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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Worth it just for the game? No. But if you want a game, get Macross 30 instead since its a full game.
  2. Thats the thing. It's NOT MGSR. Its MGR. the name difference reflects the difference in core gameplay mechanics. I'm wondering how much the Japanese version will be censored (probably the reason the demo was region locked) since cutting off limbs is a major taboo subject in Japan.
  3. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Having most of the game stuck on Uroboros makes sense, story-wise, given the fold phenomenon that essentially traps Leon there for the duration of the game. having said that, theres clearly some sort of space mission based on the 1min15s mark of the trailer that came out last year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=F7INFuznyuo#! EDIT: Just checked out this weeks Famitsu. Only 1 page on Macross 30 and its just regurgitating information about whats in the special edition. No new information for now it seems.
  4. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Any Fokker is better than no Fokker.... You can still fight when yer DLC..*hic* BUT! Is it Meriken or Merikant?
  5. Oh, just wait until they announce Macross 2 on BD... *wink*
  6. That was certainly...er....something.
  7. It makes the show so clear that you can see dirt on the cells at times, which just adds to the atmosphere imo. Having said that, given the price, you might not find the step up from the original DVD remasters worth it. Renato - anything else to chime in with, since you've been watching the BDs recently?
  8. To each their own. the thought of a potential Gundam remake in the style of Yamato 2199 WITH subs on the Japanese BDs has me excited (and my wallet crying). Plus, I've given up on any official releases of Gundam outside of Japan anymore honestly. The fact that Gundam Age was handled the way it was (Eng subs on BDs for hardcore fans and no overseas release for the only Gundam in ages that might hook a new, younger viewership - Gunpla Builders doesnt count!) was evidence enough of the way I think Bandai will continue their releases in the future. Oooh... Amuro actually sleeping with Sayla and hence bringing a more complex dynamic to the rivalry with Char? I like! If this happens I just hope they mature the characters a little bit so they can keep Furuya and Ikeda on for the lead roles. I was of that opinion for a long time as well (in fact, its what a lot of colleagues at work thought too - then again, before they announced Origin, the guy sitting behind me literally started rocking back and forth with his head in his hands after seeing the character designs/plot outline of AGE) and while it may well have been, I think that Bandai has taken this long because they actually announced it without really knowing what they wanted to do. Remember, they havent said they arent doing Origin, or even that they aren't doing it in 2014 - just that the March issue of Gundam ACE wont have any information about it. That seems like a suspiciously precise comment to make.... Also, with AGE wrapped up, theres no new Gundam on the horizon other than the SEED Destiny HD remasters. Give that a year to wrap up and we will be due for a new Gundam in 2014...
  9. Agreed 100%. To the point that I commented on his comment ^^;
  10. Calm down. I'm not trying to claim that this was the writers justification just that, as a young boy, it seemed obvious that Hikaru was playing the field. ...... ..................... Actually, as a grown man, it seems even more probable that this is what he was doing, lol. Bingo! Renato speaks the truth - he was there!
  11. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Excellently thought out! makes sense to me! It will be interesting to see what sort of story-excuse they have for the Fokker not being with the Zero characters though. Well, the word 'official' is being thrown around by the producer quite a bit. Also, the events of the game have an official date - one year after the end of Frontier. So, even WITH a memory wipe, it looks like the game could be about as 'canon' (oh no! The 'C' word!!) as anything else in the Macross universe is. Dude, why are you asking ME questions? lol. If there was any further information in the article I would have said so. Its a fair bet that no-one at Bandai has played it. Especially someone involved in an IP so directed at the local market. Western RPGs dont do squat here. And we didnt even Star Craft 2 or Diablo 3. For better or for worse, there are way more younger Frontier fans than oldskool fans. Many may not be into games (anecdotally, the majority of the ones I know personally arent). This is one way to make the game accessible to them (as is making the first characters Leon teams up with Alto and Sheryl). No-one is forcing you to use the option, lol. Well, Chisuga WAS originally supposed to get an album deal out of winning the Miss Macross Contest. But maybe we will get a Bobby cover album instead - heck, he has already done half of one. the other half could be dubstep remixes of Edgar saying 'burger.....hmmm.....american burger.
