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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Tonights screening just got upgraded with extra guests! We now have kawamori and the VAs for both Isamu AND Guld. AND, it's being MC's by Hidetaka Tenjin!
  2. Aaaaaaaand....we have ONE WINNER!!! langrisser!!!!! langrisser, please PM me and let me know whether you want to travel to Japan for the concert or, if not, what piece of concert merchandise you might like (merch should be announced in the upcoming weeks).
  3. http://www.macrossworld.com/4799/macross-the-museum-11-vf-1s-cockpit-planned/
  4. Well, now we know what Takarazuka stood for. VF-1S Cockpit! http://www.macrossworld.com/4799/macross-the-museum-11-vf-1s-cockpit-planned/
  5. Looks like its been password protected. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-05-10/cg-captain-harlock-remake-has-international-dub-plans But hey, at least we now know that Squarenix is doing a Harlock figure. http://gfmpresentation.co.uk/harlock/intro.html EDIT: The script pretty much confirms what I'd heard about the ending...hmmmm.....
  6. Doh, beat me to it! Lol Am not sold on the English cast but then again I'm not sold on the Japanese one yet either so whatever. Damn movie looks better and better with each subsequent trailer though. The only thing I'm really concerned about is the ending which was unfortunately spoiled for me recently by a friend who deals with Matsumoto fairly regularly. I thought he was pulling my leg until a friend who is working on the show confirmed it for me. Am curious to see how people react when it comes out.
  7. The only Macross bluray that has English on it is the upcoming Macross Plus box : Eng dub for OVAS and subs for the movie version. Apart from that, Japanese Macross releases are raw. If you dig around online at various sellers, there are legit subtitled DVD versions of SDFM TV, Macross 2 and Macross Plus. Some of these are out of print so you may need to look at 2nd hand sellers. Just beware of bootlegs. The members of this forum are definately the ppl to ask if you want to double check if something is a bootleg or not. And kudos on trying to support the series.
  8. First, who said anything about Arcadia being a bigger company? Also, better than the the masterpiece of engineering that is the VF-4?!?! Some people are never satisfied.....
  9. Is this a serious question? Giving away your industry sources means you end up blacklisted and never get any news in the future ever again. That's how these things work. I, for one, will vouch for the source in question.
  10. Hmmm... going by the cover there's no Macross the First AGAIN this month....
  11. Cast has finally been made public - no Yamadera unfortunately, but at least Maaya Sakamoto is in it. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-05-07/shun-oguri-haruma-miura-star-in-captain-harlock-cg-remake-film Also, my personal ride was spotted in Shibuya this afternoon ;-)
  12. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    The 5th figure in Banpresto's crossover costume series will be announced in the next day or two, so keep an eye on the interwebs for details. Its Sheryl but she isnt dressed as Sara or Minmay or anything else that was speculated. She is dressed as...well, it made me laugh...in a groan-inducing way. News coming soon!
  13. Latest fanclub newsletter is out and includes an extended interview with Megumi Nakajima and Haruka Chisuga as well as event roundups and messages from Macross staff.
  14. While not a book per se, the latest fan club newsletter has messages from a bunch of Macross staff.
  15. Unfortunately, it's just been announced that next years Mylene Night #04 will be the final one due to 'circumstances.' Chie intends to continue with her solo gigs and says she will cover more anime songs at them from now on, but the Mylene Night events and use of Mylenes name will be discontinued. Heres hoping the final one next year will be one to remember.
  16. Unfortunately, it's just been announced that next years Mylene Night #04 will be the final one due to 'circumstances.' Chie intends to continue with her solo gigs and says she will cover more anime songs at them from now on, but the Mylene Night events and use of Mylenes name will be discontinued. Heres hoping the final one next year will be one to remember.
  17. Entered and added to the top post of the thread. Many thanks! If you can post or PM it asap I'll try to apply for it. Thanks!
  18. Yup. All the codes noted above went through without a hitch.
  19. No. It was officially announced, with images, at Wonderfest. There was a poster for it at the Arcadia booth. However no photos were allowed. This is the design we discussed on the last cast we did. As far a I've heard it's pretty much a final design as far as the paint scheme is concerned.
  20. So... This is the Arcadia valk that was announced waaaay back at Wonderfest AND we discussed on speakerpodcast, so it isn't really news. Just sayin.
  21. English subs confirmed. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-05-01/ghost-in-the-shell-arise-blu-ray-to-have-english-subs
  22. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-16/gatchaman-crowds-anime-characters-staff-revealed
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