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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Unfortunately, its one based on both past experience and many, many sales estimates. The extra cost of translation/language check/implementation/QA check, not to mention any translated elements that are rendered as graphics instead of text, plus the extra time it adds to a project and its just not worth the cost. The extra time needed in the dev process is also something that cannot be understated. The far better option is to just let an overseas publisher handle it all, but for this to happen, there still has to be a big enough estimated number of sales/people interested in purchasing it. Given the huge backlash against Japanese games recently (was bound to happen eventually i suppose, we now have an entire generation of gamers who have only ever played western games from Xbox 1 onwards), costs and problems with licensing, and the backlash from hardcore fans if even a single thing is missing/censored, etc, even this is not as simple and straightforward a proposition as it once was. This means that only games with a proven history/fanbase/appeal tend to get localised anymore. Bandais BD strategy is a little different - at first glance, importing a BD requires a lot less investment and has fewer technical hurdles than importing a game (in reality, with the PS3, the main issues are just with DLC but many ppl dont even realise that the system is region free for games ) plus they sometimes offer dubs as well as subs. In the end, be it anime or games, things are coming full circle - the anime/Japanese game boom is over and we are almost back to early-mid 1990s availability and pricing. Fortunately, that situation in the 90s convinced me to pick up Japanese in the intervening years, lol.
  2. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Its on a loose piece of paper in the manual of the Limited Edition (only).
  3. Review from Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5988245/the-latest-gundam-unicorn-movie-is-an-emotional-rollercoaster
  4. Uh, sorry, but no it isnt. Now, for the sake of full disclosure, I work for a Japanese entertainment company. And yes, among the many things we make are games on all platforms. I’ve watched the bottom drop out of the overseas PSP market over the last 5-6 years and seen what it’s done to both what we can release overseas as well as the more personal effect it’s had on salaries and layoffs. And I’ve heard all the excuses from people pirating games. And then I hear all the complaints from PSP users that don’t get the games they want released in English. It’s like making pies in one of those glass-walled bakeries that lets customers watch the baker at work, except the people on the other side of the glass take my pies without paying and there’s nothing I can do about it other than try to make more pies. In the meantime, more customers come in, have a fit that there are no fresh pies, and either never come back or else start stealing pies themselves. So you’ll excuse me if my take on this isn’t quite the same as a fan living overseas who just wants to get their hands on a game that hasn’t been released locally and isn’t willing to import the game/hardware. Also, pie. Mmmmmm, pie. Now, we are talking about a Japanese product and Japanese laws expressly prohibit the copying of digital material for private backup purposes. Even if you own a physical copy, the method by which you are getting the ISO is illegal under Japanese law (again, since we are talking about a Japanese product here). Uploading and downloading of unauthorized digital content is a crime. (Just last week, there were raids and resulting arrests of 27 ‘uploaders’ that was paraded all over the media. Copying stuff, whether for private use or not, is not something that’s taken lightly.) And unlike the downloading law, uploading was made illegal earlier (no exact date off the top of my head, sorry) meaning that there’s a fair chance the ISO is technically illegal if it was ripped and uploaded from within Japan. Then theres the Vita itself – last I checked, there was no clause in the systems User Agreement that expressly condoned custom firmware. Also, if Bandai-Namco has not legally and officially put the PSP Macross games up for digital distribution then theres a reason behind this. Despite what the internet may think, Japanese software developers tend to like making money. Bandai-Namco has released digital DL versions of other games, why not Macross? Simple, theres other rights holdersinvolved. A digital version isn’t doable due to contractual issues between the rights holders. Not even the Japanese users get it. Why users overseas think their ‘need’ (entertainment is a luxury, not a right) to play the game in a format that its not on and isn’t authorized for is greater than the rights of the companies that actually own/make the content is beyond me. So, since there is no way to buy an off-the-shelf Vita, access PSN, and pay for and download