  12. Let the comments on Kotaku commence! http://kotaku.com/5979774/yamato-2199-is-a-bold-new-way-to-make-an-anime http://kotaku.com/5979770/yamato-2199-is-a-beautifully-retold-classic-and-its-only-half-done
  13. Doh! From ANN twitter feed: 「ANN confirmed that the March issue of Gundam Ace magazine doesn't say that the previously announced Gundam The Origin anime will air in 2014」 Fingers crossed its announced in the April issue then. f^_^;
  14. This news - reported on a French blog - certainly seems to think so. http://0taku.livedoor.biz/archives/4388956.html
  15. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well, that's interesting. Because the original version was literally 1/10 that length. Some titbits of new information. A rough trans: -Pilot parameters can be leveled (hence ‘RPG’) -The skill system from previous Macross games will be used. -Up to 2 wingmen and can set your own support character (songstress) with different abilities. Ie, equip Sharon Apple for abilities that will confuse the enemy (No word on whether wingmen are AI only. Also, i'm presuming that using Sharon Apple will only be doable once you've defeated her initially). -As can be seen from the character relationship chart, many of the series songstresses have been captured. Rescuing them as the story progresses will unlock new support characters/abilities. The first two characters on your side will be Alto and Sheryl. (ie) presumably 1 wingman and 1 support character). -First Valk you get will be the VF-0D (Leon’s original valk is shot down in the games prologue). The fold distortion on Uroboros is disruptive to the supply chain so older valks are repaired and reused quite a bit. -Valkyrie Development System: Valk designs can be bought from shops and earned via sub-quests. Enemies can be defeated for parts. You can use these resources to either improve the specs of your current valk or build new ones. New valk development (ie, the designs that become available) will proceed mainly in chronological order starting from the VF-0D. -Super packs – if you build, for example, Super packs for the VF-1, these can also be used on all varieties of the VF-1. -‘Song System’ - of course, Basara can use songs to force enemies back while using his Fire valk. -In the story, it’s Aisha that develops the YF-30. It’s the strongest valk in the game. -Can fly freely around the world map although, being an RPG, you will have to fly to a certain point to move the story forward. Enemies can attack you while on the world map. Some enemies will have their own areas where they have carriers/battleships. Defeating these will decrease the number of enemies in the immediate area while failing to do so will result in more enemies. -Some sub-quests will only be available for a limited time or may be available in areas that are only accessible during a certain stage in the story. -There is an auto-battle mode so that more casual users who think that a ‘flight action RPG’ would be too hard can enjoy the game as well. -There are multiple endings. -Fokker and Kakizaki will not appear in the game. While the fold phenomenon on Uroboros allows for characters from different periods to make an appearance, the period in their own timelines is fixed. Therefore, the Macross TV characters appear on Uroboros at a point when, in their own time, Fokker and Kakizaki are already dead. Similarly, Max and Milia come in from Macross 7. Their younger SDF Macross selves will not appear (having 2 sets of the same characters would be strange, apparently). -Plenty of songs will be included in the game. Songs are also a key point of the game as is only natural for Macross. New songs will be used for the OP and ED (Haruka Chisuga). Also, the character Mina likes to sing so may find herself singing songs from other songstresses as she listens to them. -Main story is fully voiced. Various animated scenes and illustrations made just for the game. Crossovers that can’t be experienced anywhere else such as Sara x Sheryl and Mylene x Kamujin.
  16. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Google translation of what?
  17. Save, Renato and myself met Kawamori on Saturday
  18. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Whoa whoa whoa, hold yer horses there hotshot. Not to be a negative nancy here but if there were going to be a bunch of newly recorded duets, i'm pretty sure we would be getting a full soundtrack instead of the OP/ED single thats being released. There's been no indication that there will be newly recorded crossovers or mashups (so far at least). I wouldnt be too surprised if they included any of the duets that have been released in the past though. As for Mari/Megumi duets, they have sung Angel paints together previously. Megumi has also covered DYRL and My Boyfriends a Pilot. Well with all due respect, I for one am glad you have no hand in designing the game! given the fact that they've gone to all the trouble to get 18 voice actors together - the biggest gathering of Macross voice actors past and present ever AND a very rare occasion for some to reprise said roles (*cough*Mari*cough*) - I hope...nay...expect them to get every little piece of character interaction into the game that the plot will allow. Also, for me personally, with so many games and other forms of entertainment out there vying for my time, i need some sort of incentive to finish a game - normally a good story will suffice. Or an average story with familiar characters. So for me, Macross 30 should fill my needs just right. On the other hand, story doesn't need to detract from good gameplay. (I refuse to use the word deep since, comeon now, deep gameplay mechanics/customization is not what Bandai does or has ever done). Heres a question though - were the mechanics of PSP games suitably engaging for you? If so, then thats the least we can reasonably expect from this new game. So hopefully everyone will be happy. Theres been no announcement so far of any sort of dating system in the game as far as I know. thats not to say there wont be some sort of system to build up your stats with certain characters, but its far to early to worry about it imo. As for the 3 pillars of Macross, remember that Kawamori manages to keep all three in play by constantly changing the mix/balance between them. And I'm sure that the staff of Macross 30 will work out a balance that suitable for an interactive medium without totally eliminating either one. (Speaking of Kawamori, I met him on Saturday... but thats a discussion for another thread ) EDIT: Going from this pic that a friend took at the Osaka 1:1 Valk exhibition, the character relationship chart has been restructured a little.
  19. Unfortunately, the reverse was true as well - I deal with the trauma of Great Yamato bit by bit on a daily basis....
  20. Comeon guys! Just think of how awesome Reba West dubstep would be!!!!!.... Actually, knowing Hollywood, Id expect them to remove the singing element. I mean hey, thats what they did for that live action Macross Plus movie a few years back, right? Given Yamato's rather tortured production, a Japanese live action Macross would be highly unlikely. And if it happened it would be more likely to be a Frontier movie....
  21. The official youtube site is up. No footage yet but this is where the announcement on Feb.12 will be streamed. Given where Ill be sitting, I'll probably be behind the cameras this time ^^; http://www.youtube.com/GITSchannel
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Thanks! It's always nice to be thanked for slipping into the photocopy room with the office copy of famitsu when no-one is watching In all seriousness though, when I realized that the 'reports' popping up on other sites were translations of text that not only didnt actually appear in famitsu but were comments based on a single tiny image, I felt that someone had to set the record straight.
  23. Tochiro

    Macross Crusade

    It's a new deck for the Macross Crusade version of the popular Crusade card game series. The Macross version has been around for a few years now actually. The game uses a lot of anime licenses. http://www.carddas.com/crusade/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oodgM_rWy0M&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  24. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Wow. Just..wow. talk about being blown out of proportion. The whole swimming/slippage thing has come from ONE screenshot. Which is at the bottom of a two page spread. Namely, THIS: However there was a lot more of interest on that page, such as the all-new series title-card sort of illustrations for each Macross series at the top of the page. Oh and valks. And new screenshots. As always, the net focuses on what it wants to unfortunately. Enjoy the scans! Famitsu 01_24.pdf
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