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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Be sure to watch the event next week everyone http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-02-04/ghost-in-the-shell-arise-event-to-be-streamed-in-english
  2. Does anyone else remembering having their hopes and dreams shattered by the shambling mess of a movie that was GUNHED? Well, There was a limited exhibition for the movie held in Akihabara last weekend. Unlike most exhibits in Japan, photos were allowed at this one, so I went all out. Of course, one of the best pieces of art in the exhibit was by Hidetaka Tenjin Hope these don't bring back too many bad memories
  3. It's not really a matter of having an 'inside track.' If it was then I think that many of us here could claim the same. It's a matter of having cold hard facts as to why the decision was made. Without that, all it is is another unfounded internet rumour. From experience I believe that the game rating had nothing to do with the decision. But since I don't have any indisputable facts that are public I'm not going to 'guarantee' my opinion is irrefutable fact.
  4. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    That's the spirit! :-) (Try the Uncharted series as well if u have time)
  5. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The thing is, most FAQs/Walkthrus will be up over at Gamefaqs first from my experience. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/687898-macross-30-ginga-o-tsunagu-utagoe How about we start a new, dedicated discussion thread when the title is about to come out to exchange hints and tips/ask questions though? (ie, as opposed to doing that at the end of this, pre-release thread). The last recent information (which isnt on the official website) is from last week just in case you missed it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37500&p=1018517 Also, nearly all screenshots up until late Dec. can be found here if you are interested (down the bottom of the page): http://www.macrossworld.com/3749/macross-30-new-trailer-gameplay-details/ Finally, I'd recommend BNGI's youtube channel over the official site for the bi-weekly Macross Seminar updates. http://www.macrossworld.com/4255/super-dimensional-seminar-digest-with-new-macross-30-footage/ Maybe for the final boss?
  6. Lobizon - nice find! I came across some posters for the film while at the cinema on Friday night - no be honest I'm not a fan of the cat-god-of-destructions face. It just looks so...not Dragonball ^^;
  7. Just to add my 2 yen, IF the movie was edited in order to make it match the rating of one of the games, this wouldn't explain why the cut version was also the one shown at the cinema. IMO, the game rating has very little, if anything, to do with this situation as well. but I'll stop short of 'guaranteeing' anything
  8. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    I don't have a problem with opinions. Quite the opposite in fact. The variety of different opinions on MW is why I frequent the site. But I like to know the reasoning behind said opinions. Especially when they are on topics that I actively try to translate articles about and keep everyone who is interested updated. And, as I mentioned previously, I don't get why these opinions are coming out NOW. The game genre hasn't changed. The gameplay footage we have had for 6 weeks hasn't changed. So I dont get why people are suddenly voicing their concerns about the rpg elements in the game now. Why not back in December? No new information has come to light apart from, primarily, game mechanics, so I don't get why this is an issue now as opposed to earlier. If there's new information I've missed, I'd like to know it. If its misinformation like that blog and the mistranslated swimsuit slippage article, I like to do what I can to get the facts and clear up the misunderstanding.
  9. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Sketchley - Many thanks for adding some context to my comment. I tend to presume, for better or for worse, that the sort of people who are into older mecha shows like Macross probably also grew up in the days when Japanese gaming was king and, as such, have some idea as to the past and current state of the industry. Perhaps thats expecting too much. Regardless, I find the attitude that seems to have suddenly sprung up regarding having rpg and story elements to be no-less bizarre, not to mention disappointing. And if this game doesnt sell, its a sure bet that the series will go back to the PSP (no, not the Vita).
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    THIS ↑ This x 9999. I mean, what on earth has happened to cause this sudden amount of backlash? I'm honestly stumped by all this. The game has been classified as a "Flight Action RPG" for months now. Note the order of those words. Look at the trailer from last year. Its a FLIGHT (fly around the open planet) ACTION (get into dogfights, take on capships, do quests) RPG (overarching story to give mission structure and development/parts system for making new talks). NOWHERE has it been said or even hinted at that this is a full, JRPG. Where the hell are people getting that idea from? As for the autobattle system, as I've said before, this is obviously for the younger, Frontier fan-set. The people who want to just experience the story and arent necessarily good at games. And the are a LOT of fans like that atm. You dont HAVE to use it. So... its not alright to make a mode that accommodates those who just want the story, but its ok to implement one for people who just want the action? Besides which, there IS a mode where you can focus more on just the action - as that last Famitsu interview pointed out, you can pick specific pilots (which will mean the story wont be relevant) once youve cleared the game once. So what they are doing here is trying to cater to all fansets to keep everyone happy while maximising potential sales in a small (and shrinking) market for a game which is a niche IP. Doing a hardcore simulation game would be flat out commercial suicide. Most gamers here want story first (as the failure of all Western RPGS without exception clearly illustrates). Moreover, remove the story? Essentially remove one of the key pillars that makes Macross what it is? Really? Because what would be left wouldnt be Macross. To hear anyone even suggest that is really disheartening. Artdink has no reason to change their core gameplay mechanics and has given no indication that they are going to do so. For anyone having problems with lists of valk parts or story scenes, the internet is there to help. Which is way more than I had back in the 90s when, with almost no Japanese, I sat with 2 paper dictionaries for over 90 hrs to play through Final Fantasy 8 rather than wait the 6 months or more that the localized PAL version would take. No internet, no translation sites. And, unlike Macross 30, Final Fantasy 8 WAS a full-on JRPG. Macross 30 is an action game with RPG trimmings. Has Macross fandom really become so pussified that they cant handle some menus of text and a few cutscenes?
