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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. HERE. WE. GO! Macross Delta Impressions are UP! http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-34-macross-delta-ep-0-89-theatrical-screening/
  2. Well now, that depends. Are y'all prepared for spoilers? If so, proceed at your own risk ;-) http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-34-macross-delta-ep-0-89-theatrical-screening/
  3. In a secret venue in Tokyo, the SpeakerPODcast crew is about to get a taste of Delta...
  4. Well actually, it's not just me, it's more like half a dozen ppl from these boards actually ;-) Watch out front page, here we come! :-p
  5. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43297#entry1244117 Darn it Azrael - why keep the thread locked when I'll be seeing Delta in less than 3 hrs from now!?! ψ(`∇´)ψ
  6. Yep, we pointed this out in a podcast almost 2 months ago :-)Does ANYONE here actually listen to us....f^_^
  7. Delta manga adaptation announced. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-12-25/macross-delta-tv-anime-gets-manga-series-next-spring/.96931
  8. Manga adaptation announced. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-12-25/macross-delta-tv-anime-gets-manga-series-next-spring/.96931
  9. Same song as in the previous trailer. Ikenai Borderline.
  10. So, New insignia is Skull Squadron + Valkyrie wings...
  11. The TV special broadcast of Episode 1 of Macross Delta will also be streamed online via the Bandai Channel! Naturally, the stream will be in raw Japanese, and you will need a VPN to access it. Date: December 31 Time: 18:00 JST Length: 1hr (incl. talk show) Bandai Channel: http://www.b-ch.com/
  12. The TV special broadcast of Episode 1 of Macross Delta will also be streamed online via the Bandai Channel! Naturally, the stream will be in raw Japanese, and you will need a VPN to access it. Date: December 31 Time: 18:00 JST Length: 1hr (incl. talk show) Bandai Channel: http://www.b-ch.com/
  13. The Monster Hunter Cross x Macross Delta collaboration goes live TODAY! http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/X/promotion/15.html Also, official romanization of all character names has been confirmed. Some are different to what I expected but in ways I wasn't expecting. Heres the complete list: WALKURE: -Freyja Wion -Mikumo Guynemer -Kaname Buccaneer -Makina Nakajima -Reina Prowler AERIAL KNIGHTS -Keith Aero Windermere -Roid Brehm -Theo Jussila -Xao Jussila -Bogue Con-Vaart DELTA SQUADRON Hayate Immelmann Mirage Farina Jenius Chuck Mustang Messer Ihlefeld Arad Molders CAPTAIN: Ernest Johnson
  14. The Monster Hunter Cross x Macross Delta collaboration goes live TODAY! http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/X/promotion/15.html
  15. Steelbooks arent really a thing here in Japan. More of a US publishers kinda thing.
  16. It could very well be Ernst, actually :-) It wouldnt be the normal way of spelling it in Japanese, but it's not totally out of the realm of possibility. No way to know for now ^^;
  17. Ernest Johnson In his 40's, he is the Captain of a Macross-class ship. Half Zentraedi, half human, he stands over 2 meters tall. (minor note: first name could be Ernest, Ernesto, or even possibly Ernst. No way to know until we get the official romanization so I'm going with the more common option of Ernest for now).
  18. No. Just as answering the question.There's so much confusion about Delta in social media that I get asked about Ep.1 several times a day at this point.
  19. Dec 26 for four of us. Dec 31 for the tv broadcast.
  20. Of the characters they will reveal prior to Ep1, there is one more to go.
  21. No, it's spelled as Arado which 9 times out of 10 is the pronunciation for Arad (remember, there is no hard D in Japanese). There is one exception to the spelling that I've come across though and since that is the one with the aviation connection (Arado) then that's probably the best one to go with for now. (Whether Arado or Arad it's pronounced and spelled the same in Japanese anyways). Personally I prefer Arad as well so fingers crossed they end up officially spelling it that way.
  22. Good point! Updating the spelling, thanks.
  23. Arado Mölders 33 y/o. Delta Squadron Commander. Both patient yet strict, he is the dependable big brother type.
  24. Heres a recording of the audio from the U.S Renditions panel for anyone who couldn't make it. http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-33-u-s-renditions-orguss-panel-mwc2015/
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