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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Just came out if the announcement event and....So, the entire cast of Ghost in the Shell has been recast for the prequel. Maaya Sakamoto as the Major I can understand but why recast everyone else?!?!? Edit: details- http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-02-12/ghost-in-the-shell/arise-anime-details-outlined
  2. The page for the Limited Edition of Macross 30 has been updated and now includes a new item - a 'Present Code'. This is a draw code for a ticket to the Macross 30 Live concert. There are 100 tickets to be won. http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/limited/
  3. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The Limited Edition page has been updated and now includes a new item - a 'Present Code'. This is a draw code for a ticket to the Macross 30 Live concert. There are 100 tickets to be won. http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/limited/
  4. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well, it was basically a music video for Planet Cradle made up of story scenes (still shots, animated bits, etc). No actual gameplay was shown. Of the footage that we got, a lot of it had been seen previously, but there was a fair bit of footage with CG valks launching, flying around, etc. It also appeared that the new characters got more fully animated scenes whereas the legacy characters got more still shots with effects and voice layered over them. (although the latest Superdimensional Seminar shows more animated Basara footage than we got at Wonderfest). Nice catch! Since Monday was a public holiday, i'd totally forgotten that this was going live today. Looks like Basara hasnt changed a bit, eh? Also, its interesting that apparently Alto and Sheryl have timeslipped together. Seeing that the game is apparently set one year after Frontier, why do they need to timelsip in order to be involved in the plot? More importantly, where exactly did they timeslip from i wonder? Intriguing...
  5. Remember how I keep saying how much of a hit Frontier was with the kids here! And how many female fans it has? I think the 29 ranked that high because of what it symbolizes - a resolution to the triangle. Oh there were many many more than that. I used a good 70% of my votes on the VF-1S.
  6. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Well we can hope. All I'm doing is repeating what the actual rep from Max Factory himself said, so until an official price is announced his comments are all we have to go on. (And the commenters on Niconico were saying that they thought it would be worth 20,000 - which doesn't bode well for a lower price point). But like I said, I'm just conveying the only word that has come from the horses mouth so to speak so please don't shoot the messenger.
  7. They only had design sketches on display. It appeared to be ball joint with an actual head/hair sculpt, not doll hair. Was very early stage stuff tho.
  8. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    There's no way it will be that cheap. During last nights talk show on Niconico, the Max Factory rep said the price hadn't been decided yet, but figures like 20,000yen and 30,000yen were being thrown around a bit. Given the engineering involved and the popularity of the character I'd say expect to pay top dollar for this one....
  9. Extended trailer is out. Looks damn pretty. Story-wise its Gundam x Blue Sub. No. 6. Mecha-wise, am still not a fan of the design. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-02-09/gargantia-on-the-verdurous-planet-2nd-full-promo-streamed
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    In the new story trailer (if you can call it that) that debuted today. An explosion that was very obviously bird-human in shape. Very...intriguing....
  11. I liked the fact that she was embarassed she had May'n DVDs, lol. Having said that, she hasnt reached the level of Sayaka Kanda in the presence of Aya Endo....yet. You know, I actually thought she sang Planet Cradle better at Tokyo Game Show last year. She definitely seemed more nervous today. And Ban-san - yeah it was a good promotional video, although it didnt show any gameplay at all... ^^;
  12. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Hmmmm...so in the new footage shown at Wonderfest today we have the YF-30 trying to outrun an explosion shaped like....a bird-human....hmmm....
  13. And they even mentioned Macross 2! 'oh, are we allowed to talk about THAT'?' lol!
  14. Some interesting changes afoot over at Yamato: http://www.macrossworld.com/4283/farewell-yamato-hello-arcadia-of-my-youth/
  15. Some interesting changes afoot over at Yamato: http://www.macrossworld.com/4283/farewell-yamato-hello-arcadia-of-my-youth/
  16. From Wonderfest today. Yamamoto figure was strictly no pics so this was the best I could do, sorry. Also, something oldskool :-)
  17. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Heres a few pics of that Sheryl and some other Macross figures I took at Wonderfest today: I also need to point you that Yoshiki Fukuyama tapped that Sheryl on the ass....
  18. A couple of figure kits I saw at Wonderfest today: IMO the faces are just not right unfortunately.....
  19. Macross Crossover Live 30! Hell yes!!!!
  20. Came across this pic of Space Dreadnaught Mahoroba in a magazine from last Dec. Heres hoping the movie still comes out this year :-)
  21. Hmmm, the latest chapter has made the Tales of Ataria more interesting and is connecting Zero to the events of the original which is a good thing imo. But the manga seems to me like a chocolate chip cookie when all you have is chocolate chips - theres all this cool stuff, but theres no sense of overall plot - nothing filling...yet. Also, you can still fight when you're drunk...on Heineken!
  22. The results are in! Did everyone vote? http://www.macrossworld.com/4271/macross-vf-poll-results/
  23. The official results are out and the fans have spoken! Hope everyone voted! http://www.macrossworld.com/4271/macross-vf-poll-results/
  24. This is going to be epic... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2013-02-09/jam-project-shokotan-isao-sasaki-unite-to-sing-yamato-2199
  25. I was pleasantly surprised by how big the pins actually are.
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