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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Random tidbit. I took a peek at the fansubs that I believe people have been watching and noticed an omission. When replying to Hayate, Mirage identifies herself as a member of what I believe is supposed to be 'Chaos.' She identifies this before saying she is in Delta squadron, meaning that Chaos would be the larger, over-arching organisation. The thing that threw me off in Japanese is that she says ケイオス, when chaos is more commonly spelled カオス. The spelling was confirmed in Mikumo's updated profile yesterday (but not the nature of what the word actually means or is referring to). I'll keep the name as Chaos for now, although it could change to Keios or Kaos depending on how the official settings documents decide to spell it. I have hunch that more will be revealed in episode two as to what or who Chaos actually is. Is it, for example, 'Lady M' the leader of Chaos? Only time will tell, I suppose. (Incidentally, this is also why I always advise that fan-subs be taken with a grain of salt. Not only are the translaters language skills often suspect, but most times specialised words and language get mistranslated or omitted simply because their meaning cannot really be known without further knowledge of the plot or official settings documents).
  2. Tomytecs are part of its 1/144 line. The Delta valks are a part of Bandai's Mecha Collection series. http://www.tomytec.co.jp/gimix/lineup/macross/index.html
  3. Name: Kaname Buccaneer Age: 22 Gender: Female D.O.B: June 8 Height: 168cm Leader of the Tactical Sound Unit WALKURE. She deftly handles team management, including scheduling and briefings, and is a kind of big-sister figure to the other members. She originally made her debut as a (regular) idol singer.
  4. An early treatment of the Macross LAM has been uncovered. Full details in the latest episode of SpeakerPODcast. http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-36-macross-live-action-movie-treatment/ We will be releasing more information over time, so this topic is for any discussion of questions that may arise :-)
  5. This episode is somewhat of a world exclusive... http://www.macrossworld.com/speakerpodcast-ep-36-macross-live-action-movie-treatment/
  6. Name: Mikumo Guynemer Age: Unknown Gender: Female D.O.B: Unknown Height: 165cm The ‘Ace Vocalist’ of Tactical Sound Unit WALKURE. Her past, background and private life are shrouded in mystery. Possessing a voice that has a soothing effect on the Var Syndrome, she is Chaos’s trump card.
  7. The Macross fanclub is adding some more details to their character bios. Each character is getting an additional line of text to their bios, as well as a side and back view (no doubt to help cosplayers). One character is being updated per day. Since the thread with the older character bios is locked, i'll be posting each updates profile here for ease of access. If you want to speculate about the characters, please do so over in one of the other Delta threads so we don't unnecessarily clutter this one up. Thanx! Official Spelling of Character Names: WALKURE: -Freyja Wion -Mikumo Guynemer -Kaname Buccaneer -Makina Nakajima -Reina Prowler AERIAL KNIGHTS -Keith Aero Windermere -Roid Brehm -Theo Jussila -Xao Jussila -Bogue Con-Vaart DELTA SQUADRON Hayate Immelmann Mirage Farina Jenius Chuck Mustang Messer Ihlefeld Arad Molders CAPTAIN: Ernest Johnson Name: Freyja Wion (VA: Minori Suzuki) Age: 14 Gender: Female D.O.B: November 3. Height: 154cm A somewhat naïve girl who is a huge fan of the tactical Sound Unit WALKURE, Freyja comes from a remote area on the frontier of the galaxy. She loves apples from her home province and singing. Her favourite phrase is ‘Gori gori’. She dislikes Galactic Mackerel
  8. It was an Experten kit.
  9. No problem. Thanks for the kind words (and thanks to everyone else too!)
  10. Tochiro

    Hi-Metal R

    Alrighty, heres all the Macross-related pics I took at Wonder Festival today. Enjoy :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/wonder-festival-2016-winter-photo-gallery/
  11. Alrighty, heres all the Macross-related pics I took at Wonder Festival today. Enjoy :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/wonder-festival-2016-winter-photo-gallery/
  12. Tochiro

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Alrighty, heres all the Macross-related pics I took at Wonder Festival today. Enjoy :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/wonder-festival-2016-winter-photo-gallery/
  13. Alrighty, heres all the Macross-related pics I took at Wonder Festival today. Enjoy :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/wonder-festival-2016-winter-photo-gallery/
  14. Alrighty, heres all the Macross-related pics I took at Wonder Festival today. Enjoy :-) http://www.macrossworld.com/wonder-festival-2016-winter-photo-gallery/
  15. On the show floor at Wonder Festival now. -Sylvie due out in just under 2 weeks time. -Nexx due out in summer. -The Nexx sample is much closer to the final product - the Sylvie on display is still the old prototype. Note the difference in plastic colour and detail. -Over 20 changes have been made since the prototype shown at the last Wonder Festival. Most changes involve the transformation. Gerwalk now stands/poses better. Added diecast. Etc. -Pilot figure looks to have a lot of paint detail. -SAP does open up to reveal missiles. (The ones on display weren't painted yet). -Gunpod can be stored in the arm. -Possibility of stand along SAP in summer for Sylvie. Details not decided yet. That was the most I could get before getting yelled at by a guy behind me for hogging the display f^_^
  16. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    And so, it begins. Ichiban kuji. Details tbd (possibly in June)
  17. Unfortunately those codes expired years ago. They had a 1yr period of use, if I recall correctly.
  18. Check the front page sometimes Ban-san. The info is all there ;-) http://www.macrossworld.com/macross-delta-2nd-key-visual-revealed/ http://www.macrossworld.com/macross-triangle-booth-wonder-festival-2016-winter/
  19. At that resolution? lol. Any new important info will have been picked up over in the Delta news thread, Im sure :-)
  20. Theres FOUR new Macross Delta spinoff manga starting between April and May., covering (among other things) the origins of both Walker and the Aerial Knights. And a novelisation. There will also be a talkshow at Anime Japan at the end of March. That's a lot of Macross folks! PS: broadcast confirmed for April.
  21. Preparations for the Macross entry in the Sapporo Snow Featival are currently underway (from Twitter).
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