the PSP games for use on the system from PSN, I stand by my original comment. There is no (technically legal and official) way to do this, whereas a second hand PSP and importing the region free games from Japan works perfectly. (Heres a listing of all the Macross PSP games. Note that none have digital versions noted.) But look, I get it. Most of this stuff is of no concern to anyone who isn’t in Japan. None of the above is a direct attack on you and this IS Macross we are talking about. Macross has always been a grey area since fans know there is not and never will be local releases outside of Japan. As such, I think it’s fair to say that most of us turn a blind eye when it comes to ‘acquiring’ Macross stuff since people often have no other means they can resort to. And for everyone who downloads (for example) fansubs, there are some who are willing to import the actual discs/games, etc, from Japan to support the franchise. Others will support it via the toys and merch. This is one of the great things about Macross fandom. And I am totally aware that your suggestion was based on the presumption that the original poster actually purchase the games as well, which is commendable. Kudos for that, seriously. Heck, if someone else gets to enjoy these great games, then that’s always a plus! But, if this is the track you guys take, could you please conduct the detailed talks about custom firmware and ISOs via PM? Because having to read about it in a forum I respect and enjoy so much, while looking around the office at empty desks where colleagues used to be makes me want to throw up in my mouth a bit.
  5. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Oh damn! Sorry to hear that.
  6. Well, I stand corrected. I was presuming that we were talking about 100% legal and legit methods here. My bad.
  7. This has been covered in other threads, but it's footage from the Pachinko game. The footage (about 15 minutes respliced so that it flowed somewhat) was included on the Deluxe Bluray boxset of the tv series in Japan for approx. 47,000 yen.
  8. There is no way that I am aware of to get the Macross PSP games to run on a Vita because BandaiNamco does not release many games for digital distribution that include (even partly) yet gird party IP. Your best bet is to buy a PSP for them. The games themselves are region free. Any bonus movie UMDs included with special editions of the games will be region locked.
  9. The game will not run on a US PS2 unless it has been modchipped to play games from multiple regions. Alternatively, it will run on any Japanese model PS2.
  10. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    That's very generous of you GG! Since I lost the lag coin toss ill give this one a go. Still a million to one shot, but it can't hurt to try!
  11. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Say what? Care to show me another game that puts its opening animation on its official homepage post-launch?
  12. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Nice find. i let the intro run every time I boot up the game before doing a story mission. It's just like having a new series in a way, lol.
  13. You actually have to go to one of the Hunter Guilds (towns) outside of the ship. Each town will have different missions. Its best to do these immediately after a story mission, when they put you back on the area map since returning to your base ship will automatically start the next story mission instead. Also, why the hell are steak, pine salad and pine cake status boosting items!?!?!?!?! lol.
  14. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Congrats on the purchase and good luck!
  15. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    FYI: Its a draw code for the Crossover live.Ill more than happily take it if Renato doesnt want it (altho somehow I doubt thats the case) lol. Interestingly enough, the game currently has NO presence on PSN at all. Not even a trailer. So maybe we wont be getting paid DLC for it after all.
  16. Small window that is overlayed on the window that shows the valk you have selected in the hanger.
  17. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Regular Edition: http://www.play-asia.com/Macross_30_Ginga_o_Tsunagu_Utagoe/paOS-13-71-zd-49-jp-70-5pq1.html Limited Edition: http://www.play-asia.com/Macross_30_Ginga_o_Tsunagu_Utagoe_Chouginga_Box_Limited_Edition/paOS-13-71-zd-49-jp-70-5ppz.html
  18. What do you mean by having to keep pressing the lock on button? If you are just free roaming and not in combat, then you shouldnt need to press it. In-combat, the whole point of the system is that it changes the POV to make the battles more cinematic. Having said this, the most dramatic POV changes in-combat only happen if you are in fighter mode. In which case, I'd suggest using Gerwalk instead.
  19. Yay, finally got up to Sheryl/Alto. The way the whole fold phenomenon works actually makes a lot of sense altho they are (so far) being vague about what state the Frontier was in when they jumped.
