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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Going on sale at the Tokyo Anime Center on July 5 to commemorate the upcoming bluray box - Macross 2 smartphone cases and art cards. The smartphone cases are 2000yen each and the art cards are 600yen each. Prices do not include consumption tax.
  2. Aaaand… we're back with Ep.14 Part 2! Renato sees DYRL projected on the side of a freakin' building. Oh, and Save runs into THAT GUY…again. http://www.macrossworld.com/6480/macross-speakerpodcast-ep-14-part-2-renato-remembers-love/#more-6480 EDIT: I also re-encoded and re-uploaded Part 1. The sound quality should be a bit better now.
  3. Ep.14 Part 1 is up! http://www.macrossworld.com/6468/macross-speakerpodcast-ep-14-part-1-the-vf-1d-is-on-a-boat/ To make the episode somewhat more digestible, I've split it into 3 parts. I'm hoping to put one part up each week over the next couple of weeks.
  4. Macross Frontier has been added to the lineup at the upcoming MBS Anime Fes at Osaka-jo Hall in Oct. Guests will include: Yuichi Nakamura (Alto) Aya Endo (Sheryl) Megumi Nakajima (Ranka) May'n. Anyone in the Osaka area, be sure to preorder your tics! http://www.mbs.jp/animefes/
  5. In addition to being re-released on ComicWalker, the existing 5 volumes of MACROSS THE FIRST have also been released digitally on BOOK WALKER. Volume 1 is on sale (only 100yen!) for the next 10 days. http://bookwalker.jp/series/16536/?order=title&qser=16536&np=1 If they re-run it in chronological order, it could take months before we see anything new unfortunately.
  6. In addition to being re-released on ComicWalker, the existing 5 volumes of MACROSS THE FIRST have also been released digitally on BOOK WALKER. Volume 1 is on sale (only 100yen!) for the next 10 days. http://bookwalker.jp/series/16536/?order=title&qser=16536&np=1
  7. She's pretty short. Let me put it this way - are Bruce Lee and Stan Lee related? ;-)
  8. Coming for a limited time only - Macross F-themed Cafe & Bar! http://www.namco.co.jp/characro/macrossf/
  9. Reminds me that I need to finish editing the latest podcast where we discuss the plot of the game all the way through in detail ;-)
  10. To celebrate to 20th anniversary of Macross Plus and Macross 7, Japanese cable channel WOWOW will be airing Macross Plus and the Macross 7 OVAs/movies this July and August. http://www.wowow.co.jp/pg_info/release/003046/
  11. Small correction regarding the Macross Plus set - OVAs have dub but no sub. Movie has sub but no dub. (And both look gorgeous!). Other than that, yes, your understanding is correct.
  12. Bariaburu Fighter hit the nail on the head. The Parallel World theory applies to ALL Macross according to Kawamori's current stance on the issue. Personally I think that this is just easier for him to explain than the 'WW2 documentary' explanation over and over again. Theres even a section about it in the extras of the new MacF Shudisuta BD box. Everything is cannon. And nothing is cannon.
  13. Whoah there. Kawamori has done no such thing. He was not involved in FB7 because that was a commercial venture rather than a creative one. But he has not said or done anything that would indicate he is 'distancing himself from M7' overall. I disagree. An OVA series has, by its very nature, a more limited viewership and appeals to existing fans. A tv series gets much wider exposure and creates new fans. Given how much of a huge hit Frontier was, I think this is a good way to strike while the iron is still (relatively) hot as it were. To keep those new fans engaged and create yet newer ones. Remember that most newer fans monetize through soundtracks, cosplay and knick-knacks rather than the much smaller hardcore market that is mecha/toys. For what its worth, given the pattern of Macross releases in the past, I was expecting an OVA announcement. The fact that we are, instead, getting a new TV series however is an unmistakable sign of how healthy the franchise is at the moment :-)
  14. ALL Macross are 'Parallel Worlds.' Heck, its a concept thats even discussed in one of the extras on the new Macross F BD boxset (and is something that Kawamori himself told SpeakerPODcast members when asked about it). As such, the VF-2SS is neither more nor less cannon than anything else in Macross. We just dont get any new toys because that wouldnt sell in Japan which is the only place they can be legally marketed to anyways. For better or for worse, that's the financial reality of the situation.
  15. The spare sleeve is a bonus cover insert in case you want the umai-bo-style characters on your BD case. There was an Umai-bo (cheetos stick snack ) tie up promotion to commemorate the box set. Some parody animation is included on the extras disc as well (speaking of which, the PS3 part has a fairly hefty mandatory install). http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-02-25/macross-frontier-film-box-promoted-with-umaibo-snacks-and-prizes There was also an Umai-bo budweiser homage missile in the Macross Card Fighter animated commercial. Umai-bo, by the way, are these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umaibō
  16. Some parts of the ending strayed a little to far into overpowered new type mind melding territory, but overall it wrapped things up nicely. And there was a whole ONE line by a certain VA with the initials T.F ;-) Gundam the Origin preview was a sweet bonus too.
  17. About Global? His wife was unbelievably HOT!
  18. Wow, apparently speakerPODcast is now part of the conspiracy! (*facepalm*) Since the thread on the topic at RT was closed to inactivity, it seems mav is desperate to resurrect the issue. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2181009&forumid=31&pagenumber=7#post
  19. But ever since the BD came out its the only version of DYRL that is screened theatrically. That doesnt make it right, but its certainly nothing to be surprised at. And it will be screened again on June 6 prior to the Macross 2 theatrical screening.
  20. He started saying it in his post on March 26 on this page http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2188030&forumid=31&pagenumber=4
  21. No, it is not confirmation of a second series, just what the 2nd movie will be about (the first being a compilation flick). Now, the audience was asked to keep the following quiet, so let's keep the following to the MW boards until theres an official press release ^^; Movie 1: -Will be approx. 2 hours -have currently gotten it down to 3 hours so theres still some work to go. -staff commented that it wont be as disjointed as the original Yamato compilation movie. -It will be a more '2199-ish' compilation movie (whatever that means ^^; ) Movie 2 -Key visual image (as of yet unreleased) showed the Yamato from behind in a sea of clouds with a white planetoid-looking object in the distance that was bathed in an ominous light. -The enemy is Gatlantis, although only the word Gatlantis was said. The term White Comet Empire was not actually used (yet). -Staff were quick to point out that this was not going to be the same as Arrivederci (again, its going to be more '2199-ish') -No actual animation has apparently been completed yet. -Releases on Dec. 6.
  22. The name of the main enemy from the 2nd movie has been revealed....Gatlantis. ;-)
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