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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Time to get some play time in :-) See? THIS is what happens when Aisha gets drunk and forgets to put the weapons container on ! Lol
  2. Latest events announced: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30860&p=1119682
  3. Well, there's been a bunch of new Macross events just announced today for anyone due to be in Japan this year. 1) MACROSS 2 THEATRICAL SCREENING! To celebrate the upcoming release of the bluray, fans can get an advanced look at the new remaster during this all-night screening. Three shows will be screened: Macross DYRL → Macross 2 → Macross Plus Movie Edition. The screening will not be preceeded by any special guests or talkshow. Date: June 6. Time: 11PM to 6AM Place: Shinjuku Wald 9 Price: 3600yen (online sales start at midnight May 9, JST). 2) SPECIAL OUTDOOR SCREENING/TALKSHOWS @ MACROSS: THE MUSEUM Following the outdoor screening of Macross DYRL last month, Macross The Museum - currently on display at the Ishinomori Manga Museum - will be hosting 2 nights of special events on May 31 and June 1. MAY 31 MOVIE: Macross Frontier: The False Songstress TALKSHOW: Shoji Kawamori & Hidetaka Tenjin JUNE 1 MOVIE: Macross Frontier: The Wings of Farewell TALKSHOW: Shoji Kawamori & Hidetaka Tenjin MINI LIVE: Yoshiki Fukuyama 3)CONCERT: FireBomber 2014 - Basara Explosion! (feat. guest Chie Kajiura) DATE: October 19.(Sunday) VENUE: Kanagawa Kenmin Hall PRICE: 7300 yen http://macross.jp/firebomber2014/
  4. She did say that, after producing the Macross F Merry Christnas Without You Concert, she was done with Macross for now. Or something to that effect. It was in an interview in either CD Journal or some other more mainstream music magazine from memory. Unfortunately I no longer have the issue on me to check. Regardless however, despite having been a rabid Kanno fan for over 20 years, IMO it's time to let someone else/new step up to the plate. There's been more Macross productions in the franchise that haven't been scored by Kanno than have, and this musical diversity AND quality is something that I think helps to define Macross.
  5. If we knew this I daresay it would have been front paged by now. If I had to take a guess (and its nothing more than an educated guess) I'd say news will start to trickle down once the final Macross BD remaster comes out (M2 in late July) at the earliest.
  6. Based on other digital releases it should be. But since they have to release all the chapters to date digitally, THEN release enough new content for a new print volume I'd say we are looking at a fair wait for just an announcement, let alone a release.
  7. With the footage in the latest batch of trailers looking so gorgeous, I was curious as to who is going to be picking this set up and, if not, what it would need in order for you to do so. Trailers are on the official website → http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/macrossII/
  8. With a few exceptions (touch ups, coloring, etc) the printed tankobons of vols 1-5 are readily available for purchase online via stores such as Amazon Japan, and are only 600yen or so each, making them the equivalent to or cheaper than paper/ink costs of illegally printing them out (or, in other words, infringing the ComicWalker terms of use).
  9. Just (re)confirmed - Macross the First will be launching on ComicWalker on April 29 (Tue), 11:00, Japan Standard Time. No word on availability in regions other than Japan at this stage.
  10. Just (re)confirmed - Macross the First will be launching on ComicWalker on April 29 (Tue), 11:00, Japan Standard Time. No word on availability in regions other than Japan at this stage. Again, people need to calm the hell down. When I say something is coming, its coming :-p
  11. Well for starters, if it WAS a mere boyfriend thing then it would NOT be talked about. Doing so would potentially damage and comeback potential in the future. Such an announcement would only be made if she was going to actually get married.And even then, theres no guarantee they would actually say who the partner was. Going by post-concert reports/tweets, Megumi said that she needed a sabatical from singing to recharge. The decision was her own and, while selfish, she thought it necessary. Having said this, she also said that she hadn't ruled out possibly returning to singing one day.
  12. Unfortunately no. I lined up for tickets but they sold out in a snap. And scalpers were asking for $300-$500 for nose bleed seats. I did look at te set list afterwards though. She did fewer Macross F songs than I would have expected.
  13. It's coming. Hold yer damn horses already. Yeesh, kids these days have no patience I swear.
  14. Kawamori and co. are experts at trolling. Remember the first time a Macross-class ship appeared in frontier? The locket pic of Minmei? The fire valk colored VF-1 in the trailer for Wings of Farwell? There's a long history of trolling the fans. Not to mention, as already noted, that the First isn't finished and it's future is constantly in doubt. Two years ago Mikimoto told me that he didn't know if the manga would even make it up to 'Love Drifts Away.' And they are still nowhere near even that point in the story even now. A remake would potentially alienate the largest part of the fanbase- younger, predominantly female, consumers. Add to that the fact that the iconic image of the Macross has been used in multiple announcements and promotions for decades. While nothing is impossible, the image in the announcement of an announcement signals nothing more than the fact that the Macross is the most iconic image they could use, IMO. And yes, we discuss all this at length in the latest SpeakerPODcast.
  15. By show are you referring to the hobby show that the prototype was shown at today (we actually got the pics up before the show even finished)? It was a prototype. There were many many details yet to be decided and some that were placeholders. TL;DR no information on that yet.
  16. As was mentioned in the latest SpeakerPODcast, the spelling on the latest flyers HAS been corrected.
  17. SAVE gets the SCOOPDA on the VF-0D! http://www.macrossworld.com/6377/arcadia-displays-vf-0d-prototype/
  18. SAVE was on hand at the event - and provided the pics to prove it :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/6377/arcadia-displays-vf-0d-prototype/
  19. Nothing that expensive since these are just prints. Prices in general go something like this (not all formats get released for every piece): A4: 700yen B4: 2000 yen A3 lenticular: 2000-3000yen Wallscroll: 8000yen I've seen some pop up on auction for 4 times the original price or so. These aren't easy for Japanese fans to get a hold of either. The only easy they are guaranteed to get them is to go to the event - which is the whole idea. Nefarious business scheme, but it works!
  20. Some footage from the Tamashi Nations Akiba Showroom last weekend. http://www.macrossworld.com/6375/yf-30-tamashi-nations-akiba-showroom/
  21. No, its free. Although if your friend is concerned theres a phone number on the Ishinomori Manga Museum website that they can call to confirm. http://www.man-bow.com/manga/
  22. Yes, I noticed that while I was playing around with it yesterday actually. THE FIRST isnt on the release calendar yet, but theres a banner in the JPN version saying its coming by mid-April.
  23. Oh, they added the commercials! Sweet!
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