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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. I neglected to mention that the game has a mandatory install. Its all automated so it doesnt tell you the size (therefore Im presuming the game wont start until you clear sufficient HD space). Takes about 20mins, maybe a bit more.
  2. Too early to tell. Ive collected materials for one valk (VF-0D→VF-0A) and it has 4 pre-set colour schemes at this stage. Theres also 2 levels of upgrades for the Valk, so you can choose to focus on upgrading the one you have, or put your resources into a new one. Based on the first 3 hrs thats all I can really say.
  3. As I mentioned in the other thread, so far ALL story missions are 100% voiced. ONLY hunter guild subquests are text-based without voice. There is a LOT of voice in this game. Its almost like a tales game in that respect.
  4. Moeflyer - great impressions! Any chance you could post them in this thread? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38612 ace: Will reply to you in the above thread.
  5. Hey there everyone! This thread is meant for people to ask questions, exchange advice, etc regarding how to play Macross 30. From gameplay tips and mission descriptions to story explanations, feel free to post any advice you have for your fellow players here! Please be aware that this thread will invariably include SPOILERS! (oh noez!) Out of respect for you fellow players, if all posters could put story explanations/descriptions in SPOILER TAGS, I'm sure everyone would appreciate it. CONTROLLER SETUP There are 3 types: Type A: PSP game controls Type B: TPS (Third person Shooter) controls Type C: Macross 30 original control type. (similar to Type B but with 3 or 4 button differences). I recommend going with Type C. Its different to the PSP control set up but feels much more natural (imo) and well suited to the larger environments.
  6. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Have had 'Planet Cradle' and 'Wandering' on repeat all morning and I gotta say that I really like both songs - I kinda wish we got more than just the two. Todays Famitsu has 7 pages dedicated to Macross - 4 to Macross 30, 2 to an interview with Kawamori about Macross 30, and 1 to the upcoming concert in July. The Crossover Live 30 codes work pretty much the way I predicted they would - theres a dedicated website where you can register the code that came with your copy of the game between now and May. After this, 100 codes will be selected at random and the winners notified. Pffft! I want some Musicalture characters! Sonia for a support character? Heck yes! (and, no, I dont think either of our wishes has a snowballs chance in hell of actually happening ^^; ) Will start it up now, although I wont be contributing to it much since my gaming time is usually limited to half a day each weekend, max (Dont work for Japanese companies kids, they'll chew up your private life, spit it out, laugh in your face, then demand more overtime work). So it will be a bit of a ghost town for the next few days until people start getting their copies of the game. Also, I'd like this thread to keep going for reviews, impressions, etc. All you need is a JPN PSN account. When it comes to paid DLC, you will probably need to order a PSN card from Japan (I'm presuming you dont have a Japanese credit card). Rather than being IP-locked, PSN DLC is locked to the region that the disc is for - but they dont warn you about this. Therefore, If I have an Australian version of Borderlands 2, I can pay for and download extra DLC campaigns from US PSN but they wont work with the game. But since Macross 30 is a Japan only release, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Wait... you thought it could be something else??? The only other ending possibility is that Minmay dies from the space rabies she got from Ranka...I keed, I keed! SOME IMPRESSIONS - 100% SPOILER FREE This is the Macross game I dreamt of as kid and the reason for this can be summed up in three words - 'sense of wonder.' Oh, i'll throw another one in there too - 'fun'. Once the world map opens up after training (which is worked in fairly well to the story progression imo), you'll just want to fly around - see how far you can go, how high you can fly, who you can blow up. Moreover, only a couple of hours in and I already care for the new lead characters. While the main pull of this game (apart from the valks) for me is the legacy characters, the new characters and world are set up well enough so that I wouldnt mind a game just about them (so heres hoping that we get more original games out of the engine, not just rehashes of the same old stories like we got with the PSP games). Also, imo, theres a lot of similarities/influence from the Musicalture in these characters and their relationships (or maybe its just that they developed the two projects in parallel?). All story scenes are fully voiced and (so far) are great. The only parts not voiced are the hunter guild sub quests. Gameplay feels like an evolution of Artdinks work on the PSP games. Controls are a little more complicated but once you get used to them they work fine - flying at top speed towards the hunters guild, then hitting the gerwalk rapid-break before changing to Batroid and landing on the exact right spot never gets old. Overall gameplay seems a little slower than it was in the PSP games, however theres a lot more to do/going on on-screen, so the speed is just right imo (personally, I feel that it strikes a good balance between the speed of the PSP games and the more weighty feel of combat in AM2's PS2 game - something I found pleasantly surprising!). There IS a ceiling to how high you can fly (its not quite as high as I had hoped) and a boundary to the area of the world map you are in, although theres plenty to do in each area (so far) so the boundaries really arent all that noticieable. Boundaries ARE narrower on certain missions that restrict you to a certain area/objective. BGM is very JRPG-esque - the world map music even reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy 13. Anyways, thats it from me for now. Will start that other hints & help thread now. Looking forward to hearing everyones impressions as copies of the game start to arrive!
