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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Yep, I got a delay notice as well.
  2. If it is pronounced the way it is spelt, no.
  3. ANN is playing catchup but any coverage is good coverage :-) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-12-14/macross-delta-tv-anime-introduces-its-female-idols/.96509
  4. Surely you don't mean that *puts on glasses* Loyd is the one to Blaim for the Var Syndrome?(Actually an equally valid interpretation of the surname would be Blame. We won't know until they officially say which it is.)
  5. Loyd Blaim 20y/o. Commander of the Valkyrie Unit 'Aerial Knights' from the Kingdom of the Wind. An intelligent young man with a suave personality who looks good in glasses. he is apparently quite particular about his glasses.
  6. Old? Misa was 19 y/o during the events of Macross, 3 years younger than the oldest member of Walkure.
  7. Mid-teens. So 22y/o is pretty darn old for an idol by Japanese standards. Not unheard of by certainly an outlier.
  8. Interesting theory! At the very least we know that Mikumo has some secrets - even her character bio notes how mysterious she is :-) Nah, as Gubaba pointed out, we had a robot singer previously in Macross the Musiculture.
  9. 6th Macross Delta Character. Keith Aero Windermere. 19y/o. Member of the Valkyrie Unit 'Aerial Knights' from the Kingdom of the Wind. Ace Pilot. Has a sharp mind and is somewhat aloof.
  10. Which is what I meant sorry. As you know the term is used a little more loosely in Japanese. Anyways, even the barebones character description sounds vaguely El-ish.
  11. Well there has already been a precedent set for entirely android characters with the Musiculture so who knows.
  12. Reina Prowler 15/y/o. Member of Walkure. Hacker. Doesn't talk much. Shows little in the way of emotions.
  13. Something else that's been keeping the man busy - cover for the rerelease of M7 The Galaxy is Calling Me.
  14. New Mikimoto artwork for the upcoming rerelease of the Bluray of Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me.
  15. New Delta character. Makina Nakajima (lol! Nice Megumi Nakajima shoutout!) 18y/o. Looks fluffy (I think this means she is an airhead. Kinda vague). Also Walkure's mechanic specialist.
  16. The man likes his privacy and we respect that. Also, kinda off topic, let's keep this to Delta :-) Kawamori was joking about Delta last night. 'If you take that upside down triangle in Aquarion and rotate it a bit it looks like a certain new project that's due to air soon' Lol!
  17. Obviously someone doesn't listen to the SpeakerPODcast f^_^ We've mentioned him quite a few times over the years.
  18. The Macross Plus box set has subs on the movie, dubs on the OVA. The Frontier Shudisuta boxset has subs on the movies (you're welcome, by the way). It's not much but it's a start so maybe start with those and keep your fingers crossed that Delta will follow recent Bandai Visual subtitling trends. :-)
  19. As Gubaba said, you should really check out the double episode on the front page where we recount getting a somewhat private museum tour by the Big K. :-)
  20. Yeah, as Gubaba says, there's a raging discussion. Was talking to the No.1 Macross fan about it last night and updated the original entry afterwards.
  21. Nope, not really. Although going by the 2nd pic, the pilot is from Angry Birds. f^_^
  22. Doh! He gave away a sketch.... And I just missed out :-( Oh well, maybe next time.
  23. Currently eating watermelon in front of Shoji Kawamori actually. Well, this is kinda awkward f^_^ lol
  24. Kaname Buccaneer 22y/o. Leader of the Walkure unit. A big sister figure to the other members.
  25. Looking at the key visuals and footage to date, IMO it's obvious that the majority of girls are over 14 so I guess I don't see where this comment is coming from?
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