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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Well, with no First this month, I was honestly expecting very little at all. Going in with such low expectations,nI found yself surprisingly please with what I got.
  2. Vol. 6 may lack Macross the First and 7th Code, but does have a continuation of the Playback in Divas piece, full color Macross news section including some great pics from last months Happy Nyan Festival in Yokohama, and a foldout mikimoto illustration of a young Fokker \(^o^)/
  3. i think you must be doing it wrong. :-p
  4. Special Edition Iphone covers are going to be sold at next weeks Mylene Night #2 http://ck-mm.chie-kajiura.com/?eid=9
  5. For anyone in the area, Mari Iijima is playing at Ohayocon this weekend so drop by and show your support! http://ohayocon.org/Mari.html
  6. Leadingedge you are making quite a few assumptions there. Does Macross have it's fans? Yes. Has it seen a surge in popularity since Frontier? Defiantly. Is it a mainstream mecha series with even 5% the mindshare of Gundam? Unfortunately NO. Macross is still a very niche property, especially the non-Frontier iterations. Quite frankly, there's not enough of a canvass to support more animation. (I actually think that the unanticipated success of Frontier has actually put Kawamori in somewhat of a bind as to what to do for the next animated installment because newer fans want more of the same). Then there's the issue of Kawamori, who has said on multiple occasions that he doesn't like rehashing the same thing and doesn't want to revisit old characters. His main goal is to do something new with each iteration. And I think this affects all potential media- whether it be anime or manga or novels and radio dramas. The long and short of it is that Macross probably seems more popular to you than it actually due to the voices on the Internet always being the loudest. Gubaba- you are actually buying the Gundam Fact Files?!?!? I bought the first run- took 3 damn years!
  7. CG World has posted an article on the making of the Macross F pachinko commercials which used CG environments and a 'virtual camera.' (Japanese) http://cgworld.jp/feature/making/fvr-mcrs-f-01-3.html
  8. Yes, I know the author refers mostly to Robotech, but they stick mostly to the Macross Saga. And besides, I figure that most of the regulars here are beyond petty Robotech vs Macross fanboi squabbles. http://io9.com/5878509/bring-back-robotech-why-the-macross-saga-deserves-another-chance?tag=robotech
  9. I hit up some Japanese fans who have ordered the revised Chronicles - as suspected, the Hiroshima release is a trial. If it sells well then it will be rereleased from issue 1 nation-wide. Hence the lack of news on the usual websites.
  10. Ahahaha. I saw those up on Twitter yesterday too ;-)
  11. Calm down folks-this is far from uncommon. deagnostini often does this. The Yamato Fact Files were only published in one city as well for the first 6 issues or so. Then it was relaunched from issue 1 nationwide. Also, a revised edition is not unheard of. They did the same thing for the Evangelion Chronicle- the first run went for 30issues and then a year or two later the revised edition had an extra 10 issues of so. Similarly, the Gundam Fact Files are currently partway thru their 2nd edition. (after 150 issues last time, there's no way I'm rebuking THAT thing!). Updating from 50 issues to 80 is pretty significant, especially for as niche a title as Macross. I, for one, will definitely pick it up a second time. Heck, maybe Save will even get some more Macross 2 info! Hehehe.
  12. Not exactly new but damn this NEEDS to happen! http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/638
  13. You even have to ask? :-D Then again, I have some service points which, along with pre-order discount, mean that I'm getting this puppy for 90% off ;-) Gotta love customer loyalty rewards!
  14. Ah interesting! Mari has said that she chose that cover picture herself - I wonder what on earth the other options were?
  15. Not much point in debating this since everything is based on conjecture at this point, although I will say that I disagree with your logic here for two reasons: 1)Seed IS getting new animation...of sorts. The Gundam Seed HD Remaster Project is getting heavily promoted at the moment and is even getting a full rebroadcast and includes a HD, 16:9 transfer, some new sound recording and some completely new added scenes. Thats the reason there is a Vita game coming out. (sigh, makes the upcoming Macross tv bluray boxset pale by comparison, doesnt it?) http://www.gundam-seed.net/ 2)Macross is a niche title and putting a game out on a system with a fledgling install base makes very little business sense. Having said that, another new Macross FRONTIER game (ie, something based nearly exclusively on Frontier content) is not out of the realm of possibility, especially seeing that even Satellite has been somewhat surprised by the continuing popularity of Frontier (this is from comments I heard at the Macross F Festival in Yokohama last weekend) But we will just have to wait and see :-)
  16. Oh fiddlesticks. The Vita has been doing just fine, especially considering that theres no killer app on it for Japanese gamers (ie, MonHun or DQ). Also that whole economic downturn thingy. But I've seen plenty of them in the wild and NEAR picks up over 20 users in my general vicinity. Also, Uncharted Golden Abyss is a great damn game - gave it the Portable Game of the Year Award in my GotY podcast even :-) And the US gets a lot more games than Japan did. You lucky buggers will be getting Gravity Dayze at launch! I've played the demo of that darn game at least 5 times. Its refreshingly unique and startingly pretty. As for a Macross game on the system - its possible, certainly. With no new animation out to tie it into and a relatively tiny (since it just launched) install base though, I wouldnt expect it anytime soon. A PS3 version would make a lot more sense at this point.
  17. Finally managed to find a copy of the Tsutaya only 999yen Mari Iijima best of album. This is what the cover looks like, if anyone else has been trying to track it down:
  18. Actually no, that's last months issue. Agree with you 100% on the cover though! Heres the front and back covers of the insert booklet: There was also a small advertisement for Hasegawa's new super deformed 'egg' style YF-19 - cutest version of the YF-19 you'll ever see! As for Macross The First, all I can say is poor, poor Focker. He endures what no man should ever have to.....
  19. New issue just came out. Comes with a Macross insert booklet-Macross F the Movie, My Best Memory. Mostly reprinted info it seems. Will read in more detail after work.
  20. Anyone interested in a very shiny Sheryl iphone case? Spotted this in Akihabara this evening.
  21. Came across this while browsing in Akiba today - talk about a good deal!
  22. Most of the preorder discounts im seeing from various online retailers make this pretty reasonable by Japanese standards -ie, around 35000yen for the complete edition. HD versions of the reanimated pachinko footage....hell yes! And to anyone complaining about the price, yes these are totally normal prices for Japan. Anime is a niche market with content producers obsessed with cashing in on the concept of 'premium' content while hardcore fans have a culture of investing in said content to prove how big of a fan they are. The fan community rips people who pirate stuff to utter shreds in some circles. And let's not kid ourselves here, original Macross is a very very niche property, even in Japan. But I digress! Preorder is placed! Now I'm off to grab a beer or 3 with Save ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
  23. Theres regular and 'Complete' versions. Details can be found here in English: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-01-05/1st-macross-series-gets-bd-box-with-pachinko-footage Current Amazon Japan preorder knocks 12,000yen off the price of the Complete version.
  24. Start saving up your pennies kiddies!
  25. The new Macross Frontier Ichiban Kuji figures are coming soon! What I wouldnt give for one of those awesome Sheryls...
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