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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    It's a 1 hr special on the game. I'd expect interviews with some staff and maybe a little bit of new footage.
  2. Dude, I'm not saying you need to trash it, but if the original Japanese version is only worth US$30 or so then I don't think it will be worth all that much. But the property has nostalgia value imo as long as you try for buyers from Korea. By all means throw it up on auction somewhere. I'd just be careful with the product description that's all.
  3. Very interesting. It looks like someone actually translated it. Having said that, there is no doubt that this is a bootleg (or closer to a fan translation perhaps. Those things happen all the time). Put simply, the characters on the cover are from a different game, the picture on the disc is from an OVA series, and nowhere on the cover or disc are images of the actual characters that are in the game. If it was a legit localized Korean release, it would at least use art from the game or from the correct series that its based on. I reiterate that I think it might have curio value to a Korean collector since, from what I've heard, Macross still has a decent following there and it might sell on the nostalgia factor (being an NEC PC game from 2 decades ago, it would be very difficult to get it to run on any modern pc). If you want to think I'm wrong, that's your prerogative. I don't see the point in you asking a board of dedicated fans for their opinion on something you want information about and then claim they are wrong. The above is my opinion based on my 20+ years and experience with Macross and experience in the Japanese game industry, nothing more, nothing less. Take it for what you will. That's all i have to say on the matter.
  4. Given that the art is a photoshop collage of characters from different games and series, and the fact that there's no copyright markings, it's a bootleg without a shadow of a doubt. Sorry for the bad news. Maybe it would be of interest to someone as a curio or something?
  5. What, do you think that bootlegs are on blank discs with a title scrawled on them in magic marker? Since you have said you arent aware of what Macross is, the first point you need to know is that there have been licensing issued with the series for almost 30 years now. As a result, not a single game from the series has been released officially outside of Japan as far as I know. A Korean version of the game in question (3rd game on this page btw: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/games/_gamessoft_software.htm ) is not something I've come across, despite having been a collector for years. I've done a search of every Japanese site I can think of and have come up with nothing. This leads me to believe its a bootleg but, again, this is only my opinion based on what little information is available in Japanese. Maybe someone else on these forums will have other information.
  6. Yep. Welcome to Japanese anime pricing. It kills my wallet on a daily basis ;-)
  7. Newest Macross Seminar recap ep. is live - includes very brief shots of SDFM and PLUS characters in Macross 30: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SbGfoQkxsLg
  8. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Newest Macross Seminar is live - includes very brief shots of SDFM and PLUS characters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SbGfoQkxsLg
  9. Hmmm... it could be a bootleg version then I suppose, since I've never heard of a Macross game getting an official Korean release. As such, my guess would be that its not worth much, but thats only my opinion at best.
  10. I'm going to hazard a guess here and say its probably in Japanese, not Korean? Does the box look anything like this? http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/155004247001.html If that's it, then the resale value is listed at 2500yen (approx. US$27) although this also depends on the sort of condition it is in.
  11. Some new details: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-02-07/new-valvrave-the-liberator-ad-previews-voice-cast Am not liking the character designs too much.....
  12. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Just checked todays Famitsu - no news on Macross 30 (due to them focusing on the review of Bandais Battle Robot Damashii which comes out next week). Having said that, I did manage to get a look at the limited edition packaging first-hand yesterday - will post impressions on the front page soon.
  13. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    That is a rather complicated question to answer, with the easy version being you need to buy something. However, it's seldom that simple. In the case of an event/character sign board, normally the first people to spend a certain amount in the store/at the event get a participation ticket. In the case of the Macross 30 event, the first 50 people to spend 3000yen or more got one. This basically means the first 50ppl in line when the doors open (and at these things there are usually more people then there are tickets, hence some ppl camp out). A signing event is then held 1 or 2 weeks later, meaning you have to go back to the store/event again. Ticket holders are given a pre-printed art board which the artist/guest in question names and signs for them (names are compulsory - one way of preventing the boards having an after-market value or popping up on auctions). There's a strict policy on no other items getting signed and photographs are usually prohibited. Now, in the case of books, things are a little different. Normally when an artist or designer (ie, Kawamori released a new book a few weeks ago) releases a book they schedule a signing event at one bookstore (or a couple in some cases). If you are in the first 50~100 people to purchase the book at that store you will get a participation ticket. Bring this back on the day of the signing event WITH the book you purchased to have it signed by the guest. Again, there's a strict policy on no other items getting signed and photographs are usually prohibited. Sorry for the long explanation. Hope it answered your question.
