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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohaguro
  2. Tochiro

    Macross 30

    Now recommended by Japanese gamers! http://kotaku.com/here-are-10-recommended-games-released-this-year-in-jap-509469948
  3. Yes it is, although since its wrap-around, you can only see half of it. That piece has some awesome detail. I wish i could have afforded one of the framed replications of it that were offered at the Macross gengaten Exhibit last year.
  4. Actually, version 3.00 came out last week.
  5. Not a fan of the theme song. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2013-05-21/cg-captain-harlock-theme-performed-by-one-ok-rock
  6. Dat Jaw, lol. Whole office was talking about it this morning.
  7. Graham- I remember that quest. From memory it was specific to the desert stage and said so in the quest description.
  8. Final versions of the cover: Interestingly, like the Macross 7 boxsets, this is listed as being manufactured for a limited time only: until Dec. 27, 2013. So grab the boxset while you can!
  9. So, Checkmate, did you end up getting that Animeigo set? If so, post some pics! It's always great to see Macross fans supporting the franchise :-) I'd have recommended Madman's excellent R4 release again (which Renato originally reviewed HERE) but it unfortunately appears to have been discontinued (along with Madmans similarly terrific Mospeada and Southern Cross sets) :-( It's interesting - Save and I were discussing this very thing just recently - with the end of the licensing period for many older titles that came out back during the anime bubble, now may be the final ever chance to pick up physical copies (apart from importing from Japan) of Macross, M+ and M2. Some of the older Robotech boxsets are even starting to go up in price (granted, this is on Amazon, but still...). So, grab any sets you want now or forever hold your peace I suppose...
  10. Renato to the rescue - you beat me to it damnit! lol. But I seem to remember you mentioning that one of the DVD editions had some really bad Edge Enhancement - do you recall that conversation at all? Just to add my 2 yen to clarify the situation (or perhaps make it more confusing ^^; ): Like Renato, I too think that the BD is worth owning. It's not the definitive version of the movie, due to the 2 or 3 small edits, and the fact that some of the scenes dont look focused, but in the scenes where it looks good the movie honestly looks the best it ever has or ever will. The only way for it to look better would be to find a 35mm print somewhere - something which we can only dream of, lol. Also, if you can find/afford the deluxe box of the BD, it comes with Flashback 2012. having said that, the original masters of Flashback have been lost and the BD doesnt look noticeably better than an upscaled DVD. Now, as Agent One said, DYRL has had various supplementary footage made for it over the years. These have never been released together in one 'film' though and I don't think they really should be. The Flashback 2012 footage, while originally meant to be included in DYRL, was cut due to time and budget restraints. And having seen both versions at the cinema I think that this actually worked out for the best. The (small) amount of new footage in Flashback 2012 is gorgeous and much, much better appreciated when it doesnt have staff credits taking up part of the screen. Similarly, the prologue footage made for the Saturn DYRL game a good 12 years after DYRL looks gorgeous - it also looks quite different in quality to DYRL (CG vs hand-drawn, etc)and has never been made available in more than 480p resolution, making the jump in resolution quite jarring imo. So, if you don't want to support the recent edited BD release (which I suppose I can understand) but want absolutely everything DYRL related, you will need 3 DVDs: DYRL, Flashback 2012, and the Macross 20th Anniversary Premium Collection. DYRL - Theres an older and newer HD remaster DVD. The newer one also has a limited box set and standard versions. Original DYRL DVD 1999 http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B00005EDM2/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?qid=1368745750&sr=8-4Ï€=SL75 HD Remaster DVD 2007 (standard) http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B000VPOV3G/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1368745837&sr=8-1Ï€=SL75 Flashback 2012 - no real difference between versions afaik, so I'd say go with the more recent 2008 release. Flashback 2012 DVD 2000 http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B00005FX3B/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1368746075&sr=8-1Ï€=SL75 Flashback 2012 reissue 2008 http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B000Y9OKLM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1368745986&sr=8-2Ï€=SL75 20th Anniversary Premium Collection (only one version! Includes Saturn OP footage) http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B00006ALYI/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1368746194&sr=8-1Ï€=SL75 Hope this helps. And kudos for wanting to support the franchise by buying a physical copy :-)
  11. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Ah, the secret is finally out! Lol. Honestly, was a bit disappointed when I found out. I mean, unlike all the other figures in the series, it isn't a series crossover :-(
  12. Doh!I was all excited for new footage, but its just the trailer they played in the cinema at the end of Ch. 5 ^^;
  13. Yeah, I noticed....
  14. I think Kotaku might have just given them a funding boost ;-) http://kotaku.com/finally-a-promising-robotech-game-504988339
  15. Some coverage on ANN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2013-05-13/macross-exhibit-to-have-life-size-vf-1-valkyrie-cockpit
  16. No word on goods/merch yet, but pictures of the tickets and themed foods have gone up. http://www.city.takarazuka.hyogo.jp/tezuka/kikakuten.html While the Fire Bomber curry, Pineapple cake and Kakizaki steak are old staples at events like these, I'm digging the new addition of.. Tempuradi Bowl! LOL!
  17. Macross 2 has actually been fairly well represented in the 30th Anniversary celebrations. It got rebroadcast on Animax, an SD Ishtar figure, an Ishtar phone strap, and an Ishtar sticker. And then theres the fact that it was included in the 2nd PSP game a couple of years back. Thats more merchandise than the last decade or so! lol. Oh, and we will get Mac 2 song(s) at the upcoming Macross Crossover 30 Live (Ishtar is included on the poster, but not the tshirts). Now all thats left is the BD release which I'm sure will happen eventually. All in all, I think its gotten a fair amount of recognition as of late.
  18. Well, Macrross Plus on the big screen was amazing! So much detail! Impressions will be included in the next Macross SpeakerPODcast early next week, with a written report of the talkshow to follow. Unless they've been keeping it secret for some reason, the OVA is either raw or dub only still. BW has had the English dub rights for the OVA for years if the Japanese DVDs (which it was also included on) are anything to go by. As for why there are no subs, theres been no official word of course, but Bandai Visuals recent 'more English subs' policy tends to apply only to newer releases (with no potential rights issues) or a few select older theatrical releases (Patlabor movies, Wings of Honneamise, etc). Except for the fact that its been available officially on DVD with official English subs for over a decade? http://www.amazon.com/Macross-Plus-The-Collection-Two-Disc/dp/B0009IOQXK
  19. Am trying to organize a group trip. If you are interested ill let you know once we have some tentative dates.
  20. Damnit, Jefferson ninja'ed me! Lol Yep the full Ranka version is great :-). I personally rate it as the third best version (original→Chie Kajiura ver →Ranka/Megumi ver)
  21. Belly dancing is never pointless. Never. But I am glad that it looks like the show is about to pick up momentum again.
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