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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. OVA will have only ENG dub (apart from japanese) and no Eng subs. Movie edition will have Eng sub, but no Eng dub.
  2. ED from tv broadcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GTIkcGOiU2k
  3. Yup, its playing at a few locations around Japan, so hopefully some of our non-Tokyo based members can get in on the action too! Some English info for those who need it: http://www.macrossworld.com/4654/commemorative-macross-plus-theatrical-screenings-announced/#more-4654
  4. Some Macross Plus screening details.. http://www.macrossworld.com/4654/commemorative-macross-plus-theatrical-screenings-announced/#more-4654
  5. Ugh... so far the costumes are looking like cheap Sentai knock-offs... And why is Jun purple instead of pink?!?!? http://www.gatchaman-movie.jp/
  6. New cast members announced. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2013-04-10/ghost-in-the-shell-arise-anime-adds-6-voice-cast-members
  7. An excerpt from the PV of Mayns new single 'Run Real Run' premiered tonight during a Macross Netmeeting special on Niconico.
  8. Macross Plus Movie Edition theatrical screening confirmed! Details tbc. Sweeeeet!
  9. Macross Plus Movie Edition theatrical screening confirmed! Details tbc. Sweeeeet!
  10. Damn, the rate at which some people here manage to consume this stuff amazes me. Don't y'all have work/school to go to? As for me, batched Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood on blu between Nov-Jan. Was very impressed by its tight storytelling (probably due to Ohnogi's involvement) and thought that the fight scenes were exceptionally well done. Since then I've been doing mostly theatrical features - Evangelion 3.0, Berserk 3, DBZ Battle of Gods. Am keeping up with Yamato 2199 as it comes out (I see each chapter twice at the cinema and then follow up with the blurays) but that goes without saying since imo it may well be the best SF anime series of the decade. Picked up the recent re-release of Madbull 34 and am loving how terrible it is. Will be rewatching Crying Freeman next. Apart from that, I picked up the R4 DVD boxset of Denno Coil - am only 7 eps in and probably wont be able to return to watching it until Golden Week at the end of the month but so far the show is a delight. It seems to have come from this parallel universe where ghibli not only did tv, they did stories that were topical and that people gave a damn about. Similar feeling to the one I had back when Summer Wars came out.
  11. I think CDisdope and Gubaba need to have this discussion on a podcast (HINT HINT!)
  12. Hmmmm.. I'd like to hope, but theres nothing to indicate that Yamato 2 will get greenlit as of yet. Industry skuttlebutt is that, prior to the tv broadcast last Sunday, the show wasnt performing as well as hoped. Initial tv ratings seem to be pretty high though, so hopefully this will change things. Izubuchi (and if this show hasnt finally made that name a familiar one to everyone watching it then it damn well should!) has said that he would actually like to do a completely original OVA prequel about the first human-gamillas contact and battles if possible, but this was just his own personal desire. I'm simultaneously impressed that you held out so long and annoyed that you did so, especially given all the positive feedback in this thread! lol. Either way, welcome to the club! Yeah, I'll probably pick up Yuki once she goes cheap or 2nd hand, but I'm pre-ordering myself a Yamamoto for sure! It looks like Amazon sellers are already price gouging the Yuki figure before its even out, sigh. ^^; Ooh, only 4 days to go until Chapter 5! Got my morning premiere special tickets all good to go :-) Plenty of merch on sale, as always :-) EDIT: The tv broadcast did start strongly, as I'd heard :-) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-08/space-battleship-yamato-2199-gets-5.7-percent-and-5.9-percent-ratings
  13. Yes. There's a 'Change fields' menu option available from the bridge.
  14. Heres the news in English: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-08/nana-mizuki-to-sing-final-yamato-2199-movie-ending-theme
  15. Well, so much for avoiding spoilers... (p_-)
  16. Lol, same here. Even tho I have the BD, it's good to see the show finally get a broadcast :-)
  17. Just tried Misas support skill for the first time. While its not as effective as it could be, I think it's the best bit of fan service in the game by far. I was grinning like a lunatic.
  18. This will be the niconico link, but it hasnt been activated yet. try checking it later today. http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv132750117
  19. Renato, you beat me to it. Emulation of region free games is, imo, wrong. They will run on a locally bought system from any region and will actually look worse when emulated on a big screen. And if you absolutely must play on a big screen, latter PSP models have AV output so you can do just that. The game was made region free and buying it supports the franchise, so why not do so? (and PSPs are cheaper than PS3s too!)
