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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Lol, someone actually recorded it pre concert? Nice! The VF-25 being destroyed is in line with how it looks in the new movie poster. Could also explain why Alto gets to pilot a new Valk in the movie (equivalent of a mid-series upgrade pretty much). Also - they dont show WHO is in the wedding dress. Although, its obvious by now that Alto will get killed off and Ranka and Sherryl will hook up. And they will all live happily ever after. Right? Right?!?!?
  2. A couple of pics to accompany Gubaba's report (pics are easier to deal with than writing with my current hangover, lol). And yes, these are uncompressed, so deal with it! lol: Lining for merch Couple of cosplayers Merch stands More merch stands (some cool art/posters) Concert logo Macross Frontier - at the Budokan! (again) Congratulatory boquets are normal at these events, but this one is from...Starlight Natto?!?!? The budokan starts filling up Stage setup (on the left) As usual, pics during the actual concert were prohibited. As for whether or not a DVD/Blu will be released, its still hard to judge. There were at least 4-5 cameramen and there was footage being shot even when the actual screen was showing other footage (ie, animation, etc). Having said this, there were no tracks in front of the stage for runing shots and the footage on screen was only 4:3 ratio. But the shots looked fairly good so its really anyones guess at the moment.
  3. Pic I took of the new Macross F poster. Sorry for the quality. Theres a better one in the back of a concert pamphlet that I need to scan sometime.
  4. Am in and waiting for the concert to start in 10mins. Merch sold out ludicrously fast! They are playing a new trailer for the 2nd movie at the moment. Really nice. Looks like a significant departure from the series, as kawamori promised. Also, the new poster for the 2nd movie is GREAT! Will post pics later.
  5. The new issue cokes with some nice freebies, including a valk battloid poster by Tenjin!
  6. True true. Was a fun clip that one. On an unrelated note, my copy of the 3rd Birthday just arrived so I know what Ill be playing while waiting for the concert to start! lol
  7. Fingers crossed we get the first ever full version of Koi ha Dogfight. I mean, it was in the new Macross Triangle Frontier trailer afterall.
  8. Sorry to hear that. They might still have stalls AFTER the concert tho. Ppl are ALREADY on the scene ! http://yfrog.com/hst7qtj
  9. Alright, time to revive this thread! The Tokyo concert is today so if anyone on this board attends, please post your impressions here. I'm hoping to get some minor impressions up tomorrow before jumping on the bus for Kobe, but the full account of what I'm calling 'Macrossmas 2010' wont be done until after the Akino Arai gig on the 26th. As for today - I was getting tweets at 8:30am about people already being in line for merch. Me, I dont intend to get there until 2-2:30 or so. And yes, I did eventually manage to get a tic - it was a long saga including pissing off some scalpers and friends from a fanclub, but the end result was tics for both performances :-) Let the madness begin! Oh, and for anyone who is interested, apart from concert merch, they will also be selling tics for the movie in February. 1300yen and comes with a free poster.
  10. Yeah that was at Animax Musix. The concert went for SEVEN HOURS! I had tics but then got sent overseas for work and ended up giving em to a friend. Highlights from the concert were aired on Animax a week or 2 back which is where those clips have come from. Then a more comprehensive version will be played on cable across several nights in January. I'm recruiting a friend to record it for me. Unfortunately Animax has never released an Animax Musix concert on DVD or Bluray to date.
  11. ALL concerts are lottery-based and/or fan-club based to some extent. For Mayn, the fan club tics have been sent out (im not a fanclub member for Mayn, just for Macross F), and the first couple of draws are done. The remaining tics already seem to have gone on sale and sold out. You may have to look to Yahoo japan or bidders for auctions. Or a 7th sense consisting of an iphone+google maps skills! lol. Agreed, he does perform more in Tokyo - which is why Ill be attending his Tokyo gig on Jan 14th. The Kyoto gig is more a matter of.... well Im already down in the area for the Macross F concert, so why not take both in? Should be interesting comparing the differences between fans/fan behaviour in both regions. Damn, the Budokan gig is only the day after tomorrow. Must start resting up. I have several nights worth of sleeping on busses ahead of me! lol.
