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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Time to get pumped for Chapter 6! Only 2 weeks to go!
  2. Actually, distribution in foreign markets under the title of STARBLAZERS 2199 has already been announced. No other details have yet to be revealed however.
  3. The original series was mediocre at best IMO. Fate Night Zero though? DAMN good! I had to rent it but ill definately be picking up the two BD boxes eventually.
  4. I didn't say WHO the limited edition was for ;-)
  5. I honestly doubt anyone will actually play this at any sort of gig. Hardcore collectors and cosplayers will be fighting for those limited 10 units imo, not musicians.
  6. Hmmm... limited edition clear Cosmo Zero... I'm tempted.... :-)
  7. This is why, for signing sessions in Japan, they don't normally allow people to have their own stuff signed and also, more importantly, insist that everyone provides their name for him to include with the signature. Not only does this add a personal touch, but it also kills and potential resell/ebay value that the autograph might have had. Yep, that makes two of us! Unfortunately he didnt do a talkshow or give any out here in Japan this year (so far) but I have a small collection from previous years that I'm very fond of. I can only speak from my own experience here but having met Mikimoto 4 or 5 times, I've found that he usually does a short talk at most and then spends most of his time on Q&A. Good questions really draw him out and he can really get into things - talking enthusiastically for ages. Overall though, he is generally more quietly spoken, so his amount on engagement can depend on the audience. What really shocked me in the above vid was how small the turnout seems to have been. I'm used to queuing up a couple of hours for the chance to meet the man, yet that panel room looks half empty. Just out of curiosity, how big was the panel room and approx. how many people turned up?
  8. You.... dont get out much do you?
  9. Watch both? Especially since both are included in the bluray boxset that comes out next month? Having seen the remastered movie version at the cinema recently, I can attest to the fact that it cleans up nicely :-)
  10. Part one of episode 9 of the most disreputable Macross podcast is up! http://www.macrossworld.com/4915/macross-speakerpodcast-ep-8-part-1-an-unexplored-hangar/#more-4915 Part 2 is coming soon!
  11. Sounds like a great panel! I'm very jealous you guys got stuff signed. Getting your own stuff signed is a big no-no at Japanese events unfortunately. One thing I noticed - that print isnt actually of Macross the First. Its an alternate colouring of an original character piece he did as part of an exhibit last year and has nothing to do with Macross. Not that that makes it any less awesome mind you. In fact, Save and I thought it almost looks like Myung....
  12. I bet you ask all the girls that
  13. Veefs Macross panel at Anime Boston. http://www.macrossworld.com/4909/macross-anime-boston/
  14. Damn, ep8 of Titan sure kept the action content high. Great stuff. The big reveal was basically what I was expecting. But more importantly- that slow motion punch! Lol
  15. Well, Save does indeed know some wonderful ladies whom he would like to bring on the cast. My mistake. He may be looking at bringing some of them on in the future. What a guy!
  16. If you have time to post then you have time to get to the bar and buy me a beer! MOVE IT! Lol
  17. Yes, island one had landed. It was within the vajura planets atmosphere which, as others have pointed out, was breathable. Remember, in the TV series the planet was identified as being habitable for humans and at the end of the movies we are shown humans colonizing it without any sort of breathing apparatus. How could Alto communicate? Very simple. Fold quartz earring. Even if all it did was convey his feelings and not his exact words, that would have been more than enough. As for splitting VA & singer, this was also done in Macross 7 for both Mylene and Basara. I've seen May'n many many times live and while she has a wonderful singing voice, she is no voice actor and would never have been able to deliver the richness or subtleness that a trained Voice actor could. Aya Endo made Sheryl's lines LIVE just as much as May'n made the songs live. Splitting the roles had nothing to do with how 'cool' Nakajima was and everything to do with her lack of experience. Sheryl was supposed to be a seasoned professional so an established voice actress and semi- established singer were used. Ranka was supposed to be the newcomer, the girl next door, so they held an audition/contest for a fresh new face because they wanted to capture that lack or experience in her lines (exactly as Kawamori did over a decade earlier with an unknown teenager by the name of Maaya Sakamoto ;-). Renato has mentioned on our podcast quite a few times that he doesn't like Nakajima's performance in the movies as much because she sounds like she has had too much training compared to the original. Anyways, the casting and splitting of roles was basically based on how they wanted the characters to be portrayed. If you don't know about Gubaba getting spanked then you obviously haven't been listening to Macross SpeakerPODcast, which raises the question - WHY NOT???? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36874&st=0
  18. Say what? Ok, when we get beer tonight you shall have to tell me about these English speaking female fans you seem to know cause I have no idea who you are talking about. Unless you mean non-Japanese, in which case I can think of maybe 2, neither of which have expressed any interest in being on the show.
  19. Damn it got ninja'ed by Gubaba! Yeah, that album pretty much dictated, for better or for worse, what direction all live versions of Mari's Macross stuff would take from that point on as the remixes are geared to the more restricted vocal stylings of her more recent years (have heard that version of My Boyfriends a Pilot done live on multiple occasions). But hey, the album is still available and quite affordable so if you like it, please support Macross and import it! :-)
  20. As we've discussed on the show previously, yes I think we all know more female Macross fans than male ones these days (I know I certainly do). The problem is that its an audio podcast and we cant very well subtitle audio. So when it comes to inviting people on, language ability takes priority over gender Im afraid. Also, new episode coming out on Sunday night! With MORE Macross Plus! And less of Renato's Grandmother!!!! お楽しみに!
  21. No new content added. I don't know where anyone would get this idea from since its not something that is usually done to any series, unless you were confused by the new pachinko footage included in the extras disc in the limited edition.
  22. You miss the very obvious fact that Kawamori is a long-time, self acknowledged idol fan. Idol music is his type of music. He used to go to Seiko Matsuda concerts in the 80s, and has been sighted at AKB48 concerts in the 2000s. As a result, those shows that he is most heavily involved in AND has the most creative freedom in tend to feature idol singers. For Macross Frontier he wanted a form of 'Future idol' (as opposed to 'Techno idol' from Plus, since that has already been realised in actual reality thanks to Hatsune Miku) - basically what idols could sound like in the not-to distant future. And that is, imo, pretty much what Kanno gave him. It is also what the viewers wanted, if the record sales are any indication.
  23. Second Key Visual Image http://www.macrossworld.com/4901/second-vf-1s-cockpit-key-visual/
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