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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Strongly hinted at by Kawamori and reported on the SpeakerPODcast in an episode recorded December 2014.
  2. Flying Dog's digital series of HD 'Hi-resolution' audio remasters will have yet more Macross and Macross-related albums added to its lineup this summer. August 5: CM Ranka August 5: May'n Street August 19: Acoustic Fire! Sept. 2: Cosmic Cuune http://hd-music.info/group.cgi/view/53
  3. The Karaoke Honpo Manekineko chain of karaoke parlours will be holding a Macross Frontier collaboration nation-wide across Japan from August 8 to October 31. The collaboration will be in the form of four character-themed drinks, each of which comes with a unique character coaster. 7 years after its broadcast, Frontier just keeps on goin' and goin'.
  4. Well, since we already know that Delta will be set in an entirely different section of the galaxy, following up on Frontier plot threads is not something I'm expecting at this point.
  5. The 'news' itself is old, sure. But the comments by Kawamori in the article are less than 48 hrs old. The comments themselves are new, if not the news, hence why I put this in the not so important news thread :-)
  6. Someone gave Kawamori a few minutes off from making Delta - and look what happens! ;-) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-08-05/macross-creator-kawamori-talks-designing-plane-for-thunderbirds-remake/.91313
  7. Someone gave Kawamori a few minutes off from making Delta - and look what happens! ;-) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-08-05/macross-creator-kawamori-talks-designing-plane-for-thunderbirds-remake/.91313
  8. Well the FirebomBAR is still around. But even that is a side hobby for the owner who has a regular full time job. And personally, there's no way I'd want to work in hospitality. I'll settle for drinking at the bar after work instead lol.
  9. Do you mean like the Nyan Nyancafe & Bar which closed recently? Or the FirebomBAR is Osaka? It's all been done already either way \(^o^)/
  10. An oldie but still fun - Macross fans pop up where you least expect them ;-)
  11. Just to avoid any misunderstandings, a lot of the emphasis on the IF IT SELLS part is my own. This is because (a)its the reality of the situation and (b)I don't want what is being said to be taken out of context. It's not an issue of them 'putting it on the fans' - it's just that this is the standard business model for anything that doesn't have the resources of a Bandai or something similar. It's the way things work and is taken as granted. In many ways its the original Kickstarter (and is the main reason Kickstarter has taken so long to gain traction in Japan). As such, its often mentioned once and then not mentioned again, or is else left out of the conversation entirely - this results in a lot of mistranslated information and communication breakdown at times. So yeah, its just Evolution Toys acting the same as any small company would. And does. For what its worth they seemed quite positive and hopeful about the product. As for more detailed questions - these can be asked soon enough. Theres a a limit to what can be asked in an initial meeting without killing your chances of getting a second one. When you want to talk to Japanese companies about a product thats only for Japan, (especially when a license as tangled up in legal rubbish and internal politics as Macross is), you have to play by Japanese rules. Please, give me at least that much credit. ;-)
  12. Alright, so here are some bits from a discussion I had with Evolution Toys at Wonderfest. There may be more added to this later because I know of at least one other person who spoke with them as well. Please take the following with a grain of salt because all of it is based on a single factor - whether or not the VF-2SS sells enough. How much is 'enough'? I do no know. But if it doesn't then this will be the ONLY Macross 2 valkyrie that they do. IF it sells enough, there are things they want to do next. At this point that is a big IF and its up to the fans to put their money where their mouths are if they want this line to continue. That is the bottom line in all of this. -The fighter mode shown at WF is still not the final prototype. There is still one more to come. Then a colour prototype/test. -Despite all the work left to be done, they still expect to launch within one month of their December target at this stage. (So a late January release may be more realistic but we shall have to wait and see). -There has been a fair amount of preorders and interest from Japanese fans. -They are aware that theres is a lot of interest in the product from the foreign market and are happy about this. -No, none is monitoring anything that fans outside of Japan is saying. (1)Theres a language barrier, (2)Their license is for Japan only and as such they are focused on what the Japanese fans are saying. As with other Macross toy makers, they cannot sell to or be seen marketing to, territories outside of Japan. -I mentioned the tabs. They seemed a little surprised that the tabs were seen as an issue. Wouldn't comment at this stage on whether these would be altered in the next prototype. Fingers crossed. IF THE VF-2SS SELLS ENOUGH (and thats a big IF)... -The SAP has already been designed. There are slots in the current prototype for the SAP if you look closely enough. -IF it ever gets released it will probably not be as a stand alone product. -The more likely option is that it will come as a bundle with a a Nexx repaint of the VF-2SS. -I asked if other Macross 2 Valkyries were a possibility, such as the Metal Siren. They replied that they were interested in doing the VF-2JA Icarus as well as other Macross 2 valkyries, provided of course that there was enough interest shown and that the VF-2SS sold enough. So, there you have it. The possibility for more Macross 2 valkyries, repaints and SAPS is there, if the line sells well enough. All of the above is dependant upon the performance of the VF-2SS though, so none of it is official or guaranteed to happen. If nothing else, it seems that the staff loved their Macross 2 meter and that their intentions are good. Either myself or other members of the SpeakerPODcast will likely be talking with them again in the near future (fingers crossed). I'll add a few pics in a moment (computer is on the fritz so will upload directly from phone). These were taken in a very narrow space and through two layers of plastic so I apologise in advance for their quality.
  13. Please see Gubabas post on the previous page. This became known two weekends ago FYI. All that has 'leaked' is the news that the first 10 episodes have been written. That is a photo of the magazine article that mentions as such.
  14. Falcon - I'd recommend Yahoo Auctions. Jefuemon - But I AM living my anime dream! :-p
  15. Tim Eldred warns that this is just a rumour at the moment but to stay tuned.
  16. Great write up Sketchly! Do you mind if I front page this?
  17. Ep 25 is finally here! Yoshiuki Takani! Mylene Party! The Nyan Nyan Cafe! Renato taking singing lessons! ...whew....^^; http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-25-talkin-takani/#more-7656
  18. Yeah the maker is the friend of Save's that we discussed in the last WF SpeakerPODcast. Remember how we told the story about Miyatake turning up and getting hugged? http://astro-mo1.way-nifty.com/blog/2015/02/index.html
  19. Yep, it's official! First 10 eps are scripted :-)This actually hit the fandom here back on Friday but I didn't think a conclusive source would surface so soon! \(^o^)/ Couple this with the hints that have popped up here and there regarding mechanical designs and other art assets being worked on and it's clear that production is really ramping up :-)
  20. Work happened! The ep is very nearly done however. :-)
  21. That's not really how it works I'm afraid. No matter how well it sells, there's not really any scenario where another company will pic the license up. Adrian/Save talked about this at length when explaining Evolution toys on SpeakerPODcast. http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-24-we-dont-need-no-landing-gear/
  22. Well, Sunrise announced Gundam: Iron-blooded Orphens today, the latest in its long line of Gundam Alternate Universe series. It begins in October which is great news because it should (hopefully) tide anime/mecha fans over until MacrossΔ starts. Initial key images show a young cast but seem to be trying to appear somewhat serious in tone. I'm curious - would the Western fanbase like this sort of design aesthetic?
  23. Yep, Seto summed it up well. Theres no connection between the kana spelling of the two words. They are completely different terms and not something that a Japanese speaker would use interchangeably.
  24. Launch event for the upcoming updated Macross Frontier 2 pachislot.
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