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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Sketchley hit it on the head, as usual. :-) Portable gaming became dominant in Japan when the current generation of hardware started - it took years before home console sales picked up again and even then they will never reach the same sales figures of the PS2 era. Most free time for gaming happens during the morning/afternoon commute, hence the popularity of mobiles (well, that and Monster Hunter). Also, with the exception of mobile phone games, the gaming demographic skews a lot younger in Japan than in the West, meaning that the bulk of the market often doesnt have a hi-def system or have access to a tv that isnt the main family one. Its also less socially accepted for adults to play console games, especially once theyve entered a company (again, mobile games are the exception to this - and im speaking from first hand experience here). Anyways, while this is a bit dated, you might find an old podcast I did on the topic a while back to be of some interest: http://theoutcastpodcast.blogspot.jp/2010/06/out-cast-episode-06-death-of-japanese.html (the mediafire link still works)
  2. regarding the lack of English subtitles, this is a question thats come up a few times in the past, but the easiest way to answer is with another question: Q)What Japan-only games have come out with English subtitles in the past. A) None! As a general rule, billingual games in Japan are either a)foreign-made games on PS3 which support both language tracks (ie, heavy rain, Uncharted (although both were censored) etc, or b)games with minimal text that get a simultaneous global release (ie, all of Capcoms recent fighting games). Games that are made in japan for the Japanese market and arent scheduled to be released abroad never have English included in them, even the big-sellers, so why WOULD a more niche title like a Macross game have them (and while the Macross games have sold relatively well on the PSP by Japanese standards, they ARE niche and dont hold a candle to even mid-tier US titles sales-wise. So firstly, theres little precedent for such a thing happening.As dialN noted - the Japanese speak Japanese. More importantly, only a tiny percentage of them speak/understand English at anything nearing the fluency that would be needed to understand a game narrative. Add to this the ever-present licensing issues and the cost, and it simply isnt worth it to publishers to include English. The cost alone includes translation (would need to be outsourced), implementation (can be done internally), and QA (preferrably internally but would require English speaking QA staff to be hired especially for the job), not to mention the impact on overall schedule (every plot tweak or mission change could result in changes to all the steps just listed) or the added cost to product management. And that isnt counting any on-disc extras (documentaries, etc) which would may also need to be subbed. Then theres the hassle of enquiries from abroad when its likely that no-one at Bandai Namco Japans customer support speaks English. All this for a handful of extra units sold. All legal/licensing issues aside, financially it just isnt viable. (sales figs from another thread FYI) LTD sales of Artdink Macross Games Macross Ace Frontier: 160,000 Macross Ultimate Frontier: 170,000 Macross Triangle Frontier: 120,000 Macross Trial Frontier Hybrid Pack: 210,000 (incl. movie) Macross Final Frontier Hybrid Pack: 220,000 (incl. movie) Macross 30: 75,000 (Sources: vgchartz.com & 4gamer)
  3. I believe season 2 has yet to wrap up. Well, since its 'new live entertainment', you had better book some plane tickets then since it sounds like a stage show.
  4. My experience is that the exact reverse is true. Ive seen Patlabor plushies, sweets and snacks, puzzles, trading cards, live concert DVDs, albums, artbooks. Votoms? Not so much. I even remember an article from Protoculture addicts back in the 90s that had a double page spread of some of the merchandise available at the series peak. IMO Votoms is more hardcore while Patlabor was humorous/slice of life enough to get more of mainstream viewership when it aired. (Having said that, few people who arent hardcore mecha/anime fans seem to remember either anymore). This is reflected in the years after each series finished too - Votoms got more high end merchandise because of a hardcore, dedicated fanbase, whereas Patlabor stepped out of the spotlight once the next 'big thing' hit.
  5. While there were some hints to this in his new book....well its good that the man gets to make whatever makes him happy, but I'm hoping he gets around to a new Macross sometime soon... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-03-21/macross/escaflowne-kawamori-unveils-the-fool-project
  6. Anyone remember the spiritual successor to Wings of Honneamise that was shelved? Well, no any longer! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-03-20/gainax-makes-blue-uru-film-with-honneamise-yamaga-sadamoto
  7. Hell no. Patlabor was WAY more mainstream that Votoms due to its slice of life setup (tv series) and police drama elements. Either way, this project looks interesting! English: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-03-20/mobile-police-patlabor-gets-live-action-project-in-2014
  8. There's no box for it because the 2nd movie/Trial Frontier box includes an empty space so it holds both movies in one convenient set.
  9. ↑THIS! I've seen that scene played to a packed cinema and everyone cracked themselves up. And the fact that Sho Hayami himself was there made it all the more hilarious :-)
  10. Only semi-bok related, these are the clear files which were sent out to subscribers of Macross Chronicle earlier this week (sorry about the quality of the pics). Yeah, these really need to be full-blown B2 posters....
  11. These are the clear files which were sent out to subscribers this week (sorry about the quality of the pics). Yeah, these really need to be full-blown B2 posters.
