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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. While not strictly Macross, theres some mention of the original Robotech dubbing sessions in the latest episode of Anime World order: http://www.awopodcast.com/2013/02/anime-world-order-show-112-we-dont-want-to-hurt-you-but-we-will-if-we-have-to.html
  2. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Not that I remember. Keep in mind though that these are crane-game prize figures, not high-end collectibles, so have minimal features. Banpresto originally said that Ranka WOULD be Flower Girl, so it looks like they did a bait and switch! lol. But DYRL Ranka looks better anyway imo (we already got enough Flower Girl Ranka in the Wings of farewell, surely ^^; ) It's the opposite of weird, since Sheryl is by far the most popular female character in the franchise at the moment. Anything with Sheryl on it sells, meaning that more girls will be pumping 100yen coins into crane games at the local arcade to win them one. I'm actually very pleasantly surprised we got a Minmay - given that this lineup was announced during the FB7 hype train, I was initially expecting all Macross 7 X frontier characters. Looks like Banpresto paid attention to that request for a 30th anniversary Minmay figure that a fan wrote on the message wall at the 1:1 valk exhibit in Ikebukuro, lol. (actually, they requested an ichiban kuji figure but hey, crane game figure is better than nothing!)
  3. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Regrettably, this info is already out of date. Macross 30 has not placed in the top 30 games that readers are looking forward to for 2 weeks now (ie, the last 2 issues). I'm expecting this to change next week as the marketing machine kicks in fully. Also, the Feb 21 issue of Famitsu is supposed to have some Macross 30 related coverage in it.
  4. There's no official image yet because the boxset is still 4 months away. According to a flyer I picked up yesterday, it has English audio track for all 4 eps, a new 5.1 mix on the movie edition (saw one of the sound engineers involved in the new mix DJ the other week actually lol) , promotional videos, trailers, a trailer for the Macross Festival, macross future chronicle, opening and in-game movies from the PS1 game, PS1 game promotional videos, tv commercials, staff interviews and materials used for the western release.
  5. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    It's not that the plane is slower, it's the fact that the environments are a lot bigger.
  6. Interview with US Renditions David Keith Riddick reveals the effect that Macross had on what would later on become his career :-) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2013-02-15
  7. Interview with US Renditions David Keith Riddick reveals the effect that Macross had on what would later on become his career :-) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2013-02-15
  8. Congrats on the purchase and welcome to the club! And the show is only halfway though!
  9. Damn straight I do! Can't speak for those of us who still think its the 80's though :-p
  10. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Actually, the poster behind the figures is even more interesting because it lists a 5th figure in the crossover series whereas to date only 4 had been announced - it's another Sheryl. Let the guessing begin as to what she will be wearing!
  11. More commercials have gone live on the official website (again, probably not accessible from overseas though...) http://www.macross30.com/fb7/movie.html
  12. Yes, theres going to be a lot less tickets this time However, it was only done one day for the 15th anniversary too. http://www.ex.org/2.6/08-news_macrossconcert1.html Also, this way the audience can see ALL the most famous Macross singers in ONE concert, which is really the way it should be I'm hoping too, but the only Macross concerts that seem to get releases are Firebomber (DVD and compilation in upcoming FB7 BD) and Frontier (BD) - mashup concerts such as the 15th Anniversary gig, and crossover never get released. fingers crossed that, being the 30th anniversary, they make an exception with this one. (personally, I'm also hoping they have better sound engineers this time so that Chie doesnt have to stop the entire concert mid-song again). Also, there arent 'millions of other fans' - Macross is a far more niche property than that. Unless you are talking solely about Frontier fans, in which case theres enough to drive the OST into the Top 10 3 consecutive times... but Insane? Not really. It's just the same old business concept of 'Premium' that most anime-related things are based on. Uhm... I think you man Nakajima MEGUMI. Kanji can have multiple readings you know And Megumi with FB was good but it was only one song...ooh, the prospect of a full (Chie, Fukuyama, Megumi and May'n) version of Nyan Nyan FIRE with F-Band doing the backing guitar work again is pretty exciting!
  13. Comeon Renato, we all know that no-one looks at the front page (OR checks our awesome podcast either for that matter) This functionality is official and was confirmed by Kawamori himself last year.
  14. 5th Superdimentional Seminar is up. From Next Tue it looks like they will be focusing more on Macross 30: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ofehj53VXEQ
  15. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Seriously, why even make a comment like this?The PS4, while being announced next week, won't even come out until the end of THIS YEAR whereas Macross 30 comes out at the end of THIS MONTH. Moreover, the game is running on an engine that's not only built for the PS3 but wouldn't even exist if not for the 3 previous bluray hybrid packs that subsidized its development. In other words, without all those DYRL and Frontier movie sales a niche IP such as Macross wouldn't be coming to the PS3 - and you think BandaiNamco would put the extra dev costs into it to put it on the PS4 - a system which hasent been released yet and has no install base? Right...
  16. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Your little bro rocks dude! Katakana is an awesome skill to have and something that more importers should take the time to learn. A friend did the same thing back in highschool and it took him a week to get memorize the basics and another week or 2 to get accustomed to reading the katakana alphabet. After that he never had an issue with game settings or reading game case spines ever again!
  17. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Nice catch! Tyrvalein, looks like someone spared you some work, lol. ;-) Toldja so! lol
  18. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well you didn't miss all that much. As is normal for these sorts of things, the show was 90% talking heads. They showed two bits of the game (played live)- a vanquish race - ie, a time attack race- and a some fighting while flying around the world map. For both sequences they used the YF-30 and the same map/area of the world. The YF-30s egg carton can be raised during fighter mode for missile spamming goodness - and of boy does it even spam! Lol!They also showed the limited edition box and flicked through some of the printed extras that came with it. They also did a general round up of current Macross news, including the Crossover Live 30 and the reissued Chronicles.
  19. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Damn that YF-30 can fire a bunch of missiles.
  20. The blurays and theatrical screenings feature a new recording if the same song by its original singer Isao Sasaki. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say that someone decided it might be a little too oldskool to attract new younger viewers in the 5pm broadcast timeslot.
  21. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Bandai Namco has said that the main story is fully voiced. So side quests, guild quests and the like probably won't be.
  22. Well, not to dampen your enthusiasm (which is awesome btw) but there is no way to pick the seats you want - its either a draw or else random/based on first come first served. From prior experience, I'd recommend waiting until you've managed to secure a ticket before thinking about booking flights.
  23. Bluray just went up on Amazon Japan - surprisingly no English subtitles are listed at this stage... http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/ref=pe_53102_43922652_pe_01/B00BB1MALO
  24. Its just an announcement of the Hidetaka Tenjin designed 30th anniversary VF-1 colouring that was shown at Wonderfest as was noted in the original article.
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