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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Vigo's little gang of Neo-Zentraedi on the Macross 29 really did have the most budget head-gear. Since the fleet was going through a recession at the time, it does kinda fit, in a way. On the other hand, they could always find work as extras on Yowamushi Pedal.
  2. Yet in the end, he gets those different results. He doesn't need to move when the galaxy ends up moving for him. Think of him as a musical version of the Juggernaut ;-)
  3. I found the A.C.E2 and A.C.E3 stories to be far more entertaining (with far better controlling valks). Of course, nothing comes close to Macross 30, but that's PS3.
  4. Came across a flier for this at Comiket on the weekend. Am I the fence as to whether to pick it up or not. If I have enough Amazon points banked, I might cash em in on this.
  5. I still love the fact that the Killer Rabbit was turned into a boss in Dragons Crown (videogame).
  6. Some fan-made pins. Including the worlds tiniest VF-22 :-)
  7. I swear I posted that exact same pic on Twitter last year...wait...yep that's my tv.
  8. The new Macross Frontier 2 Pachislot game goes live in Pachinko parlours across Japan today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyuwRdsSyGY&sns=tw&app=desktop
  9. Sheryl just makes the top 20, ranking 18 in a list of anime characters that look good in summer wear. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-08-16/anime-fans-rank-which-characters-pull-off-summer-wear-best/.91534
  10. Am still recovering from the madness of this summers Comiket, but will be posting pics here as I get around to sorting the schwag. There was a good showing by Macross fans this Comiket, although as usual, the Yamato 2199 stuff had a higher level of art production. There was a mix of previously made items and new. Didn't have time to get to the Cosplay section this time (hunting for Yamato 2199 stuff as well as Macross stuff meant that Inwas pretty busy) but I saw at least a handful of Frontier cosplayers in the wild :-) Among other things, I picked up: Roy Focker dog tags. Macross 7 Captains cap Ludicrously cute Sheryl/Ranka keychain Kawamori's head (lol) Hisame, winner of 2014's Macross World Convention cosplay contest, had a 2nd photo booklet as well, a really classy, high-gloss booklet featuring tributes to characters from both Macross 7 and Macross Plus. There is a third volume of this publication in the works and due to be released next year as well. More to come.
  11. Spotted at Comiket today, it's the new hotness - 'Kan(toku) Collection! (Director Collection) Including a Valkyrie-fied Shoji Kawamori exclaiming 'Gundam is boring!'
  12. Sigh. Fixed. Damn autocorrect. The point stands tho. :-p
  13. Yeah, no. Mikimoto is currently doing a bunch of other non-Macross related projects.
  14. Go back to writing fanfics guys. Those sorts of statements will just confuse anyone who hasnt read this entire thread ^^;
  15. Months to go yet gents. Patience. Will be interesting to see people's reactions to the character designs too. Interesting times ahead. Why rush it?
  16. We have two more episodes in the can to be posted soon if it's content you are after, but we don't do live streams. For starters, I prefer to be able to guarantee a certain amount of quality for episodes and secondly, live streams lend themselves much better to videocasts than audio ones.
  17. Yamato 2199 Hyperdetail Mechanical Artworks just arrived. Some crazy detailed mecha pron in this book. (Even better, I had some customer loyalty points racked up so it was free ;-).
  18. It's been announced and then cancelled twice so far. So basically whenever Mikimoto has time to get around to it I guess.
  19. You also said 'kinda.' Whereas it is literally not possible to make Macross without a love triangle. Not only would this result in something that wouldn't be 'Macross' in spirit, but Kawamori would literally not allow such a Macross to be made. Again, he has gone on record regarding this. To say that Macross 'Kinda' has love triangles is akin to saying 'doesn't Star Wars have that weird magical energy thingy in it?' Again though, if you want to discuss established design principles of Macross or whether or not you believe a certain entry in the franchise has a love triangle or not, the threat dedicated to the new series might not be the most suitable place (given that other users have already expressed concern over how meandering this thread is already).
  20. 'Kind of a staple'?...... No, love triangles are far from kind of a staple - they are one of the three pillars of Macross - this has been reiterated by Kawamori many many times over the past 30+ years. And Macross 7 actually had two love triangles - but these are the sorts of topics possibly better suited for the Newbie & Short Questions thread.
  21. 2067 yeah. And notice how they made a big deal earlier in the year that the number of idol candidate finalists had been narrowed from 8000 to 15 (to the point that there was even an info graphic for the fact used in a slideshow) yet nothing has been said since? Maybe we are looking at a 15member idol group/harem? Pure conjecture at this stage but stranger things have certainly happened!
  22. Although keep in mind that the reading of Macross Δ has yet to be confirmed. No member of staff in the project has ever actually used the word or reading 'delta.' Instead, they say 'New Macross' or 'New Macross production.' They have been consistent in this in both talk shows and across social media.
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