  7. The entire original 50 should have touch-ups and page changes/additions with new material, plus an extra 30 issues worth of content mixed into the run for a grand total of 80 issues.
  8. YF-21 gets a mention on kotaku. http://kotaku.com/5987235/the-coolest-mecha-in-japanese-video-games
  9. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    While not as exciting as watching streams, heres some unboxing pics. http://www.macrossworld.com/4437/macross-30-is-out-unboxed/
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well its only one area and the starting one at that. It still takes a while to fly anywhere and once you add in all the times you are randomly attacked.... Also, theres Fold Stones that warp you to places on the map that you cant necessarily see.... Nope, you don't. PS3 is region free. Actually its shown waaaay before any loading screens, but I'll stop before I get into spoiler territory.
  11. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Does anyone remember that feeling they got the first time they stepped out onto the world map in FF7? Or was first let loose in a liberty City? Yeah, just had one of those moments. Eegads there's....so much to shoot!
  12. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The official English title is Voices across the galaxy btw. Just starting to play now :-)
  13. Sounds pretty awesome :-)
  14. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    No, its completely 和製英語. No. the game hasnt officially been released yet so theres no need to worry.
  15. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Special indeed :-)
  16. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Given the cost of hiring Kamiya to do some lines and the comparatively small number of SDFM fans compared to frontier fans, then add in approval, QA and digital publishing costs and i cant see how it would end up as anything other than a financial loss actually. Regardless, I dont see the point in speculating further at this point. If theres any Day 1 DLC, Japanese PSN will have the relevant information posted tomorrow.
  17. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Fastpacks/superpacks for each craft, other special weapons, etc, probably. And as for DLC, the pack-in DLC is for skins only - ie, they shouldnt effect the stats of the valk. Therefore, I daresay the trophy description may be referring to as of yet unannounced DLC. Well, it worked for Gundam VS Exrtme I suppose....
  18. After the initial shock wore off, I really quite enjoyed it for what it was. Its only half a movie though so Im reserving judgement until the next one comes out.
  19. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    I'm probably going to pick it up after work tomorrow if I get off on time. But its just a single, not an album, fyi.
  20. The same place I always recommend for Japanese Blurays or DVDs - Amazon Japan. Yes, both sane people AND otaku can use it! AND they have the option to turn on English for certain key elements (checkout, payment, etc. We all win!!! http://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスF-フロンティア-ギャラクシーツアー-FINALin-Blu-ray/dp/B002L6C5SQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361803222&sr=8-1 Thanks for the kind words. Wasnt fishing for a compliment per se, just trying to provide some context for the movie you linked to. As for the lack of DVDs/BDs, I agree that its a shame these things dont get released. As a fan its always nice to see these things AND be able to support them in a way. Having said that, the only Macross concerts to get HD treatment have been pure Frontier ones - because those are the ones that sell in enough numbers to warrant a BD release (Approx 40%-50% of Firebomber gigs get a release but DVD only). And honestly, they aren't thinking of catering to those who aren't in Japan who cant make it to the events because...invariably someone just puts it on youtube anyway (seriously, it only takes one or two examples of this to convince a room full of execs to not release their game/anime/etc outside of Japan.). From a Japanese fan standpoint... I've come across mixed views. While many are happy when these things are released, others think that it would dilute the 'premium' nature of the event - they pay fanclub fees for the chance to ...win the chance to buy a US$100 ticket that they cant choose the seat for. Then they often stand in line for 4 or 5 hours before the event to be able to buy overpriced merchandise. Then do the same thing the next day, or even catch a bullet train to another city for the next days performance even. After sacrificing all that time and money they sometimes feel a kind of ownership of the event. While I understand where they are coming from, this sucks for everyone else and fortunately these types of fans are in the minority. But anyways, I've digressed enough - umm....buy more Blurays everyone!
  21. Nice. Saw that on auction too. No way I could pay the going price. A Macross 7 bluray set would've been cheaper lol.
  22. Ah my bad, didn't refresh FB. Yeah it was from 8 hrs ago in response to a question from a fan. And yes, a couple of hrs ago it appears that she did delete the comment. So like I said, hardly an official announcement, but given that she would know (Ie, it would undoubtedly be in her contract for the performance) if a recording was being made, it's not a good sign.Come to think of it, when was the last time one of Mari's performances WAS released on DVD? It's certainly been a while, that's for sure.
  23. 3hrs ago, quote: 'No Crossover gig DVDs. Sorry.'
  24. Well, while this is hardly an official announcement, according to a conversation Mari Iijima had with a fan on Facebook this morning there will be no DVD/BD of the Crossover 30 concert. Not an official announcement but certainly not a good sign.....
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