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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Couldn't help myself - picked up this piece of Hidetaka Tenjin Goodness Just the thing to look at while waiting for loading screens
  2. I sort of agree. I mean, they OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED that there was no Fokker in the game AND said that their reasoning (flawed or otherwise) was plot-based (time paradoxes) BEFORE the game came out. So , while its nice to want things, its kinda like buying a vegetarian pie and then complaining that theres no meat in it....
  3. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Mylene: this Valk isn't bad, but it's not a patch on mine. Although I'm a bit worried I can't control it with my bass guitar. Alto: Bass guitar? ?? What the hell kind of piloting were you doing? AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  4. Unfortunately no. Fokker is not in the game. This was confirmed by Bandai Namco several weeks before the game came out. Semi off topic, but Chie Kajiura's acapella cover of Voices might change your mind on the Fire Bomber stuff. Unfortunately it's never been released.
  5. If you are more used to newer anime then 2199 is as good of a place to start as any. Start at chapter 1. Soon we will get chapter 5. The japanese blurays are region free and have english subs There will be 7 chapters in total. If you want something to watch once you've caught up and are waiting for the next chapter, maybe try the original movie versions.
  6. There's normally a rule that autographs have to include your name as well so people can't get them for others or auction them off I'm afraid .....
  7. As has been mentioned before, OSHARE MACROSS EXHIBIT is going to Kyoto Marui Department Store. What does this mean to any MW members in the area? Hidetaka Tenjin Autograph Session on March 23!!! The exhibit will run from March 23 to March 31. The first 100 people to spend 3000yen at the exhibit on March 23 will recieve a participation ticket for the autograph session later that day. For anyone who can make it, dont forget to drop some impressions on the boards afterwards! :-)
  8. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The game was a DLC code included in the deluxe edition of DYRL on Bluray. The game has unfortunately never been released separately on PSN (nor have any other Macross games, for that matter) Well, he was just kinda guaranteeing that he WAS going to get paid, lol. I thought that early joke that Aisha made about only feeding him Pineapple salad was funnier^_^ Its interesting how understanding the story changes playstyle though - most people on MW or Gamefaqs talk almost exclusively about quests and levelling, while I find it hard not to dash back to the ship just to hear the next conversation. Similarly, most Amazon japan reviews that Ive read (admittedly, this was a few days ago) talk about story, characters or voice acting, not gameplay mechanics or which valks are playable. Its really quite interesting. personally, I'm enjoying Leon as the new lead character - unlike many past Macross leads, he is a pilot from the beginning and isnt afraid to jump into combat - something I find refreshingly angst-free (so far at least). 'Whats that Mei Lilong? NUNS soldiers have gone rogue? Well I suppose Im gonna need a a bigger loadout on my valk!' Speaking of which, the only new character which sometimes irks me is Mei Lilong and her bad sounding Chinese accent. You would think she could brush her language skills up by now, especially considering that
  9. They have a whole bunch of different effects- from increasing SP to temporarily increasing speed, extra damage boost, etc.
  10. Wow, what a loss. The man translated most if the manga tht influenced me growing up. The old vanguard seem to be leaving us awfully fast as of late :-(
  11. Well said. I love the way that people seem to think Yamato OWES THEM AN EXPLANATION NOW OMG11111 whereas Yamato has said they are busy moving into new offices and the website outage is probably a side effect of that. If anything, the fact that the site is dead and not a page with a 'sorry & goodbye' note on it says to me that they are just in transition atm. Then theres the fact that people seem to think that a company somehow owes them an explanation. Not only does the company not owe us squat, its also a Japanese company - meaning behind the scenes dealings will probably never be revealed anyway. So calm the hell down people and wait. Word will trickle down eventually.
  12. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Some coverage on this weeks X-Button over at ANN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/the-x-button/2013-03-06 Also, according to famitsu.com, Macross 30 sold 60703 copies in its first 5 days (Feb. 28~Mar. 3). http://www.famitsu.com/news/201303/06029825.html UPDATE: 4gamer lists sales to date at 63089 copies http://www.4gamer.net/games/117/G011794/20130306062/
  13. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Welcome! But beware - your wallet will never be the same ... ^^;
  14. Cant remember off the top of my head but Aisha tells you how to do it during Minas training flight. Its also listed, along with other super attacks, at the bottom right corner of the controls screen in the options. Have yet to redeem my DLC (I feel that using a 29 when Im not supposed to would break my immersion so will probably use it for my 2nd playthru) but maybe the Mina mission wants restricts you to non DLC valks? Check your hanger when you get back maybe? Also, double check you are signed into your Japanese PSN account when playing - this can sometimes effect accessibility of DLC (no idea if this is the case or not with M30 tho).
  15. Wow, I havent heard this story in years - I thought everyone knew how Japanese games worked by now (first came across this happening in the PS1 era). But hey, i guess it means that Macross motivated you to import in which case, good for you Sir! For the uninitiated, X in Japan ALWAYS means BACK or NO. X doesnt mark the spot, it marks a mistake (ie, when marking tests, etc). The functions of X/O buttons were often reversed in Western releases of Japanese games (had almost become the norm in the PS2 era), but the way the PS3 works has kinda messed things up again. You see, depending on the menu, some commands are mapped according to the language or region your system is set to so they can change based on your system settings, while others are not changeable because they are hard coded in-game. This makes can lead to things just becoming more confusing for people....
  16. No, there's no direct connection. It's Ganeths way of living an attitude that spark the connection.
  17. Question 1: they are just target practice dummies. Aisha gives you the option to go thru training (which is her telling you the controls). When u do this you practice shooting them. They are not meant to be destroyable.
  18. As in, how to just enter a race? If thats the question, from certain towns hunters guilds. like Yue on the first map/area.
  19. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    No, the wallpaper is for doing a survey. on the website but you do need an 'access key' (code) thats included in all versions of the game.
  20. Thats because its a sort of promotional vid and the MC is introducing Macross and the game to people who might not know what it is.
  21. (Control Type C)Press and hold X to ascend. Double tap and hold X to descend.
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Just a thought - would it be worth me making a separate thread for people who are willing to put up their concert codes? That way it wouldnt clutter up this thread and we could have one or two people enter all the codes on this end. Now, keep in mind that there are only 100 tickets to be won and all the codes do is enter you in a draw. So theres a very high probability that none of them will amount to anything. But if any were to win, I'd probably offer them to MW members in japan first and then anyone on the forums who was thinking of visiting Japan for the concert second. IF theres any way to track which code won a/which ticket, I'd say we either reimburse them for the price of a ticket or offer to buy them merch at the concert instead (their choice). Of course, this is all hypothetical and highly unlikely given how few tickets are on offer, but what does everyone think?
  23. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Well, its only really of use for Japan-based members, but having said that, both Renato and myself have already received one each (as far as Im aware) from generous forum users and I don't want to hog them all to myself so maybe try...Save of Gubaba?
  24. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    That sounds like the one!
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