always have more once the product is released, just without the preorder discount). http://www.amazon.co...58222065&sr=8-2 Its also cracked the top 100 games on Amazon, sitting at no. 65.
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