  11. Well, there were 2 weeks between issues 1 and 2 which only came out late last week. Mine hasnt arrived either yet but I'm not overly worried. Late delivery more than compensates for not having to go to a bookshop to find the one issue that hasnt been leafed through imo.
  12. Well Chie just finished rehearsal and I got a sneak peak at the set list-this gig is gonna be AMAZING! Only 2 hrs to go!
  13. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Sigh. Ok, who is the silly bugger tweeting the macross 30th anniversary official account about what mechs are in the game? Those guys just repost news for the franchise. If you want to big someone, bug bandai namco jeez. And it's not like they will tell you anything they haven't officially announced anyway. I mean seriously, wtf man.
  14. Antibiotictab came across this superdimensional timer. But what's it counting down to? Could there be a new Macross on the way??? Or is it FB7 2? (o_0) macross-fanclub.com/countdown/
  15. Tomorrow is Mylene's Birthday, and that means that Chie Kajiura will be holding another one of her annual tribute gigs to everyone's favourite pink-haired, half-meltran waif (thats waif, not waifu you damn kids!). Save and I will be there among the crowd so stay tuned for impressions early next week! In the meantime, here are reports from the previous two Mylene Nights just in case anyone missed them. Mylene Night #1 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34630&p=896716 Mylene Night #2 http://www.macrossworld.com/1061/mylene-night-2-chie-kajiura-co-in-concert-february-2nd-2012-in-shibuya/
  16. Just the 'movie' and related extras.
  17. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The Macross seminar specials will be reposted twice a week on the official Macross 30 site (every Tue and Fri JPN time). Each one will have a bit of footage from Macross 30 added. The first special, which is an introduction to Macross 30, can be found here: http://youtu.be/U5FdlYmPgyQ Also, there will be a signing of the following Macross 30 sign board in Shinjuku in mid-Feb.
  18. Trailer for the DVD/BD release of FB7: http://www.macross30.com/fb7/movie.html The Macross seminar specials will be reposted twice a week on the official Macross 30 site (every Tue and Fri JPN time). Each one will have a bit of footage from Macross 30 added. The first special, which is an introduction to Macross 30, can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=U5FdlYmPgyQ#!
  19. A trailer for the BD/DVD release has just gone live. http://www.macross30.com/fb7/movie.html
  20. Well, she WAS originally drawn in outfits that are closer to Stand Alone Complex. Apart from the times when she took everything off for all that lesbian cyber sex of course. As far as the new outfit is concerned, I think it will make for an interesting change and dont have a problem with it... apart from the fact that any figures will be less interesting and its no-where near as good as the old one when it comes to cosplayers...well...looking at cosplayers....or something like that ^^;
  21. I too am concerned about the lack of available content for the next tankobon, especially given how many issues of Newtype Ace havent featured any new content at all. I wonder if the Tales of Ataria Island side story will wrap up by then... Chopper - I believe the general consensus (or at least, most frequently expressed view in this thread) is that most of the material is based on a story that is well known anyway, so even without pirates scanlating it most people can get the basics from Mikimotos gorgeous artwork.
  22. The game is too short to really have anything in the way of reviews. See Gamefaqs for discussion on it: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/665236-choujikuu-yousai-macross-ai-oboete-imasu-ka-hybrid Also, this writeup from Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5938372/the-newest-macross-game-is-beautiful-but-dated
  23. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    I figured that as well. That movie has in-game engine footage though, meaning that its a playable mission.
  24. Got a link? That sounds like either something said back when Konami was developing it it, alternatively, typical Platinum talking out their ass bullshit.
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