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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Ok I just got the DLC on JPN PSN and it works just fine with a Japanese version of the game. Interestingly enough, because the game is fully bilingual (Japanese and English voice and subtitle options) the Valkyrie skin description is bilingual as well - I had my system set to English so it actually came up with an explanation in English saying that the skins were from Macross. While they are only cosmetic, I swear using a Valk makes some of the gameplay changes make a lot more sense to me. And the close up dogfighting feels like its straight out of Macross Zero now. Why oh why can't Bamco make a Macross game with this Engine?!?? Heck, at least they could use the same sort of gritty textures and close up camera work! Well, it's nice to want things I guess...
  2. It's 100% cell art. As for the ball sketches, funny coincidence- I was thinking just the other day that Frontier ha yet to get its equivalent of a Perfect Memory. Then again, in this era of publications like Macross Chronicles, do we even need one anymore?
  3. Ok, with all due respect to everyone feeling frustrated regarding the availability of the limited edition, from experience I'm pretty sure it wont be THAT limited. What we are seeing here is basically the fact that the major online supplier for most international orders (Amazon Jpn) is refusing to ship it due to the pack-in game. This, in addition to the legendary status of the movie and the fact that its somewhat more affordable than the tv boxset AND many people wordwide are wanting to upgrade from the rather lackluster DVD version means that smaller online retailers have been utterly swamped by demand. So its not an issue of the limited edition being as limited as, say a chogokin reissue. No, this is a different situation entirely although granted that doesnt make any difference to those who didnt manage to get a preorder. I just wanted to point out the obvious however - this is not an issue of Bandai or scalpers trying to drive demand up via an ultra limited print run. One small suggestion would be to organize a group proxy order. One that doesnt totally rip you off. To that end I would recommend Tokyo Hunter. As long as theres someone in Japan that can order it for you, you will be able to get past the one big issue thats causing all this commotion - the Amazon game classification of the product.
  4. I picked this up today and its absolutely gorgeous. Worth every bit of the 6000yen. Apparently its 'limited' to 50,000 copies, but thats a large enough amount that I daresay they will be available for a while yet. The main problem is that this, like the creators file official doujin before it, will mostly be available only at the Satellite booth at events. Online it will probably only turn up via auctions. Speaking of which, I saw at least one Macross fan complaining on twitter that Satellite announced the books availability way too late for him to get the weekend off and that he had already seen people selling it on online auctions. I think he is overreacting a bit, but given the popularity of Frontier I suppose it might sell out faster than anticipated.
  5. There was a promotional video for the tv boxset plying intermitantly at Tokyo International Anime Fair this weekend. They vid showed the mikimoto art being used on the boxset. Just for the heck of it, Satellite was playing the pachinko promotional videos they made a while back as well.
  6. ANN just put up translated info and a link to the trailer on YouTube. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-03-24/akb0048-idol-sci-fi-anime-1st-promo-video-streamed
  7. Latest update on Macross 30th Anniversary Events. MISS MACROSS 30: The official website for the MISS MACROSS 30 contest is now live! http://www.macross30.com/mmc/ (basically just details on how to audition at this point) MACROSS: THE DESIGN@PARCO: The first limited edition goods to be sold at this event have been announced: -Super Dimensional Canned Bread -Super Dimensional PSP Case (for anyone wondering, canned bread is a popular prize in arcade skill tester machines. In the past there have been various versions of Evangelion canned bread, etc. the ration-like canned bread itself is fairly…unappetizing) 1:1 VF-25 VALKYRIE EXHIBIT The first merchandise for this event has been announced: -Phone strap -i-phone cover -Mug -Clear A4 File -Postcard (set?) -Tin badge set (nothing too exciting at this point but I’m sure there will be plenty more announced as we get closer to the exhibit starting.) In other related news, Japanese DVD/CD rental chain TSUTAYA will hold a campaign where anyone who rents Wings of Farewell via their TSUTAYA DISCAS service will receive a special postcard. There is also a special Ranka & Sherryl in-store radio broadcast scheduled for March 24th.
