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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. The new box set doesnt appear to have the two PS3 trial games that were in the old versions. the printed material included in each is also completely different by the looks of things (scripts, etc). Personally I think the original versions are worth holding onto.
  2. Second-hand copies start at as low as 480yen. http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/ol/B0000ARGYK/ref=mw_dp_buy_opt?
  3. I know people who claim to have seen the Plus subs on older domestic rental releases here in Japan. So no, they weren't the same ones used in foreign releases, but apparently they did exist. Granted I haven't seen those myself, but I can speak with confidence on the quality of the team Bandai uses to sub all their new anime releases. This is the real deal :-)
  4. In a word, none. Remember that the PLUS subs were leftover assets from a decade or more ago. These will need to be newly commissioned subs - and bandai uses the same group for all new subs - they also did Yamato 2199, Gundam Unicorn, GitS ARISE, etc, etc. There will be no Engrish in these subs, we are in good hands this time :-)
  5. Details (not that there are many atm) at the bottom of this post. http://www.macrossworld.com/5878/macross-frontier-movie-boxset-announced-with-english-subtitles/ Macross Card Fighter - a social game (probably for smartphones). Possible follow up to 'Macross Cross-Deculture'? (which was pretty terrible...) Macross Sound Scramble - a musical action game for smartphones? Now THIS sounds intriguing. New details will be posted as they arrive.
  6. http://www.macrossworld.com/5878/macross-frontier-movie-boxset-announced-with-english-subtitles/
  7. Akihabara got decidedly more Macrossmassy today... http://www.macrossworld.com/5869/macross-frontier-invades-akihabara/ And then a new BD movie boxset was announced... WITH ENGLISH SUBS! http://www.macrossworld.com/5878/macross-frontier-movie-boxset-announced-with-english-subtitles/
  8. Hidetaka Tenjin has just been added to the guest lineup :-D
  9. Man, you really need to provide more explanation to people for these things. That is nothing more than a survey by DeAgnostini asking that IF they were to do a new Macross publication, would ppl prefer a magazine which comes with a volume of the DVD each issue, or one that comes with a model/model parts for Valks each issue. Both of these are formats that have been done for other franchises/topic in the past. They routinely include these in ALL of their publications.
  10. One of the best Macross games ever made IMO. Basically a love letter to the fans. Check out the Games forum for a bunch of related threads and links to an English walk through/guide.
  11. Well, it's official - the upcoming movie is neither a sequel nor a prequel. No other details at tho time though.
  12. Oops, didnt mean to out you like that sorry! lol. For the record then, other than Giant Bomb I also listen to Weekend Confirmed (Garnet Lee), Game Critics, and sometimes the 8-4 cast. Anime-wise, I do the ANN cast, Anime World Order, occasionally MAHQ (I find the Gen-Y attitudes more difficult to get over than the length sometimes) and also give anything Macross-related a try, no-matter how bad (and the bad Macross podcasts are usually REALLY BAD...and always get passed on to Save, as he will no doubt attest). Out of curiosity, apart from the length, is there anything you want/are interested in content-wise?
  13. March - thanks for the comments. Feedback is something I always appreciate. It's interesting - it seems we have been into podcasts for a similar amount of time, yet our experiences are apparently diametrically opposite. If anything, I've found that the average running time of podcasts (that I listen to) has actually increased over the past 5 years or so as streaming/networks became better and youtube relaxed their rules regarding length of things being uploaded. Having said this, it could be that the genres we listen to are different. The only casts I've ever listened to regularly that clocked in at, say, an hour or less were news, current events, and sometimes movie/literary reviews. Things that were more frequent and 'mainstream' I suppose. Those that I normally listen to however - ie, gaming and anime - tend to be 90-120mins/week. Maybe that's why they call gaming reporters the 'enthusiast press' because they get too damn enthusiastic about what they do! lol. (and dont even get me started on GotY discussions in January, when the guys from place like Giant Bomb pump