  20. Summaries/separate translations posing no violation of copyright or registered marks is just the point - I think that they are a happy medium and a way of getting around the issue you are posing, especially when it comes to Macross, since they allow people to enjoy the media AND allow the rights holders in Japan to see (hopefully? over time?) that there IS a market for Macross outside of Japan. As such, I stand by my last reply when it comes to my ethics on the situation. I will sometimes offer summaries, answer questions, transcribe events, or translate interviews - because these are not things that would detract from sales of current media. But then of course, Macross is unique in that the years of legal disputes it has been embroiled in have left most fans outside of Japan with little illusion about there ever being authorised translations, and therefore fan translators tend to respond accordingly (ie, since theres no chance it will be released, there is no ethical issue with translating it UNLESS theres a C&D from the rights holders). So even I admit that this makes it a grey area. I myself own all of Frontier on BD, but have had to resort to download fansubs here and there in order to enjoy it with non-Japanese speaking friends. These cases are rare (ie, I've never downloaded a Macross song) but I'd be lying if i said they didnt happen on occasions. So what does all this add up to? Ethically, its a no-no if its current media in my region (Japan). As a consumer, I will temper this on occasion, provided I own at least one copy of the original product. As a contributor, I will not translate in full any current media in a form that would facilitate its electronic distribution or acquisition as a substitute for buying the original product. Again though, just my personal stance.
  21. I agree with Sketchley (damnit, that's twice today! Oh well, it is friday, after all ...). In addition, you've posed the question about The First at the end of your first question - this will imo bias the sort of answers you are going to get (people will decide their answer to the final question first and then go back and twist their answer to the first question to justify this). Ultimately, what is it you are asking? Peoples opinion on the impact of fan translations? Or whether or not you should continue your latest project? Regarding the former, I also think you should probably remove games from the discussion since the factors behind the decline of the Japanese games industry are primarily (i)technical, and (ii) social in nature. The current position of the games industry wasnt effected by hordes of free fan-translations of games online that people could DL freely. On the other hand, I feel that manga and anime can, for the most part, can lumped together for the purposes of the discussion you've framed. My personal stance is that: (i) Fan translations should stop if a C&D is received from either the Japanese rights holder or a local holder of distribution rights, regardless of whether its been licensed in the fan translators territory or not. Media creation is not free and entertainment is not a right. If those that own it say stop, then translations should stop. I dont think that anyone who does otherwise can truly call themselves a 'fan'. Those that create the media have every right to stop unauthorised reproduction and distribution of it. If it doesnt get released in a particular territory for whatever reason, then tough luck. Again, entertainment is not a right. Having said that, realistically speaking, fans like stuff and want to see said stuff. Stuff will therefore be downloaded, regardless. I think that people should, however, buy/import the original copies as well to support what they are watching. The instant people start saying that they couldnt afford the original is the instant they admit their download was unquestionably a form of theft imo. But THAT discussion is one for another thread, if not another forum. (ii) Fan translating of anything is not ok if the media in question is still current. That is, that its being produced and is still selling. This includes anime, manga, CDs that are still readily in-print. The exception would be something like a translation/guide for a game (ie, Macross 30), the translation of information from a publication but not a scan of the actual publication (ie, Sketchleys work on the Chronicles), or a plot translation/summary of a manga (but not scans of the actual manga itself). These, imo, are exceptions because they facilitate to the enjoyment of the media without detracting from the actual sales of said media and may, in ideal cases, actually promote increased sales to some degree. Again though, the above is only my opinion, for better or worse, and I freely admit that it may be biased by both my being in Japan and working in a company that creates some of the products that may be covered in a discussion like this. I daresay my broke-ass university-aged self of 10 years ago wouldnt agree with my grouchy, salaryman self of today.
  22. Same as Sketch, except for some of the older mini-CD singles which are on a different shelf.
  23. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Visual Complete Guide makes a small appearance in Famitsu. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30860&p=1034162
  24. The cover for the Macross 30 Visual Complete Guide popped up in a corner of Famitsu magazine today. The guide will retail for 2205yen and goes on sale April 18. It will be B5 size, 160pages.
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