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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    So far I've uncovered 2 of the 3 secret figures in the Macross Collectage series. One is Ranka in her Nyannyan uniform. The other is the Chinese dress Minmey from Macross the First.
  2. Thanks for your contributions guys. Only 3 more days left until the deadline, so fingers crossed!
  3. Theres a Takarazuka City in Hyogo Prefecture too.
  4. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    80,000 copies according to vgchartz.com. That figure may be a little out of date but either way Im fairly certain that it didnt break the 100,000 mark, which is unfortunate.
  5. Lol, but it isnt a stand-alone BD release Besides which, given that Macross 30 only sold 80,000 copies or so, I'm concerned about whether or not we will see any new games in a while. But thats a subject for another thread.
  6. I understand where you are coming from, but hybrid packs have only ever been done for Macross theatrical, standalone features. Neither SDFM TV BD, M0 BD, MFTV BD, M7TV BD or FB7 BD had games/hybrid packs. So, having one for M+ would actually have been very unexpected and against the established release pattern to date.
  7. So, next up in the Yamato Girls series is Yuria... I'm not all that interested.
  8. Try the waybackmachine. Most of starblazers.com is on there
  9. Well, that's not exactly unusual. There was footage in the trailers for Wings of Fairwell that never made it into the movie either.
  10. It's 90% compilation. Take it from someone who saw it in the cinema 3 times.We even discussed this at length on SpeakerPODcast. http://www.macrossworld.com/4157/macross-speakerpodcast-ep-7-bag-of-orgus/ As Renato mentioned tho, the extras on the BD are pretty worthy and I am in no way encouraging or condoning ppl DLing it. Either buy it and support the franchise, or decide you don't want to support a clip movie and don't buy or watch it. It's as simple as that really.
  11. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Heres a couple of Sheryl figure pics I took at Niconico Chokaigi 2 today.
  12. Gah this looks kinda terrible f^_^ http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-27/transformers-go-anime-to-be-on-dvds-with-magazines
  13. I watch Yamato 2199 for the plot. For that magnificent, curved, plot...... http://jackmackhack.deviantart.com/journal/I-watch-Yamato-2199-for-the-plot-358634396
  14. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Since that was a prize figure, I've seen it go for as low as $20 or less in the past. Of course, it could have been even cheaper for anyone who is really good with UFO catchers, lol! The face wasnt the best but it was a good figure for what it was imo. Saw a girl get one for a birthday present once. She was so happy that she immediately spent the next 15 minutes taking close-up photos of Sheryls butt.... Amazon Japan has it for 18% off which equates to 500yen more than AmiAmi, but with Amazon japan I get free shipping which makes them slightly cheaper for me, all things considered.
  15. Maybe try THIS thread? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37378&st=0
  16. Sheryl figure commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVEzAY-CYRo&list=UU7d_ecORkpj49Y_z05q-M8g&index=1
  17. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    You know a figure has gotta be good when it gets its own commercial :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVEzAY-CYRo&list=UU7d_ecORkpj49Y_z05q-M8g&index=1
  18. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Aaaand... the price for that Sheryl has finally been announced! http://www.macrossworld.com/4741/max-factory-sheryl-nome-figure-details/
  19. Time to start saving! http://www.macrossworld.com/4741/max-factory-sheryl-nome-figure-details/
  20. Hehehe, there's a reason I bought 2 copies of that issue. Actually, I think the office copy might mysteriously disappear as well ;-)
  21. Am watching the Firebomber 2012 footage now - damn it looks gorgeous in HD. We so need a full concert BD of Firebomber. Loved the backstage footage too. Main disappointment is the lack of a separate menu for tracks and the fact that there are only 4 songs in total. On the good side, these include Virgin Story and the awesome Megumi version of Nyan Nyan Fire :-)
  22. Some unboxing pics. http://www.macrossworld.com/4729/macross-fb7-bddvd-is-out-now/
  23. Just FYI this production has been known about for a while now. Theres a bunch of old threads about it, the latest being this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38861&hl=%2Blove+%2Blive+%2Balive
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