  12. Episode 8 is coming...... but are YOU prepared for what's behind the door?
  13. Looking again at the artwork for the concert (http://macrosslive30.com), I just realised that Sara and Mao are in there - hmmm.. could we possibly be getting the first ever live rendition of ARKAN from Macross Zero? If so, this makes it quite the comprehensive lineup (plus I'm pretty sure that Haruka Chisuga will make an appearance too)... I think they will need to reduce the number of Firebomber and Frontier songs if they are going to fit all this in! Also, its been a while since I've heard May'n AND Megumi together - this will probably be the second only time that Sayonara no Tsubasa has actually been done live.
  14. To date its passed the 75,000 mark. While this isnt a flop, its not what I’d call a great success either. Personally I’d say that 100,000 units could be called successful for such a niche title. Theres no way it will hit that mark now though, so it will be interesting to see whether Bamco thinks it has done well enough to justify more games. (fingers crossed!) Anecdotally, the game has been way more hyped among the Macross community than past titles, but has received a lot less mainstream/gane outlet promotional exposure (posters, etc), probably because it launched the same day as two other fairly big titles. For reference: LTD sales of Artdink Macross Games Macross Ace Frontier: 160,000 Macross Ultimate Frontier: 170,000 Macross Triangle Frontier: 120,000 Macross Trial Frontier Hybrid Pack: 210,000 Macross Final Frontier Hybrid Pack: 220,000 Macross 30: 75,000 (Sources: vgchratz.com & 4gamer)
  15. To keep this from getting lost in amongst the numerous other gameplay related threads, I've decided to make this dedicated one for the Macross Crossover 30 concert codes that come in limited editions of Macross 30. Heres how the system works: The codes allow you one entry into a draw to win one of 100 Macross Crossover 30 concert tickets. Each code can only be used once. You must have an eplus account and be able to pay for the ticket in person at a Familymart convenience store (in Japan) if you win (no credit card payment). The code itself has NO MONETARY VALUE. Codes must be entered by 18:00, May 3rd (Jpn time) in order to be eligible for the draw. Given the above conditions, the codes are not of much use to anyone who isnt in Japan, so some generous members have been donating their codes. IF one of the codes is a winner, the ticket/s will be offered to any MW members in Japan, who will then need to pay for it (again, the code itself has no monetary value). If there are no MW members needing a ticket, the ticket will then be offered to Japanese fans who need one. (For the record, Save, Gubaba, Renato and myself have already secured tickets.) IF one of the codes is a winner, we will get one piece of merch at the concert for the person who donated it (ie, a concert booklet, for example). Please keep in mind that there are only 100 tickets to be won and to date Macross 30 has sold 75,000 copies. Of course, not all these were limited editions, but the point remains that its VERY UNLIKELY that any of these codes will win. Still, as they say, you've gotta be in it to win it, so if anyone wants to offer their codes for the draw, please post them in the thread below. So far, those who have donated codes are as follows (these have already been entered into the draw): Tochiro 25d34m43e2929 Save wf6x758676943 crixskn 6mfd926747874 langrisser m49ex75463292 treatment f4x4652w37627 GGemini 2x7e285263536 Shadow3393 w8wa829696482 xrentonx d9xm272953472 hulagu 96d5842dm8656 Murphy 7ma7f38424294 Many thanks to everyone who has donated codes and fingers crossed!
  16. Finally finished my Mylene Night #03 report. http://www.macrossworld.com/4530/mylene-night-03-report-chie-sings-macross-plus/
  17. Review is (finally) UP! http://www.macrossworld.com/4530/mylene-night-03-report-chie-sings-macross-plus/#more-4530
  18. Bill Rogers was by far the best thing about that imo. The main reviewer encompasses most of what I cannot stand about internet 'personalities' and video reviews - the guy thinks he is funny and also thinks we want to see more of him him him! He also uses the English version of Plus and makes fun of 80s music, meaning he needs to die in a fire. Also reminds me of someone I know.... maybe its a Gen.Y thing. Ugh.
  19. Macross 30 Complete Visual Guide will be released on April 18 and is up for preorder over at Amazon Japan. (Between this, the novelization, Macross the First, Fortissimo, the Modelers guide, and the ongoing Chronicle, March-April has a lot of new printed Macross material coming out!)
  20. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    The Complete Visual Guide has gone up for preorder over at Amazon Japan.
  21. Sarah is WAY too calm when she goes shopping with Sheryl. Having said that, she STILL manages to mention the power generator and the lights. Comeon Sarah, give it a rest already, lol.
  22. Thats awesome! Much much kudos for arranging this! :-)
  23. Just saw the trailer for the bluray box at the cinema. Looked soooooo puhrty on the big screen. I hope they do a proper cinema screening to promote it closer to release.
  24. ......so.....Kodai has one hand in his pants while staring at Yukis crotch, which she is trying to cover with a datapad....(p_-)
  25. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Kotaku reviews Macross 30 http://kotaku.com/5990706/macross-30-is-the-best-macross-game-ever-made
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