  20. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    It's all what Renato was talking about. It's accessible in-game.
  21. Those are the first two hunter guild missions. Both require you to find some hunter medals (items) - 1 for the first quest, 5 for the second. When you undertake the 2nd quest, the general area that the medals are in is displayed on your map.
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Wrong thread.
  23. The Y2199 orchestral gig is getting a CD release! My poor wallet!
  24. Sorry to sound like a broken record but, speaking with regards to my own progression in the game (5-6hrs), its still far too early to have access to any of that sort of stuff. So far Ive had the chance to upgrade from a VF-OD to a VF-0A and cannot build or upgrade anything else until i find the correct plans and get the necessary materials. No cockpit view. No idea about Hori peripheral support, but given how few people would likely be interested in using it, my guess would be no. (of course, the best way to find out is to test one yourself if you have one lying around, but i wouldnt recommend forking out cash for the peripheral if you dont already have one). One thing to keep in mind - M30 is basically a logical evolution of Artdinks work on the PSP. Speed and controller layout aside, the basic gameplay mechanics remain the same. therefore if its something the PSP version didnt have/support, theres a fair chance the same will apply to M30. This game doesnt reinvent the wheel (or in this case, Valkyrie). I'm sure that Kawamori wouldnt mind MISC OBSERVATIONS I managed to get another hour or two in last night (may not seem like much, but by Japanese standards having that much free time on a weeknight is positively luxurious... or shows a lack of dedication to ones job, depending on your position within the company ^^ So, I spent most of the time checking out the area map, getting my ass shot down and losing my progress, lol. I did, however - and this was in the pre-release coverage of the game so its NOT A SPOILER - 'find' and rescue Mina. Wont have much time to play again until maybe Sunday so in the meantime, some thoughts: -The first 1-2 hrs of the game are story/tutorial/training missions. If you dont want to listen to every conversation, then you will be skipping through a lot of talking heads and probably get through it a lot faster than I did. -As many people have seen on streams, the first mission is Battroid only. the second adds Gerwalk, and by the third mission you can use Fighter mode too. Battroid-only mission is slow and a pita, but as Leon says 'I guess its better than being put in a Destroid' - lol. -So far, story missions have been triggered by returning to my base ship (the Gefion). When a mission is completed you will be put back on the area map. From here you can take subquests, buy items, take on bandits, etc, before returning to the Gefion and triggering the next story mission. -When you are returned to the area map after completing a mission, your process is auto-saved (the actual Mission Clear screen wont be displayed until you've returned to the Gefion). However, if you get shot down in random bandit dogfights before returning to base, any items, etc, you may have gained will be lost and you will be reset to the moment you were first put on the area map (after clearing the story mission) if you havent saved manually since then. -Use repair kits and use them often, especially when on the area map. Get used to the RPG-like action of pausing in the middle of a dogfight to use one of these (which is essentially a healing potion). If you keep your finger on the lock-on button, you wont lose your enemy lock when you unpause. -If the final shot that hits you reduces your life to zero, a repair kit wont save you. It's very easy to have your HP whittled away without realizing it while on the area map, so pay attention to the gauge. -Most things on the Area map will attack you. You dont necessarily have to attack back. Use flares frequently if you have a quest objective on the map you want to reach quickly without engaging in combat. -Bandit base ships are not to be taken lightly early in the game. They take a heap of damage and can have dozens of units protecting them. I recommend waiting until you've got a better valk, since the VF-0 isnt exactly a heavy-hitter. -Base ships CAN be sniped to death from a relatively safe distance, provided you have patience and about half an hour to spare ^^; -The in-game map is low-rez and kinda rubbish.... -The only problem I've had with Control Type C is accidentally clicking in the left stick while in the middle of combat. This makes you go into a crouched steady shot/sniping mode which makes you a sitting duck if you happen to be in the middle of some valk on valk fisticuffs at the time.
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