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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Those were done by completely different teams - please dont but the excellent Frontier subs in the same basket as the Plus ones (which do the job as well, but just arent that polished and unfortunately have a few errors). Eitherway, both ARE available legitimately and with English subs - hurrah! :-) Its great that fans can show their support by importing them :-) Just as they can with Macross The First (for the art, if nothing else). Heres hoping the latest chapter of MTF marks a return to more regular monthly content. Fingers crossed!
  2. Saruta - both 'Minmay' and 'Minmei' are used in SDFMTV. Just a heads up.
  3. You might want to post this in the anime and Sci-Fi forum - just a thought. Also, are you referring to the live action movie from a few years back or one of the two more recent Yamato 2199 animated theatrical features?
  4. For this who missed it in the dedicated thread, a new chapter of MACROSS THE FIRST is finally up on ComicWalker. Also, Vol. 6 of the collected manga will go on sale on April 25 ()
  5. The new chapter is short but has a fair bit of action :-)
  6. A quick search shows it being available on auction for 1300-1800 yen. It's also rather common. I see it in 2nd hand bookshops fairly frequently and even saw multiple issues in California at Macross World Con recently. With some internet-fu you shouldn't have any problems finding a copy. :-)
  7. I'm sure it's availale from some second hand online seller for dirt cheap. Why not just buy it?
  8. If it's expected then is it really 'news'? Hmmm.... That's kinda deep man. Personally I'm expecting some small tidbits in April (fan club events and anime trade shows happen then) but most real news and big reveals probably won't happen until the second half of the year. I originally thought we would hear more sooner, but the fact that there's an Aquarion anniversary project in the works that will have to come out before Delta, I've pushed my expectations for news back a bit.
  9. Gwynne, wmkjr - thanks for listening! We don't always get that much feedback and its nice to know that people are listening, given how much time goes into doing these things :-) I currently have another 2 casts in the can to edit, one due to be recorded this week, and several more mapped out between now and May, so theres plenty more Macross talk yet to come! :-D Also, for anyone who was wondering, I'm going back to splitting casts in two where necessary. I had been dropping compression quality in order to fit within the file size limit, but this was making song samples sound terribly tinny and unnatural. For a show which has as much amazing music as Macross, I decided that this simply wasn't the way I wanted the listeners experience to be and therefore have gone with better quality compression, split between multiple parts. I will try to keep each 'episode' to no more than two parts at the max. Either way, it means a it more editing for me, but I hope people notice the difference :-)
  10. And, here are the fruits of our labour - despite Spanner not having time to join us ^^; Episode 21, Part 1 http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcase-ep-21-deculture-down-under-part-1/ Episode 21, Part 2 http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcase-ep-21-deculture-down-under-part-2/
  11. Thanks for the kind words, Milkautico and Marzan! Also... Episode 21 is up! Part 1 http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcase-ep-21-deculture-down-under-part-1/ Part 2 http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcase-ep-21-deculture-down-under-part-2/
  12. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    So noones been looking at the front page obviously ... (p_-)
  13. Since when has any Macross story NOT been serious?
  14. Bluray Box 1 http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B008CA4JS4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1423899704&sr=8-1&keywords=マクロス7+blu-ray+box&dpPl=1&dpID=51ATEkRkJ3L&ref=plSrch Bluray Box 2 http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B008CA4JSO/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1423899556&sr=8-2&keywords=マクロス7+blu-ray+box&dpPl=1&dpID=51ip9JqGU9L&ref=plSrchπ=SY200_QL40 You can also try other online stores like CDJapan. Please keep in mind that not only is the unspoken policy of this site to not post scans of things that are still in print, but that people involved in the production of Macross also read this site! So please support the wonderful shows they make instead of selfishly asking for scans for free.
  15. comeon, it's still in print guys..... Yeesh.
  16. Got several hundred dollars to blow? RED MONKEY is partnering with MacrossF to produce Mens and Ladies Sheryl Nome-themed watches. The mens model will retail for 45000yen while the ladies will be slightly cheaper at 43000yen. Samples will go on display at Shibuyack Deculture/Macross The Museum from Valentine's Day and preorders will open in March via Bandai fashion Net.
  17. In a nutshell, yes. With the exception of some of the older diagrams and 'photos', I believe the bulk of the information from the VF-1 Angels doujinshi are covered/expanded upon/updated in the Master Files. I can't say that I've ever used Google Translate since Ive never seen a translation come out of it that doesn't sound like gibberish without considerable rewriting, sorry. Maybe someone else here who has used it can give you more information on its viability as a tool. As for Japanese, some characters have pictographic meaning and some do not. The language uses a minimum of three alphabets in regular written use. Then theres the technical terms, terms made up for anime/fiction/Macross, and the reversed grammar and you have a starting point. Its not undoable. It's just not easy. I know one forum member here in particular (hi Gubaba!) who has translated entire Macross novels, has gone on record saying he wouldn't even want to attempt tackling something as involved as the Master Files. .... ans THEN theres sketchley :-)
  18. Just FYI, the picture you posted is the cover of an old doujin from the 1980s. Many of the same people worked on the Master File books and built on the work they originally did so getting the original doujin translated would probably be somewhat redundant. From my reading of the Master Files, unless your friends wife is very savvy regarding engineering and avionics terminology and Macross lore, she is going to have a Herculean task translating something like the Master Files. In the world of professional translations, that sort of work would not come cheap. Not trying to be demotivational here, just talking from experience. Good luck!
  19. Upcoming Ichiban Kuji figures and merchandise. http://www.macrossworld.com/new-ichiban-kuji-figures/
  20. Latest Ichiban Kuji goodies! http://www.macrossworld.com/new-ichiban-kuji-figures/
  21. Some pics by Save from WF. http://www.macrossworld.com/wonder-festival-2015-winter-photo-gallery/
  22. Some pics from Shibuyack Deculture/Macross the Museum. http://www.macrossworld.com/shibuyack-deculture-photo-gallery/
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