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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Was wondering how long it would take you two to pick up on that :-p
  2. Is everyone ready for the ROCK SHOW? lol http://www.macrossworld.com/4706/director-macross-fb7-isnt-a-movie-its-a-rock-show/#more-4706
  3. Remember kids, it isnt a movie,. its a ROCK SHOW! http://www.macrossworld.com/4706/director-macross-fb7-isnt-a-movie-its-a-rock-show/#more-4706
  4. Actually no, there was no OP for ep 2 today, just a title screen. I was surprised, to be honest.
  5. WooT! Time for ep.3. Lets see what the fallout from last episodes 'battle' is... :-) EDIT: Wait a sec... the tv broadcast hasnt caught up to the promotional BDs yet... looks like episode 3 isnt until next week. :-( Oh well, at least they aired some Macross Plus commercials :-)
  6. Actually, that was added for the very first time today. Keep in mind that the theatrical version only needs 1/4 of the endings that the tv version does ;-)
  7. Some pics from last weeks Net Meeting. http://www.macrossworld.com/4674/macross-net-meeting-listen-to-us-talk/
  8. For anyone wondering what it was all about, heres some pics: http://www.macrossworld.com/4674/macross-net-meeting-listen-to-us-talk/
  9. Really? Sweet! Such as? (And you could always pick up the BD box of the original I suppose, although keep in mind its not subbed, unlike 2199)
  10. Not necessarily something that is necessary in this case any more that watching the original BSG was necessary to enjoy the later remake. Doing so gives you much more appreciation for what has been improved, but doesnt change the fact that its good on its own. It all depends on your tolerance for 1972 animation I suppose. Not to mention that the original isnt legally available subbed anyways.
  11. Well, thats a shame because you are missing quite possibly the best remake ever made. Its on par with BSG in my opinion. Blurays are region free and have English subs too.
  12. Ok, first of all, yes I got a major characters name wrong in my report. Have corrected it now, sorry. Thats what I get for trying to remember everything while on the train. ^^; Because its not a spoiler. Its clearly in the promotional material for Chapter 6 and has no direct relation to the outcome of the plot. Its also something thats been brought up by Izubuchi multiple times at Yamatalk events. I think the cover for Ch. 6 IS a spoiler though, especially if you have yet to see Chapter 5. Westfall, see answers inline below.
  13. Wow...that was quite a set of episodes. So much action (mostly eps 15 and 18), it practically flew by. Will put a few details in a spoiler section below. As for Ch.6 ... guess what is going to make an appearance? ;-) Keep in mind that the following info is 100% spoilerific, and also typed in haste ^^;
  14. 2. No way of knowing until the set is released, but its not like a BD menu is difficult to figure out. 5. Yes. Japan and US are the same BD region.
  15. I'm here but you won't see me because I'm a ninja - a first pressing bluray ninja ;-)
  16. It's not horror, at least not based by episode 1. It's more fantasy with some grotesque elements. First ep wasn't bad.
  17. I'm more intrigued by how the box for Ch6 shows Dessler front and center, despite the trailer for Ch5 showing that someone is being accused of having assassinate him. Political shenanigans! Tomorrow morning can't come soon enough!
  18. Caught most of an episode while Chanel surfing the other night. Designs seemed a bit meh, and the whole thing felt like it was trying far too hard to be Gundam Seed. Doubt ill follow it.
  19. Volumes 6 and 7 (final) have just gone up for preorder over at Amazon Japan.
  20. Reaction weaponry ... Lots of it. And having Ranka singing helps a bit too IMO.
  21. Almost totally overlooked this. http://www.macrossworld.com/4659/english-subs-confirmed-for-macross-plus-movie-edition-bd/
  22. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    2 page promotional piece in today's Famitsu for the upcoming strategy guide.
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