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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. No, that was a WF item, so this is the right thread. But Save and I have so many pics of the thing we are going to wait and FP it later on :-)
  2. No news and nothing at Wonderfest (I checked).
  3. Some pics of non-Macross related figures I took at Wonderfest today. In particular, I thought the Megahouse Dragon Crown figures looked amazing. And the Megadrive Megatron is, of course, a must-buy ;-) (EDIT: The uploader seems to have thrown the order of the pics into a bit of a mess, sorry!)
  4. Some pics (mostly from Arcadia's booth) of Macross stuff that I took at Wonderfest today. These aren't in any particular order. If anyone else took any, please post em here!
  5. From Wonder Festival today. Variable Action High Spec. Details TBA.
  6. No, no news on any of those. The VF-0D, mini-SDF1, YF-19, and Gunpod were what were at the stand. …and the Gunpod was really nice to hold :-)
  7. Maybe aim for around GW?
  8. MACROSS THE MUSEUM is B A A A C K! Now with more Cyborg 009! http://www.macrossworld.com/6056/macross-the-museum-1-01-announced/
  9. Macross the Museum RETURNS! Now withmore...Cyborg 009? http://www.macrossworld.com/6056/macross-the-museum-1-01-announced/
  10. Semi-Macross- related, Miss Macross 30, Haruka Chisuga, will be releasing a 2nd (non Macross) single. http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/News/A024282/5.html
  11. Am still jealous of Egan to this day about that 15th anniversary gig. :-) And while I can't speak to specifics, yes most macross gigs are recorded. This can be for any number of reasons (such as the artists wanting a copy of their performance for future reference), but is normally so that the IP holder/licensor has a record of it. This isnt to say that said recordings are necessarily of good enough quality to be packaged as a commercial product - often the recording is a single, static camera at the back of the concert venue. In the case of, for example, Macross Crossover Live 30 however, the footage was professional quality and there were multiple cameras (footage was projected on screens on either side of the stage). This, unfortunately, brings us back to the main reason it wasnt/won't be released - the licensors and other stakeholders don't want to do so. (Theres also issues like financial viability since all the stakeholders need to receive their piece of the pie, and the fact that some concerts are fanclub-events and are meant only for fanclub members/ticket holders - a guaranteed physical release after the fact may limit the organizers ability to fill all the seats at the events itself, so not doing a physical release results an a manufactured sense of the event being 'premium'). Just think - somewhere there is a full visual/audio recording of Yoko Kanno's AMAZING Tanabata Sonic concert from 2009. Despite the fact that it would sell, the various stakeholders will never come to an agreement that will get it released. Which is a damn tragedy.
  12. For Yoko Kanno there's a BD of the Macross F Galaxy Tour at the Budokan. There's also the Merry Christmas Without You Christmas concert (Yoko Kanno/MF) available on BD. One of Fukuyamas tribute to Basara concerts and one Firebomber concert (well, Fukuyama and Chie but it's more like a tribute to Firebomber) made it to DVD. 4 songs from Firebomber 2012 can be found on the FB7 BD. Neither of the Macross Crossover gigs nor any of the Mylene nights have been released and unfortunately they probably never will be. It does appear however appear that there might be a snippet of the Crossover 30 concert footage include in the upcoming Macross F movies BD boxset (unconfirmed).
  13. Latest Oshare Macross http://www.macrossworld.com/6028/oshare-macross-store-0201-0222/
  14. There certainly won't be an official one and Japanese fans frown of recording and pictures are prohibited - but we will report on what we can!
  15. Chie Kajiura's final Mylene Night gig is happening tomorrow! Going? Impressions? Reviews? Post em here!
  16. Am gonna see Chie tomorrow so I'll pass the message along ;-p
  17. Artdink was just the developer. The art was not done in-house (done by Marufuji) and the rights to said art reside with BW.Given that Artdnk has no prior experience on mobile platforms and that neither of these titles has the action-oriented gameplay that they tend to do, I doubt they would be involved. They also arent credited on the game's official website. Naturally, this is all hearsay until the games actually come out though.
  18. We are already way ahead of you ;-)
  19. Personally I would've liked another PS3 game (could build upon the existing Macross 30 engine to reduce development costs), but unfortunately smartphone games are where the money is at these days. Lower development costs, maximum hardware penetration, much longer revenue tail. I don't like it but unfortunately thats where the market is at these days. Well the PS4 hasnt even been released here in Japan yet! Even if it had, given the niche nature of a property like Macross, the development costs for a PS4 game woould be far too high for the game to even break even, let alone make a profit. The Vita has a higher possibility of getting something at some point, although the install base is nowhere near that of the PSPs - this is the main problem facing putting a Macross game on the platform at the moment. (see above) On a separate note, the following images have been doing the rounds for a while. No screenshots or gameplay information yet though. Macross Card Fighter Macross Sound Scramble
  20. I made some screencaps from the soon to be terminated game 'Macross Cross Deculture' just in case anyone was interested. http://www.macrossworld.com/5951/5951/
  21. Some screencaps for those who didnt try the game out. http://www.macrossworld.com/5951/5951/
  22. As Gubaba pointed out, Friends is a totally different song to My Friends, sorry. Translation miss on my part (thats what I get for trying to cover stuff while on the train ^^; ). Fixed. Sorry for the confusion.
  23. It's not out of the realm of possibility. Such art books were done for Tenjins work on the Yamato fact Files (a huge book btw) and for character art from the Evangelion Chronicles (not Tenjin). These were done months after the print run of their respective series ended however, whereas Macross Chronicle has another 26 issues to go. However, given the fact that some of the art has already appeared in his other art books, I think it's far more likely that we will see another one of those that includes more of the Chronicle art at some point. And if you don't have his two Macross-only books 'Valkyries' and 'Valkyries Second Sortie', I highly recommend them! Alrighty, time for some Images from Issue 54:
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