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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Well, Ch 7 was amazing and showy even if the ending was fairly predictable. Am gonna see it a second time tonight :-)
  2. All available from Amazon Japan. Including a handy set of all 5 issues.
  3. No English subs listed on either the official site or at various online retailers, so unless something to the contrary gets announced at this stage there are no English subs.
  4. Got all the info I need right here! ;-)
  5. ourstarblazers.com 2.0 is finally up! http://www.ourstarblazers.com/
  6. The 1:1 VF-25 is making a (limited) comeback! It will be displayed at level B3 of Minato Mirai station from August 9 to September 2 to promote WOW WOW's rebroadcast of the original SDFM tv series. Entrance will be free of charge and photography is allowed. The 1:1 Minmay 'figure' will also be on display with the VF-25.
  7. We also discussed these on the last podcast from memory.
  8. As seen on Kotaku http://kotaku.com/theres-a-macross-game-on-the-oculus-rift-958606454
  9. Thanks to Save's expert iPhone photography I made the front page of Kotaku! Lol http://kotaku.com/some-lucky-humans-got-to-sit-in-a-macross-cockpit-946089796
  10. Thankfully the theatrical screenings/blurays leave the original intact :-)
  11. So, who on earth is this 'Ishter' chick?
  12. It was pretty hilarious. Kawamori apparently got a good look at if on the show floor.
  13. Tenjin's talkshow had a very special guest - Shoji Kawamori himself!
  14. Nice! I picked up the OVAs but am on the fence about replacing my tv series DVDs. Let us know what the picture quality is like!
  15. You tricky little monkey you!
  16. And so, we are 7. Two more and we will have a Fellowship :-)
  17. At this stage I can confirm that there are three of us coming down from Tokyo, with three locals (incl. Hebime & bariaburu Faitaa) due to be there as well. The Tokyo gang wont arrive until 08:30 or so (catching the overnight bus down). FYI, the line in the morning is for a Tenjin autograph session. reservations for the talkshow (50 ppl) are separate and have to be booked in advance by calling the museum. I'm thinking merch - exhibit - signing - talkshow - Alto festival and then spending the evening at FirebomBAR. So Hebime if you are down to hang there will be a total of 6 of us dropping by the place.
  18. Do you mean will there be any more Frontier? or will there be any more Macross? Of course there will be more Macross eventually. As to whether theres any more Frontier, that's going to depend on whether creative or market forces win out. And while the game includes Frontier characters it has its own new and unique cast of characters which are very much cannon (as much as that word can be used when it comes to Macross)- even the recent Crossover 30 concert featured a Macross 30 song among all the other usual suspects.
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