  14. Amazon always discounts their products to some degree at somepoint. Normally theres a 10~20% discount for preorders, then the products jumps back up to regular retail price immediately upon release, then drops again (often to pre-order discount levels after a few months pass if they have extra stock.
  15. The price isnt really the point though - the previous poster said that it was the lack of an official English-language version that was preventing them from buying, whereas an official version does in fact exist. This means that torrents of the show are just blatant rips - the 'fansubbers' dont even need to do translation work - and that DLing them is just supporting this sort of outright piracy. Don't get me wrong, I understand that fansubs have their place - they can be a great way to make older unlicensed titles available and of course, in the case of Macross, are an unavoidable unfortunate necessity for fans living outside of Japan (although the number of fans on these boards who eventually go out and get the legit Japanese releases is pretty darn awesome imo) - Yamato 2199 is not one of these cases. But, for the sake of argument, lets look at the pricing for one moment. This isnt a big 40,000~50,000 yen boxset, these are individual releases. Now, I'm going to base the following on the assumption that these arent preordered (as many people on these boards do, usually knocking another 1000yen or so off the price of each) and incur, say, 1000yen in shipping fees per volume (all prices are from Amazon Japan): Chapter 1 Release date:May 25, 2012 Price: 5027 yen Price incl. postage: 6027yen Chapter 2 Release date:July 27, 2012 Price: 5772yen Price incl. postage: 6772yen Chapter 3 Release date: November 22, 2012 Price: 6060yen Price incl. postage: 7060yen Chapter 4 Release date: Feb. 22, 2013 Price: 6009yen Price incl. postage: 7009yen Chapter 5 Release date:May 28, 2013 Price: 6009yen Price incl. postage: 7009yen So, on average each volume costs 7000yen or so with postage and with an average of 3 months between volumes. Lets round that amount up to 2500 yen per month or, by todays exchange rate, US$26.77 per month, or $6.50~$7 per week. Whats that, lunch and a cup of coffee once a week? For a region-free, English-subbed remake that is worth (imo) multiple repeat viewings? Not to mention the fact that supporting the show sends a clear message that THIS is how a reboot should be done and THIS is the sort of SF anime fans want? That's not all that expensive at all imo - I even make a point of seeing each installment in cinemas twice as well, so thats an extra 4000yen per chapter in my case. I'd rather put my money towards a couple of good quality SF anime (Y2199 and Gundam Unicorn) than not vote with my wallet. Sure its not cheap in the long run, but I'd rather support a product I like and possibly contribute to more being made as opposed to facilitating people who leech off others work online and then bitch that the only new anime coming out is stuff that panders to the Moe crowd. Because the Moe crowd buys the product and then more gets made. The cause and effect really is as simple as that for the most part. Dollars count. or in this case, yen, lol. Let me say though, that I 100% respect your stance on this, since you have elected to hold off until (hopefully) a local version is released at a lower pricepoint and not pay japanese prices or support piracy. Complete kudos.
  16. The Japanese Blurays have English subtitles and are region free. So sorry, but fansubbers ARE straight out pirates in this case.
  17. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well, I'm currently in line for the latest Marui One Macross event to get a signed Macross 30 character board. There are 20ppl in front of me who camped out overnight IN THE SNOW. Now THAT'S what I call being a dedicated Macross fan.
  18. Agreed. I'd say that most younger anime fans aren't interested and most ppl watching it are actually buying the discs. Also, there hasn't been a tv broadcast yet for fansubber pirates.
  19. Well said Sir, well said :-) I'll second the opinion that watching Zero before Frontier is a good idea. Also, when you do get up to Frontier, probably watch the series before the movie this time. I's also recommend rewatching DYRL after finishing SDFM - you'll find that you probably have a new appreciation of it.
  20. As the basis of all things Macross, I'd definitely recommend SDF next (since you'll get more out of DYRL that way too) although your mileage may vary depending on your tolerance for older animation.
  21. Latest Superdimensional Seminar recap ep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lSVefRH_aN4
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    No real news in the latest seminar except for a shot of Shin & co. at the 0.51 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lSVefRH_aN4
  23. FYI, I just recieved a shipping notification from deagostini - apparently issues 2 & 3 shipped together.
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