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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. 3rd pic down ^^; http://kotaku.com/the-coolest-65-year-old-cosplayer-ive-ever-seen-1538486175
  2. Kickstarter doesn't have the presence or impact in Japan that it does elsewhere. There can often be licensing issues/restrictions that sometimes prevent it from being used as well.
  3. Official website for the Macross 2 box set is live, but does not yet have the tv commercial with new commentary by Hiroko Kasahara that is currently airing on tv. http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/macrossII/
  4. Official website for the Macross 2 box set is live, but does not yet have the tv commercial with new commentary by Hiroko Kasahara that is currently airing on tv. http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/macrossII/
  5. Looks like someone has been playing around with screens from the M2 arcade game ;-)
  6. Well, I'm hard at work editing episode 12. Due to length, I will be splitting it in two - half will go up this week with the second half coming a week later. Part one will cover news and Save's Wonderfestival Winter 2014 report. More importantly, Part 1 will have an opening that features the sultry sounds of crooners Gubaba and Renato! ;-) Which leads me to a question - since we seem to have established the podcast as an ongoing (if infrequently occurring) thing, I'd like to have an original piece of opening music to give the show more of a personality. Most longer running podcasts tend to do this (ie, the ANN cast, Collection DX, etc). So - is there anyone out there with some musical chops who would like to try putting together an opening theme for us? I'd prefer something that includes some vocal clips (either from the cast or Macross) but am totally open to all suggestions! Any thoughts?
  7. Well the writers for a comic book and a LAM would be completely different anyways. But imo the Robotech LAM is never actually going to happen. Far too much time has lapsed. So, as a result, i'm not really concerned about it one way or the other anymore, lol.
  8. Yup, gone in under a minute!
  9. Actually, we got hands-on time with it at Wonderfest :-) Report will be included in the latest podcast in a couple of days if anyone is interested :-)
  10. Unfortunately, you are out of luck. The codes have expired and the DYRL PS1 game was not released on PSN for general sale. Incidentally, neither were any of the other PS1 games or the PSP games.
  11. A sample of Arcadia's GU-11 human-sized gunpod will be displayed at the Tokyo Animation Center Official Shop at the UDX Building in Akihabara from February 28 to March 9. http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-11783781506.html Anyone in the area, be sure to check it out!
  12. Macross the Museum UPDATE A talkshow/signing will be held on March 16. Participants will be the two artists of the key visual image for the event: Hidetaka Tenjin (mechanical) & Masato Hayase (character). Talkshow tickets are limited to 40ppl. Both talkshow and signing tickets will be chosen via lottery (need to apply in advance).
  13. Oshare Macross is returning to KYOTO! Dates: March 21~March 30. Location: Kyoto Marui Dept. Store Any MW members in the area, be sure to check it out!
  14. Audio samples from the upcoming Nyan Kora album: http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Discography/-/VTCL-60367.html
  15. Official site now has sample clips for each song. http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Discography/-/VTCL-60367.html
  16. For two movies and a bonus disk and 300 pages worth of printed material, its actually quite reasonable by Japanese standards. For comparison, the recommended retail price of SDFM TV and Orguss was close to $500 each. As for whether or not the movies are held in high regard, thats really a matter of personal taste. Anecdotally, The Wings of Farewell in particular did quite well theatrically and is a favourite among Japanese Macross fans.
  17. Tenjin Hidetaka will be appearing on TV...in the US!!! http://www.macrossworld.com/6128/valkyries-artist-hidetaka-tenjin-to-make-us-tv-debut/
  18. Think I might have to fly over so we can do a huuuuuge podcast recording with y'all ;-)
  19. Details via ANN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-02-25/macross-frontier-film-box-promoted-with-umaibo-snacks-and-prizes
  20. From ANN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-02-25/macross-frontier-film-box-promoted-with-umaibo-snacks-and-prizes
  21. Well, in that case there's nothing to do other than wait, sorry. bandai will get around to releasing info when they release it, as always. He does use singing and sound energy to make enemies basically leave the battlefield. On higher difficulties however, the AI might not always do that, since theres a lot more YF/VF-19s in the game than just Basaras. Eithe rway, thats a question I recommend you direct over to the Game forums, where there are still active threads about the game :-) Theres a fairly comprehensive English guide done by a member of the forums (who put an amazing work of effort into it) and the PS3 is region free. Feel free to pop into the game forums with any questions you might have :-) On a more general note to everyone asking for news on the YF-30, when theres news someone here will pick up on it immediately. Seriously, Macross World has the most attentive fans around and they usually pick up on pics and announcements before major news sites do. If theres info to be had, the folks here post it and post it damn quick. If theres no news then it means theres none to be had.
  22. No. No preorders, release date, or price have been announced yet. Well, you could always rent or borrow one to play the game on. Your choice, naturally, but I personally find it odd to let brand loyalty (if thats what it is) get in the way of one's Macross. M30 is the most recent part of the Macross storyline, timeline-wise (being in 2060) after all. But, in the meantime, maybe this footage will give you some better ideas as to how the YF-30 works, looks, and sounds.
  23. A promotional collaboration with Umai-bo (a kindof snack - sort of like a snickers-sized cheeto) for the release of the boxset has just been announced. The promotional video has me laughing wildly and feeling mildly perturbed at the same time... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXKCltDX07o
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