  12. Macross Frontier goods page is up for next weeks concerts: http://ftama.com/christmas/goods.html Its gonna be a very merry Macrosmas
  13. To anyone in the Kyoto-Osaka area, I have a spare ticket to see Yoshiki Fukuyama in Kyoto on Dec. 25. Thats right, it'll be a Basara Christmas! PM me if you are available/interested!
  14. Got mine in but never have any luck with those things. Sigh...
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I have stumbled across what is quite possibly the most awesome piece of Macross Frontier merchandise ever made. And by awesome I mean 'only in Japan.' Now, last year, a Chinese restaurant did a limited run of Ranka's famous 'Maguro-man.' But when I originally saw that gag in Frontier, only one thing came to mind..... ....breast pudding. Breast pudding for those who dont know, is a souvineer in serveral areas of Japan. No, its not made of real breasts (unfortunately), its 2 puddings placed in cardboard holder which normally looks like an anime/manga character. Take this 'set' that I got for a souvineer a while back as an example. First theres the package. Then you open halfway (eegads Im starting to feel dirty) And then....well, Im sure you get the picture. So what does this have to do with Macross Frontier? Well, while at my local Animate yesterday, I came across THIS package. Oh no...could it be..... IT IS!!!!!! So, now we all know what it felt like to be in Altos position during that rather infamous scene of Macross Frontier!
  16. Looks like fun! Will defijnately grab the Itsuwari no Utahime Pack. Must admit though, Ive still barely scratched the surface of Ultimate Frontier in many ways (got distracted by Metal Gear and Gundam VS on the PSP and a bajillion games on other consoles) - Bamco is pumping these games out a little to fast for my liking. Also, what the hell happened to the PS3 game?!?!? Fingers crossed that this is a stopgap game while they are working on some hi-def stuff. (And if Gundam Extreme VS hits the PS3 with network play, my life will officially be over, lol).
  17. For those not in the know, the CG-styled versions of Sherryl and Ranka are less an attempt at doing the characters justice in full CG and more playing to the current trend of hatsune Miku/Idol Master style machinema dance animations using popular characters. While I havent seen all of Nyan Cli myself yet, from what I saw at the Girasama Festival I presumed they were using some of the software from vocaloid, since Megumi Nakajima does vocaloid software voices too. Gubaba - nice review mate! Cant wait until my bluray arrives in the mail :-)
  18. Arrived home to find the Macross F Xmas album 'Cosmic Cuune' waiting in my mailbox. Yay! Will post impressions as I get around to listening to it. In the meantime, feel free to post impressions/comments here.
  19. Well, since theres no way Id get off work that early, Ill have to pass sorry. Having said that, I have it preordered on Blu anyways. Will definatelt see May'n the Movie in 3D in Jan tho (since I cant get a similar experience at home).
  20. Promo vid for the upcoming Macross Frontier music video collection: Mixture of clips from the series/movie as well as all new animated footage. Looks like fun! :-)
  21. The 2011 Frontier Calendar is out if anyone is interested. Got mine via Amazon. One of the months has a cute pic of Sherryl's reaction to the bill she gets from the S.M.S after the events in the first movie. Made me chuckle :-)
  22. Lucky bugger! I have yet to get my hands on Tokyo ones but will keep trying. In the meantime, My Kobe plans continue to get more awesome by the day lol. On the downside, an emergency work trip means Ill miss Animax Musix this Wed (Origna and Mayn), sigh.
  23. GIANT VALKYRIE HEAD!!!!!! (from an art exhibition currently on in Melbourne) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KCZhHtAcD2Y/TLKendnvXiI/AAAAAAAABPY/VHS_Gc60WUE/s1600/roy01.JPG
  24. Ah! The details finally went up! Chie has been hinting about those dates for MONTHS. Thanks for the heads up. Will definately hit up the Tokyo one. Might even do both if I can.
  25. Track 4... The song of Ranka's socks.....hmmmm sounds kinky ;-)
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