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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. This ep, we're chatting about the con http://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-133-mikes-bargain-bin/
  2. Latest ep is up, along with some pics I posted earlier in the day. http://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-133-mikes-bargain-bin/
  3. A teaser of the bonus features from next month’s Macross Won’t Stop Special Disc. https://twitter.com/macrossd/status/1205490979664531459
  4. First glimpse at 2205 concepts (from the official fan club magazine)
  5. AKB0048 did get a US (and international) release, actually :-) The music rights were no issue and that’s back when the group were at the peak of their popularity.
  6. A little something we stumbled across yesterday. http://www.decultureshock.com/dh-builders-circle/
  7. In our latest episode we are on the scene as the latest Valkyrie design is unveiled, discuss Basara Explosion 2019 and more! Tune in :-) http://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-132-absolute-explosion/
  8. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-10-14/macross-delta-kenji-yasuda-directs-space-battleship-yamato-2205-anime/.152218
  9. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-10-14/macross-delta-kenji-yasuda-directs-space-battleship-yamato-2205-anime/.152218
  10. Sure. PM me if you have any questions :-)
  11. For anyone that hasn't seen the news from todays announcement: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-09-28/macross-delta-zettai-live-anime-film-reveals-new-valkyrie-variable-fighter/.151637
  12. Can't speak as to any imagery but hopefully there will be some new information in a little over 48hrs from now https://twitter.com/gwyncampbell/status/1174615213418528768?s=21
  13. There’s two pages on it in color, consisting of a total of 5 illustrations, and 4 pages of Black & White designs.
  14. Well, as we hopefully manage to point out in the cast, for now nothing has really changed. And there’s new Macross content on the horizon not to mention books, merch, events and whatnot. So rather than dwell on it, it’s probably better to just keep on enjoying Macross in the meantime while whatever is going to play out plays out. :-)
  15. The Kawamori EXPO book has shipped to those that ordered it either at the Expo or via Satelights online store. Its a pretty expensive and rare piece so I’d recommend that anyone who secured a copy doesn’t flood the forums with pics of the contents just yet (as you might have noted most Japanese purchases on twitter are only posting the cover with 1 or 2 content shots max). To anyone that got one - you’re in for a real treat :-)
  16. Theres a LOT to talk about. Come and join us as we discuss all the recent panels announcements, news, rumors and events. (And be sure to check out some of the pics in the post!) http://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-131-keep-calm-and-watch-macross/
  17. The VF-25 at Solamachi (at the base of the Skytree) is still going since it’s a permanent fixture. It’s the only Macross related exhibit on in tokyo at the moment. https://www.it-chiba.ac.jp/skytree/en/exhibitions/実物大マクロスf-『バルキリー-vf-25f』/
  18. He was officially credited as Supervisor of the production so, as with most Macross productions, nothing in it escaped his oversight to some degree :-) https://www.decultureshock.com/macross-the-musicalture-report-1/ In short, the economic issues of the 29 fleet were an excuse for the story to introduce the Miss Macross Contest 29 into the production. The ending, rather than being “superficially” happy, was in fact the overriding message and point of the production and was very much in line with Kawamori’s general direction and philosophy regarding the Macross franchise as a whole. It was uplifting and gave hope for the future. After all, if Vigo can go from Neo-Zentran rebellion leader to professional backup dancer touring the galaxy, then surely anything is possible :-)
  19. Except that that’s not what really happened at all. Vigo never had any real political aspirations. He infiltrated Neo-Zentran and his goal from day one was to get to a position of leadership whereby he could steer the group away from its violent tendencies. This was, of course, his way of making sure that shootings like the one that made Ash partially cripple and destroyed his dreams of becoming a backing dancer never happened again. The means were not the point, Vigo was merely doing what he felt he had to do to keep the group occupied until he could find a way to disband them. Similarly, by the end of the Musicalture, it was strongly suggested that the boys going on tour was a viable form of commerce between fleets and one that would grow in scale - reflecting Japan’s own music industry and how it has spread out and diversified its primary methods of monetizing it’s artists and furthering Macross’ message that culture and music are what’s important. It was an overwhelming positive note and a happy ending, if not also a new beginning for the 29 fleet. I must admit that as someone who saw the Musicalture in person and followed the interviews with staff that preceded it, it’s quite frustrating to see the shows message, plot, and intentions of its creators consistently misrepresented online as though someone ran half the plot through a poor Google translation and then filled in the blanks with fan fiction.
  20. Given that it’s barely been two months since the last update and the fact that Kawamori also announced he was working on 5 other projects at the same time while coming off the 6 months of prep time that had to be crammed in for Kawamori Expo? It’s probably just you.
  21. Tochiro

    Uta Macross!

    Some figures regarding Uta Macross were released during last night’s official livestream in the leadup to the game’s 2nd Anniversary. Nice to see that it’s still going strong :-)
  22. Tochiro

    Macross VR

    Don’t forget to click on VR mode once you have your device connected :-) https://youtu.be/nreQH5Amd4E
  23. A few pics from the recent Share Macross Popup Shop. http://www.decultureshock.com/oshare-macross-summer-colored-walkure-popup-shop/
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