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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. New chapter of MACROSS THE FIRST is up on ComicWalker. That's TWO chapters this month!
  2. Well now, this IS a pleasant surprise! Ostensibly to coincide with the release of the 6th published collected volume today, Macross the First has also received a new digital chapter! That's two updates this month! See ComicWalker for details (as usual, your device must be set to Japanese in order to see the new content).
  3. The TRANSFORMATION - an exhibit of the design works of Shoji Kawamori - will be held from July 3rd to October 26 at the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum in Hyogo Prefecture. Entrance fee is 700 yen for adults. No word on signings or talk shows at this stage.
  4. Tochiro

    YF-30 in SRW

    Confirmed! Rion Sakaki and YF-30 confirmed for new 3DS Super Robot Wars. (Altho Rion is only shown in his 25 from the opening scene of Macross 30).
  5. If the fans guess/interpretation is correct, Macross 30 fans are gonna have to dust off the old 3DS! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2015-05-19/new-super-robot-wars-3ds-game-teased-in-famitsu/.88317
  6. Tochiro

    YF-30 in SRW

    If the fans guess/interpretation is correct, us Macross 30 fans are gonna have to dust off the old 3DS... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2015-05-19/new-super-robot-wars-3ds-game-teased-in-famitsu/.88317
  7. No, there was no 'limitation' imposed on the license, just two major factors that need to be kept in mind. (1)The VF-X license was most likely considerably cheaper than the FB2012 one. For a niche valk that isnt a hero valk, going with the cheaper license makes business sense. (2)(Repeating whats been said previously but) IT WAS MADE TO ORDER. And there was a large window to order as well. The only limitation to the number of valks made was the number that were ordered. It sucks for anyone late to the party but theres no conspiracy theory behind it.
  8. Victor will release 'Mari Iijima: Golden Best' on May 27 for 2000 yen (tax not incl.). Focusing on Mari's early years at Victor, the album includes 17 tracks, with 6 of those being live ones. Available from Amazon Japan, CD Japan, etc.
  9. ANN just picked up on the story. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-05-18/mayn-cancels-current-tour-due-to-vocal-cord-polyps/.88277
  10. Singing voice of Macross Frontier's Sheryl Nome, May'n has put concerts for the next 3 months on hiatus due to polyps on vocal chords. Polyps were discovered a few years back by doctors. She has been performing while keeping an eye on the condition which recently worsened. May'n aims to take the next 3 months off to ease the stress on her vocal chords, with Augusts scheduled 10th Anniversary concert at the Budokan 'POWERS OF VOICE' currently still on track to go ahead as planned. http://mayn.jp/pr150518/
  11. Singing voice of Macross Frontier's Sheryl Nome, May'n has put concerts for the next 3 months on hiatus due to polyps on vocal chords. Polyps were discovered a few years back by doctors but have recently worsened. May'n aims to take the next 3 months off to ease the stress on her vocal chords, with Augusts scheduled 10th Anniversary concert at the Budokan 'POEWRS OF VOICE' currently still on track to go ahead as planned. http://mayn.jp/pr150518/ EDIT: ANN just picked up on the story. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-05-18/mayn-cancels-current-tour-due-to-vocal-cord-polyps/.88277
  12. Studio Nue is a design studio. Even when they were first conceived they were fairly notorious for doing designs so detailed that they were difficult to animate without simplifying somewhat. I dont think anyone has ever claimed they are an animation studio (apart from fans of that OTHER franchise who never seem to be able to do a simple google search for some reason).
  13. Oh I somehow doubt that the VF-4 is gone for good. My hunch is that it will pop up again at somepoint. Just not necessarily anytime soon. ;-)
  14. Why on earth would you assume that Macross ANYTHING would be produced for Western audiences? It's a Japanese IP that makes the bulk of its money from a supportive Japanese fanbase, the greater percentage of which is currently made up of Frontier fans. Not to mention, of course, that it can't be made with non-Japanese audiences in mind due to those 'issues' that shall not be named. Like Yamato, Gatnz, and Ruroni Kenshin, if a Macross live action adaptation were to happen, it would be made in Japan for the Japanese audience. For what its worth, of the current rumours industry surrounding the franchise and its possible future, a live action movie is not among anything I've heard of as of late.
  15. Going on sale at the CharaCoro Macross Frontier Cafe from April 25th to commemorate Ranka Lee's birthday - a Ranka phone stand (1850yen).
  16. Adrians thoughts are many. We will be recording them this weekend and hope to have a podcast up next week. He has some great info on Evolution Toys too. On a side note, as I noted in the front page piece, it's a TOY. Do people think I don't do my due diligence when translating and reporting this stuff? I hate to sound crabby but it's almost insulting.
  17. Wow, an honest to goodness Tomo Sakurai fan page....without any mention of Macross 7... ^^; https://morningberryz48.wordpress.com/2013/05/03/「tgif」idols-unzipped-on-way-back-fridays-presents-sakurai-tomosinger-actress-model-seiyuu-volume-44/
  18. As we reported on the front page, yes its 1/60. (insert obligatory 'no-one reads the front page anymore' complaint here)
  19. Not that long until it comes out either since its an Autumn release. :-)
  20. Hi Oskull! As expected, nothing worth reporting unfortunately, no. There was a lot of talk about the idol audition process, but we still have yet to get a clarification of how to read the name. There were one or two vague hints dropped that I'll be covering on the next podcast.
  21. Take me to the moon Hibiki! http://www.macrossworld.com/vf-2ss-announced/
  22. If anyone was watching the Macross Fans-US Facebook group, this was actually scooped by SAVE hours ago - he was actually on-site at the event putting pics up real time :-)
  23. Unfortunately, the latest chapter of MACROSS THE FIRST on ComicWalker has been delayed yet again. The latest update was originally scheduled for April 7, before being reschedules to April 13. As of yesterday it was rescheduled yet again - to May 12. Oh well, at least theres the new tankobon to look forward to...
  24. Unfortunately, the latest chapter of MACROSS THE FIRST on ComicWalker has been delayed yet again. The latest update was originally scheduled for April 7, before being reschedules to April 13. As of yesterday it was rescheduled yet again - to May 12. Oh well, at least theres the new tankobon to look forward to...
  25. Thanks Joscasle! Part 2 is up! :-) (The model talk begins from about the 21min mark) http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-22-tomo-sakurais-pink-box/
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