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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Hmmm...I wonder which one of us he is talking about... f^_^
  2. And would be the worst possible outcome for Macross since it would legitimize HG and set a precedent. Regardless, there's a separate thread for the article and that sort of talk. Let's try to keep this one to Delta :-)
  3. Someone didn't scroll up before posting, did they? ;-) In all seriousness though, there wasn't much in the interview about delta that wasn't already known/announced. The main new info is the direct effect of music in Vars (which had been hinted at previously but not explicitly states).
  4. Everything about her is a mystery including how to read her name lol Was talking to some fans last night and there's almost a dozen possible interpretations at this point. Given that her first name is not only French, it's a male name, who knows how the surname will eventually read f^_^
  5. http://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2015/12/10/shoji-kawamori-the-creator-hollywood-copies-but-never-credits/ At the time of the show, there is something known as Var Syndrome which makes people very aggressive and is spreading across the galaxy like a kind of epidemic. In among this are the tactic musical unit Walkure, a group of girls who can sing. The effect of their singing is used to calm the effects of the syndrome. The girls from this tactical musical unit are also be supported by Delta platoon, which are transformable combat troops deployed in these operations. Then there are the Aerial Knights, which are separate and somewhat of a mystery group. So all these elements interact and the story will progress from that. In Frontier, the story was based around a colony fleet visiting various planets but this is more about specific planets and the different people who live on them. In terms of Aerial Knights, their insignia indicates a degree of nobility and while they have elements similar to the Anti-United Nations in Macross Zero they are not directly connected, but do have a similar standpoint.
  6. Yes. All other details about her are shrouded in mystery. Also, we now know that Freyja is 14.
  7. Alrighty, 2nd character announced! Mikumo Guynemer Walkure vocalist
  8. Commissioned illustrations pay better than manga and the man has gotta make a living I guess.
  9. Tochiro

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No, that's not it at all. As was established a month ago, the girls aren't pilots. Try checking out the TV & Movies forum every now and then f^_^ Probably the better place to get actual information on the series/animation.
  10. Well for starters it starts this THURSDAY, not Tuesday. ^^; More importantly, I originally decided not to translate this bit of news back when it was announced because it's exclusively for subscribers of Docomo phone service and is a phone-exclusive information service. Therefore we don't know if anyone will actually access it that speaks English. Can always hope ppl screenshot it on Twitter though I guess.
  11. So THAT'S what Haruhiko Mikimoto has been doing instead of Macross the First! http://www.hallyunation.com/threads/macross-character-designer-notorious-ero-guro-manga-artist-and-space-dandy-animator-cover.19123/
  12. So THAT'S what Haruhiko Mikimoto has been doing instead of Macross the First! http://www.hallyunation.com/threads/macross-character-designer-notorious-ero-guro-manga-artist-and-space-dandy-animator-cover.19123/
  13. Fair enough. Fortunately, we have just done a double podcast about the man if you are interested :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-31a-shoji-kawamoris-the-henkei-part-1/ http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-31b-shoji-kawamoris-the-henkei-part-2/
  14. It's a double episode! And it's ALL about Kawamori...well, most of it at least. http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-31a-shoji-kawamoris-the-henkei-part-1/ http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-31b-shoji-kawamoris-the-henkei-part-2/
  15. Yes, it's correct. The man was born in 1960. You weren't aware of how young he was when he started?
  16. Technically it is supposed to 'fold' from memory. Either way, the point is that it's not permanently extended. Kawamori and Tenjin explicitly pointed this out too, so it's pretty much confirmed :-)
  17. The gun tonfa are retractable, as was shown in the initial reveal of the design on the Delta announcement stream :-)
  18. Cover art for upcoming Macross movie rereleases on Bluray. No English language options as far as we know at this point.
  19. Trailer for the upcoming Macross Delta TV special on Dec 31. http://macross.jp/movie/
  20. Trailer for the upcoming Macross Delta TV special on Dec 31. (Ooh, a new song!) http://macross.jp/movie/
  21. The version of the Frontier movies on Bluray that has English subtitles is the Shudisuta box set. http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B00HHLI1PG/ref=mp_s_a_1_sc_1?qid=1448976083&sr=8-1-spellπ=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=シュディスター
  22. Yup, mine's shipped too :-)
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