out 6 hrs or more of discussions in a single week - that's gotta be utterly exhausting). From my own experience however, based on feedback from my old podcast (Japanese gaming), if new content was posted less frequently than once a month, I'd get bombarded with complaints if it was less than 2hrs in length because it wasnt enough. Now, that was when I was covering topics (vidjagames) that were covered in dozens of other competing/similar podcasts. In the case of SpeakerPODcast, however, we are covering stuff that, in many cases, literally no other English-speakers have attended. This is one reason (apart from the fact that we only do one cast every 2-3 months) I'm fine with them running long. As has been mentioned, the banter that comes with having everyone physically in the same room also tends to blow running times out when compared to a skype-cast. But this is exactly the chemistry I'm trying to create/capture with these. It's kindof like a bar-chat more than a strictly structured 'show' as such. For the sake of variety (theres always enough news and events in any given 2-3 month period that we end up not having time for any less-timely topics) I'm thinking of doing a few in-betweeners that are an hr or so in length each, possibly without the full crew, but this will depend on what topics/guests people can bring to the table. Anyways, sorry for repeating myself. I just found it interesting that we have had such different experiences with the same medium. Most listeners (mostly gamers) I know wont give casts that are an hr or less in length the time of day (maybe because they dont cover the length of their commute/workout/plastic model making session?), so the differences are certainly interesting.
  14. The length of the cast is something thats been brought up a few times and Renato nails most of my thought process in a nutshell. But I've also found that most of the comments regarding length are possibly from newer listeners not used to podcasting as a medium. Personally, I listen to 4 or 5 podcasts a week, averaging 1.5 to 2 hrs each. So each of those casts is pumping out a minimum of 6hrs of content a month. Given that we only get the chance to do an episode every 2-3months, I don't feel that 3hrs is all that much content but the problem is we deliver it all at once. I played with splitting the news from the main topics in previous casts I worked on, but that usually just meant we had a short podcast and a long-ish podcast. Also, the news-only got a lot less repeat-listens and traffic in general. But for what its worth, we do provide timestamps so that listeners can skip together to what they want to hear most if they like. Or, alternatively, listen to some of it and then come back and listen to the rest later. Thats the beauty of digital media :-) For anyone wondering, the latest episode has been recorded and will go up in a couple of weeks (once I get multiple work and star blazers deadlines out of the way ^^; )
  15. No scans, sorry, but heres the larger version that was in the official movie pamphlet.
  16. The official Macross fan club will be holding an event to mark the 5th anniversary of the SDF1 launching ceremony on February 22, 2014. Special guests announced so far will include Aya Endo (Sheryl Nome/Voice/Macross Frontier), Takumi Yamazaki (Isamu Dyson/Macross Plus) and Haruka Chisuga (Mina Forte/Macross 30).
  17. New from Mister K
  18. 'News' video posted. I get the feeling they have absolutely no budget and no idea how to market outside of Japan... http://starblazers.com/
  19. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-12-01/macross-frontier-megumi-nakajima-goes-on-hiatus-from-music Japanese http://otanews.livedoor.biz/archives/51969510.html
  20. Tochiro

    2d macross games

    Sorry, Veef and RENATOS podcast
  21. Tochiro

    2d macross games

    If its 2D you are mostly looking at then you have the following to choose from: -Scramble Valkyrie (SNES) -Do you remember Love (Saturn/PS1) -Arcade ROMS (DYRL/Macross 2/Macross Plus - none ever released for home systems). Is there any reason you want to restrict things to 2D? Or are 2D shooters just your genre of choice? Also, Veef and Gubaba did a fairly good roundup of the games available (before macross 30 was released). http://www.collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/veef_show_episode_30_kusoge_riches_macross_gaming_tale ↑got that! Almost bought a second copy recently too, lol.
  22. Merry Macrossmas! http://www.macrossworld.com/5848/get-into-the-festive-spirit-this-macrossmas/
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