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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Awesome SDF1 Wedding cake! The photo can barely contain the sheer epicness of this cake! http://www.toplessrobot.com/2010/10/super-dimensional_wedding_cake_macross.php
  2. Actually, one of my main problems is with the carrier launch sequences - they SHOULDNT require a seperate loading screen. Even on a 'trial' version, thats just damn lazy. Regarding Gundam, I think its reasonable to expect Gundam Extreme VS to make it to the PS3 since the arcade version that was just released is essentially running on PS3 hardware - played it at the AoU show the week b4 TGS and it was sweeeeet! Hopefully it will get a single player mode too, like Gundam VS Gundam Next Plus :-)
  3. The Toro stuff is pretty awful really. The best extras are the fake Ranka and Sherryl tv commercials as well as a behind the scenes look at the premier of the movie in Ikebukuro and Shinjuku. Oh, and the free PS3 beta game of course.
  4. The upcoming Macross F Nyan Nyan Clip Collection will be getting advanced screenings at select cinemas a few weeks before the Bluray comes out on Dec 15. For anyone in the Tokyo area, it will be screening at Ikebukuro Sunshine Cinema on the final Fri & Sat of November, as well as the first Fri & Sat of December. Running time is approx. 40 mins. http://www.zakzak.co.jp/anime/news/1010/101012-081.html
  5. Renato, theres also a Fukuyama gig in Tokyo on January 14 if you are interested. Am thinking of hitting it up too ^^; Then March has Mayn at the Budokan again as well as another Maaya gig. Not to mention next month which has Animax Music (Origa!) and an Uematsu Final Fantasy performance. phew. BTW - went to a Maaya Sakamoto cover band gig last night. I think I was the only foreign barbarian they had ever seen. Long story short, I ended up being interviewed on camera lol.
  6. Awww, you're no fun at all. Natto in your FACE man! :-p -And of the three pillars of any Macross production - song/valks/love triangle, Frontier always focused much more on the song and love triangle aspects, not the valks (I suspect this is a rebalancing of Kawamori's chi, since Zero put nearly all the emphasis on the valks and was essentially mecha pron). I dont see why anyone would expect there to be MORE action in a condensing of the Frontier storyline? And Obelisk was awesomely suited to the first half of the final battle imo.
  7. If by terrifying you mean its the sexiest scene ever committed to celluloid - then I concur. ;-)
  8. ありえない、ありえない^^;
  9. Nice!. If you dont mind me asking - where did you get the posters?
  10. From my comments in another thread: TRIAL FRONTIER - is basically the PSP game with a higher poly count and better textures. Same sounds and BGM are used. Even the control setup is the same. FAR too many loading screens - having said this, they have a warning screen at the beginning that its not a full game. There are 6 missions and then 6 mirror versions of them played from the Vajra's perspective. Have SS ranked the human missions and did the first Vajra one. If you are familiar with the PSP games youll be right at home with this. Its brief and shares all the issues of the PSP versions but it still looks pretty - especially the daylight (non space) levels. And it allowed me to shoot Luca. In the FACE. Until he DIED... .....worth the price of the disc alone right there.
  11. Initial impressions - the movie looks awesome - almost too good since I can see some budget issues in the animation during the final battle that I didnt notice the 3 times I saw it at the cinema, hehehe. Theres a whole 2-screen anti-piracy notice at the beginning now, all read (well, the gist of it is said at least) by Sherryl - they know this thing is going to be hot property online obviously. Extras include the premiere of the movie at both Ikebukuro and Shinjuku (Shibuya? Ill have to put the disc back in and check) - see Kawamori getting off the Macross Train! See Kawamori stare at pigeons.....wait what? Two fake commercials for Ranka and sherryl (a Monster and VF25 for Ranka, two sunblock lotions for Sherryl) - theres a bunch of interviews with Kawamori and staff too which I have yet to touch. Wont go into the movie itself here since I said all that I had to say back when I saw it last year. TRIAL FRONTIER - is basically the PSP game with a higher poly count and better textures. Same sounds and BGM are used. Even the control setup is the same. FAR too many loading screens - having said this, they have a warning screen at the beginning that its not a full game. There are 6 missions and then 6 mirror versions of them played from the Vajra's perspective. Its brief and shares all the issues of the PSP versions but it still looks pretty - especially the daylight (non space) levels. And it allowed me to shoot Luca. In the FACE. Until he DIED... .....worth the price of the disc alone right there.
