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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Just play Macross 30 over and over until more news on the toy drops then :-)
  2. That reminds me that I need to book myself a movie ticket to catch this on opening day :-)
  3. The 1:1 VF-25 is back! http://www.macrossworld.com/6093/11-vf-25-returns-%E3%80%8Cmacross-cit%E3%80%8D/
  4. The 1-1 VF-25 returns! http://www.macrossworld.com/6093/11-vf-25-returns-%E3%80%8Cmacross-cit%E3%80%8D/
  5. As has been said, the GNU's were pretty much a disaster, sales-wise. A couple of years back I saw a box of them being sold at 100yen each. Given that Arcadia is just starting out, I very seriously doubt they will touch this line again (there seems to be more money in expensive, limited, 3D printed 'models' from them instead).
  6. Oh I know. But my point was more that they are now mixing the two - ie, 'Ichijo' on a clearly marked 'Robotech' product. Having said that, I daresay that this could be an error on the part of whomever threw together the marketing assets for the trade show. Its sort of like HG's 'VF-OD Phenix' moment.
  7. Wow…so Harmony Gold/Toynami is trying to appeal to Macross fans by reverting Rick Hunter back to Hikaru Ichijo now? Thats…sheer marketing brilliance guys!
  8. Thats simply because there are none. Which, imo, is better than people complaining over the coloring of a photo of a CG model taken straight from the anime (or early CAD data).
  9. ANN covers the latest extras details: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-02-19/macross-frontier-film-box-detailed-in-4-minute-video
  10. The LAM just isnt going to happen. It's nice to want things, but given the amount of time that has elapsed, not to mention the parties involved, it just isnt going to happen. And even if it did, I doubt it would be even half as good as THIS:
  11. Some sample pics from the new boxset (extras disc cover is still a placeholder). http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/802/802646/ Thank you for the report! it's too bad you didnt get to see the screening yourself. The end-credits change was reported on months ago, so that's not something new (we even discussed it on Speakerpodcast at one point). I didn't realise there were new line recordings done though. Interesting.
  12. Scroll down for some sample pics from the new boxset (extras disc cover is still a placeholder). http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/802/802646/
  13. Macross Card Fighter is a terrible mobage, but it knows when a card should be rare at least.
  14. Really? What sort of changes? You didn't go to the screenings yourself?
  15. You can't. Certain valks have certain load outs as standard.
  16. I found that using Ranka (to slow everything down - beware the framerate gets utterly killed though), and spamming Reaction Missiles (VF-1S 4eva!)was the easiest way past the boss. IMO, the 21 isnt really all that good or worth using at the default Lvl 1. I gave it to a wingman and found that they ended up getting shot down constantly. But of all the bosses, the difficulty spike in that one is definitely one of the most unbalanced imo, for what its worth.
  17. Rest easy then because, as Kawamori said over 15 years ago, ALL versions of Macross are 'fiction' within his universe. Everything is cannon and nothing is cannon. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30317&st=0&p=760765&fromsearch=1entry760765 He also reiterated this opinion during a talkshow that the SpeakerPODcast Crew went to last year.
  18. Nothing announced at this time. Amazon lists Japanese only.
  19. Macross Card Fighter apparently goes live on mobage (iOS 6 Android) today. http://macross-mobile.bngames.net/
  20. You need to get plans for the next ranks (2 & 3) for each valk and respective equipment. Then, you will need to farm the parts needed to construct it.
  21. Folks, please calm down. the CAD for this is FAR from final. Save and I spoke with Mr.K directly at Wonderfest and most of the points that you have expressed concern about are things that he is well aware of and that are currently still being decided upon. He is also aware of the Phenix misspelling. The man is a professional and knows his stuff, as do those who work with him. Suddenly throwing English Tweets or emails at him when the poor guy doesnt speak a word of English doesn't help anyone. Everyone's passion and enthusiasm is appreciated - it's what keeps new toys like this being produced. But tempering it with some patience and cultural understanding helps.
  22. PM Sent.
  23. Not too hyped that it's a remake but it's better than no Appleseed at all. http://m.ign.com/articles/2014/02/11/first-look-appleseed-alpha
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