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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Well now, here's a collaboration product I wasn't expecting. Maxell has released a new range of Macross Frontier themed mobile batteries - those USB batteries than can be used to charge smartphones, etc, on the go. These are web-exclusive and cost 5400yen. http://www.orimoba-anime.com/macrossf/
  2. Fixed that for ya ;-)
  3. If only she would actually shut up every once in a while. And then there's her computer skills... Or lack thereof...f^_^
  4. Welcome to the first ever SpeakerPODcast AMERICAN! http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-26-richard-satelight-the-jaznicks-anime-expo-2015/#more-7743
  5. Seto - oh I understand that and agree completely. And heck, I can think of 3 or 4 ppl in these forums who have also played the game and could provide said information quite happily if asked. If asked. My issue is with the irresponsible ass-backwards nature of the way some conjectures are being thrown out there. We all know how often unsubstantiated conjecture often gets mistaken as fact by others at some point or another further down the track. That's the way the internet works and it's especially applicable to Macross. We have all experienced this sort of thing in the past and one would think that, as a result, most people would realize that the responsible course of action is to ask first, as opposed to throwing out baseless conjecture first and expecting people to correct their mistakes (I for one, appreciate all your hard work doing as much but not all of us have the time or patience that you do). But either way, this foolishness has ground my gears the wrong way far too much for now and I don't want to derail this thread any further so I'm out. I'm going back to putting together news stories while waiting for embargoes to lift, hoping that when I do post news and articles in the future they will actually be used and enjoyed by those who enjoy facts and reality, rather than spending all day wasting time on baseless speculation. Tochiro out.
  6. The reason for the YF-30 is clearly stated in-game and there are online translations and resources such as google at peoples fingertips as well. Alternatively, one can always ask about the reason before pulling some new ill-thought out conjecture from their butts. Why the hell people must make unsubstantiated guesses with no reason is beyond me. This isnt a goddamn Ro####ch RPG for chrissakes. Conjecture should only be the last resort after all existing information has been examined. /rant
  7. While waiting for a friend at a bookstore earlier today, I found that the latest issue of CUT magazine not only has a new Shoji Kawamori interview, it also includes the recent Haruhiko Mikimoto divas illustration that he did for an exhibit a year or two back.
  8. Her spirit lives on in the fandom Gubaba :-) (Thank goodness for cosplayers!) As does the infamous Zentran Anthem :-) Although last time I heard the fans sing it WAS in front of Tsutomu Takayama which made for a rather...odd mix...^^;
  9. I'll go with Sonia Dosel at the moment, since she seems to be gaining increased appreciation among the fan community. Honorable mention goes to Chelsea Scarlett, if only because a girl I took out to dinner last night claimed she was her favourite Macross character and that she was thinking of cosplaying as her some day.
  10. No. Because regardless of the original media, the license needs to be applied for, negotiated and approved from scratch. And the licensing landscspe for Macross toys now is quite different from what it was even just s few years ago. And that's all I'm really willing to say on the matter. Again tho, we have covered the basic business/licensing issues on the podcast before.
  11. Aha, now you're getting warm! Correct, Arcadia was never had a license for the VF-4. Again, this was all explained in general terms in SpeakerPODcast so many months ago that I don't even remember which episode it was.
  12. (p_-) The same execs must have been at the stores and clearance sales I was at where they were so desperate to clear the destroid stock that no one was buying that they dropped them to 2000yen.
  13. Im going to go out on a limb here and presume you havent seen the Wings of Farewell? You really should. The Bluray has English subs too :-)
  14. That wouldn't change the current situation. At all.
  15. 'Re-doing' the VF-4 isn't that easy. But apparently no-one listens to the SpeakerPODcast. Not even ones from months back when we discuss Arcadia and the current licenses/process. Oh well. Let not marketplace realities get in the way of dreams, I suppose.
  16. Coming this weekend........ (For reals. I promise!)
  17. Add his history/notoriety regarding deadlines to the fact that he has multiple projects going on at once and...well....yeah....
  18. The Macross Frontier audio dramas. They sold fairly well back between the tv series and the movies, if the availability of 2nd hand copies these days is any indication. While many were played or laughs, there's plenty of little nuggets in them that helped out to flesh out bits of back story and world building.
  19. The latest ANN Cast features an interesting discussion and one which I think is relevant to many who have been anime fans for an extended period of time - 'what do we do with our collections as we get older?' I'd be very interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on the matter, so give the recording a listen and LET'S DISCUSSING! \(^o^)/ http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2015-08-20/.91910
  20. Pics of the packaging for the upcoming VF-0A from Arcadia's Twitter feed.
  21. Well that's not correct. The restrictions on Ai development that were implemented in the aftermath of the Sharon Apple incident were (temporarily i think?) rescinded after initial contact with the Vajra was made. Not only are Luca's Ghosts legal, he used SMS simulators to train the AI, so the higher-ups knew all about them as well, presumably.
  22. Despite the presence of a Shogo figure, the design is more of a mix between the original Garland and the Blue Garland (PS3). It looks bad-ass up close.
  23. Well, what do you want to know about Macross 2? To get answers, you first need to ask some questions. (^_−)−☆
  24. Well, buy it. Alternatively, what information are you looking for? Because the fine folks here at MW know far far more than that article. :-)
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