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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Except that, by the definition Kawamori uses, games and novels are equally as canon as anything else. :-)
  2. Thankfully, M2 has now been given the same status as the rest of Macross. No need to use the term parallel unless you use it for every entry in the series, really. Can't wait to see what happens when the timeline finally catches back up to M2 :-)
  3. Jefuemon, I think it's time for your podcast debut then ;-) Will you be stopping by Tokyo? Can you put your parents in a locker for a couple of hrs?
  4. It's from Macross Card Fighter. :-)
  5. Sketchy - thanks for the confirmation. I'll defer to a local although I could've sworn the restoration project was longer than 5 years. I thought 5 years was justhe main keep itself? I could well be mistaken. As for go-Pro, while I avoid tourist traps, I have never seen anyone use one here and that's for good reason - it's considered extremely rude. Please remember that Japan opposed Google maps trucks for a long time. Even TV news avoids showing faces in the background of stories.
  6. Ditch Osaka Castle for Himeji Castle instead. It's just had a 10yr restoration project done on it and is glorious. RE: Gopro - as BariaburuFaitaa mentioned, there are sections where any kind of photography is prohibited. Personally,I'll hold off visiting until the next round of signings/talkshow gets announced. ;-)
  7. The Day 1 cinema freebies were pretty sweet :-) Overall, better than Arise, but makes little sense if you haven't seen Arise. An unexpected hommage at the end to both the original 1995 theatrical feature and Stand Alone Complex too.
  8. The DYRL one is the longer and more fully featured of the two. I also think it has decent replay value. The WoF one isn't bad but it's really short. Both are supposed to be extras to theor respective movies rather than full games in their own right.
  9. According to what Im hearing on twitter, apart from Macross and Aquarion, theres also some stuff from Armored Core and Omega Boost :-)
  10. Well, granted, we already got a whole new generation of fans in 94 and then an even bigger new influx of fans in 08. And of course, there will be an entire new generation of fans initiated into the franchise next year too ;-)
  11. The short version is that the court cases have been over for a decade. It's very clear who owns the rights to what. That's not the problem. The problem is that HG went and copyrighted the term MACROSS (among others) in all territories outside of Japan. This means that no one can release anything that uses the word without giving HG their pound of flesh. The long answer is here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36541 Let's get back on the topic of Delta though. Clarification and knowledge regarding the legal issues in question are terrific and to be encouraged, but this isn't the thread for that particular discussion.
  12. Yeah, people REALLY need to stop referencing that Kotaku article. Seriously. Also, as a creator, why would someone want to change the name of their creation just due to some money grubbing company overseas in a market that doesnt monetize even a fraction as well as their home market does? Yes, Kawamori was VERY involved in AKB0048. It, along with Symphogear (also done by Sayelight) are almost like the long lost cousins of Macross. Also....all will be announced in due time ;-)
  13. Well, lucky that the only Valk that Kawamori has even hinted will be in Delta so far is the YF-30 :-) I wouldn't be surprised if its a VF-30 though, but thats pure speculation.
  14. Exactly as Save pointed out during our podcast about it a month ago. But apparently no one listens. (p_-) Try the last episode of SpeakerPODcast. We discuss landing gear and lineart for at least 20mins. f^_^
  15. The Vf-19 the mainstream fighter in 2067? Ahahahaha.....no. f^_^
  16. The actual interview ends in the previous paragraph. That quote is the author stating his personal views (which, as someone with a Journalism degree, seems rather unprofessional to me, but hey, I'm not the one writing for Forbes). As such, it doesnt represent the views of Satelight and has no bearing on what may or may not happen.
  17. Not saying it should be, just that there's precedent. And I won't even mention the time travel hint that have been dropped in Macross the First ;-) All this aside though, it's set in 2067. And the franchise is looking forward and moving forward. No point in dwelling on the last when the greater portion of your monetizeable user base are Frontier fans. Not to mention that the ....well everything will be announced in due time (^_−)
  18. Mo, that particular pic came from my Twitter/Facebook feed actually f^_^
  19. As we previously reported on the front page, an exhibit dedicated to the design works of Shoji Kawamori will open at the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum in Takarazuka from July 3 2015. Among the details announced are a signing by Kawamori on July 3, and 1/6 scale VF-1S. Anyone who visits the exhibit, please post your impressions and pics here :-)
  20. The Manga, Anime , Games 1989 exhibit at the National Art Center, Tokyo opened this past Wednesday and includes an unexpected surprise for Macross fans - a wall dedicated to breaking down the Itano Circus in Macross Plus. The exhibit continues until August 31st, so anyone in Japan during the period be sure to check it out. Detailes in English can be found here: http://www.nact.jp/english/exhibitions/2015/magj/index.html
  21. The Wall of Macross Plus - breaking down the Itano Circus, one screenshot at a time. Currently at the Manga, Anime , Games 1989 exhibit at the National Art Center, Tokyo.
  22. Yep, as Gubaba pointed out, the music producer gambled what budget they had on a handful of songs hoping they would be a hit and get them money for new songs. And that gamble paid off! (Heck, I know 'I' ran out and bought Firebomber singles at the time and remember friends telling me their local Tokyo music stores had sold out!). So no, no 'Sponsor pressure' involved, sorry. Far from demoralizing, I found the story to be quite uplifting, but hey to each their own. As for the 'Western storytelling techniques' comment, I'm sorry but you have completely misunderstood what I wrote. I was referring to certain fabricated, popularistic narratives BY CERTAIN PEOPLE IN THE WESTERN PRESS (ie, the English speaking internet) for NEWS stories about the role of sponsors and production committees. THIS is where I thought your unfounded theories regarding the role of sponsors in the creation of Macross may have come from. Apparently I was wrong and you didn't get the reference. Sorry about that.
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