  12. HUGE 9 page spread (5 pages on the game/movie, 2 pages of May'n & Megumi interview, 2 page advertisement) for the Hybrid pack in todays Famitsu.
  13. Well, I managed to get a tic for the Kobe show on the 24th :-) No luck with Tokyo although I may be able to get a tic closer to the date. At the moment though, the Macross Christmas Plan is going ahead! Dec. 24: Macross F Super Live Dec. 25: Fukuyama Concert Dec. 26: Akino Arai concert Hell YESS! :-D
  14. Actually, Id say approx. half of that footage is from the first movie (blu ray coming on the 7th! yay!). Having said that, theres still 5 months before release and as recently as 2 months ago there were sections of that trailer that were still just black & white sketches on the screen (@ Girasama Festival). Its a work in process. Give it time :-)
  15. Thanks goes out to Gubaba for finding a version that is viewable for you geographically challenged peoplz. HERE
  17. Nice find! I saw her do this live at her summer tour a few weeks back and was wondering if Flying Dog would do a promo clip! I like it!
  18. Well, draw entries are open to fanclub members and.... only 1 tic per person!!??!?!? This is unheard of, even by Japanese standards. Theres a good chance that they'll fill the entire Budokan with only fanclub tics and no public tics at this rate! Damn......
  19. Aaaand.... some more news has hit about the upcoming Xmas events! Said details can be found here. As was previously known, the gigs will be at: Dec 22: Nippon Budokan Dec 24: Kobe Port Island Hall Ticket cost: 6800yen Entries for the initial ticket raffle will be open to F-tama fanclub members from Oct 1 to Oct 4. Results will be known on Oct. 6, after which winning fanclub members will have until Oct. 13 to pay for the tickets they are allotted. No details for general public sales as of yet. This is gonna be one hell of a Macross Xmas! Im hoping to do Kobe on the 24th, a Fukuyama gig in Kyoto on the 25th, then catch the overnight bus back to Tokyo on the 26th for an Akino Arai concert! Whew! Deculture indeed!
  20. Uhm... buy them then?
  21. Some news on the next Macross Frontier album Cosmic Cuune (Kyuun): http://www.satelight.co.jp/2010/09/cosmic_cuune1124.html Also, track listing for the upcoming Frontier music clip collection: http://www.satelight.co.jp/2010/09/f_music_clip.html
  22. Sankyo has announced a Pachislot version of the Macross Pachinko game. For those who are not familiar with these games, pachinko uses small metal balls, while pachislot is a 3 reel slot machine (there are some exceptions like the Resident Evil pachislot game which had 4 reels, but as a general rule, 3 reels is the standard)slot game where players hit a button to stop each of the 3 reels. Gone are the joystick, air vents and transformable Valkyrie. Added instead are mechanical doors which open to reveal either a monitor or a valkyrie head. New features include 'Valkyrie Time', 'Kyun Kyun Mode' and 'Super Dimensional Mode.' A movie introducing the new game can be found here: Pachislot Macross I'm surprised that this is coming out since the Pachinko game was such an unmitigated disaster for Sankyo due to bad game math. I suppose they want to get the most out of the license while they can. Too bad they arent sponsoring any concerts this time though. BTW, the Maplus link above is now working and further information is included in the latest Macross Ace.
  23. Promotional displays for the upcoming bluray/DVD release have started to hit - these pics were taken at Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku. Nice to see some serious display treatment being given to Frontier :-)
  24. MACROSS FRONTIER DOWNLOAD PACK FOR PSP VERSION OF MAPLUS 3 Announced a few minutes ago, Maplus, a navigation package for the PSP (uses seperately sold transmitter peripheral)will be offering a SHERRYL PACK and RANKA PACK as downloadable content. What this means, basically, is that either Sherryl or Ranka can be selected to provide the vocal prompts as you are driving/walking, and your car on the map will be a VF-25 (which can be transformed). What a... bizarre little promotion ^^; The website is not up yet but will eventually be accessible here: http://maplus-navi.jp/maplus3/macrossf A similar promotion was done for Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: http://maplus-navi.jp/maplus3/koukakukidoutaiSAC
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