  8. Good news for Sherryl fans (and lets admit it - arent we all?) Sherryl Kiss in the Galaxy is going to be restarted! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-03-23/macross-frontier-sheryl-prequel-manga-resumes-this-month
  9. @Lynn2009 - Wow, great catch regarding this information! I havent checked that website in ages. Many thanks for posting all the details! Annnnnnd...preorder done! Amazon JP must have listed it overnight since it didnt come up when I searched last night. 2000yen or so off - not a bad deal. Of course, thanks to my electronics-store kung-fu, I'm actually going to end up paying twice as much for DYRL as I end up paying for the tv BD box ;-)
  10. And heres the double page the boxset got in todays Famitsu :-)
  11. Details are up on famitsu.com (Japanese) including some screenshots of the game and the fact that it will come with Flashback 2012! http://www.famitsu.c...3/22011852.html From MW frontpage (done rather hastily since I want to get some sleep!) http://www.macrossworld.com/?p=1525&preview=true Also just went up simultaneously on ANN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-03-21/macross/do-you-remember-love-bd-to-bundle-game
  12. A small tribute posted by Mari Iijima on Facebook today: I remember that day just like yesterday. You were watching me perform my songs while smiling softly at the audition in the studio. You were behind the glass window but I already knew in that moment, I was chosen by you to play Minmay. Thank you for the opportunity and love towards me. I've always loved you like a father although we only saw each other a couple of occasions after Macross. I'm thinking of you. Rest in peace and please protect me from heaven. Kisses. Photo - Noboru Ishiguro and Mari at Anime Expo 1999. That was the day I released and debut my very first English album "No Limit". He happened to be there and I was happy to be reunited with him.  まるで昨日の事のようにおぼえています。あなたは、私がピアノを弾き語るのを、ガラスの向こうで柔らかな笑顔と共に見つめていました。あの時、私はすでに、あなたが私をミンメイ役に選んでくれたと感じていました。素晴らしいきっかけと私への愛をありがとうございました。番組終了後は、ほんの数回しかお会いする機会がありませんでしたが、私はあなたの事を、もうひとりのお父さんのように慕いました。あなたの事を想っています。どうか安らかに。そして私の事を、天国から見守っていて下さい。これは、1999年のアニメエキスポでの写真です。その日私は、千数百人の観客の前で、初の英語アルバム、No Limitをデビューさせました。その場に、石黒さんは居合わせて下さりました。素敵な再会に、私は幸せでした。
  13. http://www.macrosswo...ses-away-at-73/ What a turbulent day this has been - not the way anyone wanted to remember the 30th anniversary of Macross, but Ishiguro's passing definately casts a long shadow over the rest of the year and beyond. UPDATE: ANN's coverage can be found HERE.
  14. OH SNAP! Just rewatched the DVD last weekend. This is great news! I'll grab Famitsu tomorrow morning to confirm!
  15. News Update! 1)Miss Macross Contest: Auditions will be accepted from April 1 to May 6. Applicants can apply for one of two categories - Singer Wing and Actress Wing and must be between 12-25 years of age. Applications can be submitted via a special karaoke recording service offered by Joysound. No details on how applicants will be judged as of yet. The winner of the Singer Wing will get a professional debut on the Flying Dog label. The winner of the Actress Wing will take part in the Macross Musical....or should I say Musiculture?!?! 2)Yes, you read that right. The 30th anniversary musical is now known as 'MACROSS: THE MUSICALTURE and will be held from October 3~8 at Tokyo Dome City Hall. No further details have been announced at this time. 3)MACROSS: THE DESIGN will be held at a second location - Nagoya Parco - from May 17 to June 11, after the Shibuya Parco display has finished. 4)1:1 Valkyrie - will be shown at three venues: Tokyo in April, Nagoya in June and Osaka in August. The bad news is that, due to ceiling height limitations, only part of the valk will be shown at Tokyo and Nagoya - looks like I'll be making a trip down to Osaka then! http://www.macross30.com/news/ http://www.chojikuutenrankai.com/
  16. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-03-15/viki-site-streams-leiji-matsumoto-ozuma-anime-worldwide English subs and worldwide streaming for the lates 6ep Matsumoto anime - it doesnt get much better than this folks!
  17. The download on PSN was only for the beta, which was limited to 10,000 ppl. No-one I know was able to get in either. We will just have to wait until the game releases proper in June.
  18. Personally I tend to favour Amazon JPN because they offer a decent preorder discount and ship for free within Japan. http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%AE%87%E5%AE%99%E6%88%A6%E8%89%A6%E3%83%A4%E3%83%9E%E3%83%88-2199-%E2%91%A0-Blu-ray-%E5%87%BA%E6%B8%95%E8%A3%95/dp/B00799I57A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331856100&sr=8-1 Others may recommend different sellers however.
  19. English subs CONFIRMED! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-03-14/yamato-2199-1st-gundam-film-bds-to-have-english-subs
  20. First footage is live! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-03-15/gundam/battle-operation-online-game-promo-streamed
  21. Came across some Itano love in this weeks issue of Famitsu today, along with a tiny pic of DYRL. Itano worked on the story boards for the game Asura's Wrath which is why he was interviewed.
  22. Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation announced in todays Famitsu. 8-12 players online and apparently 'free to play' (until you want the GOOD mobile suits, of course). Beta test will run from march 29-31. http://www.famitsu.com/news/201203/15011470.html
  23. Actually no, they couldn't (presuming that by 'them' you mean Namco Bandai'). From experience, ALL add-on DLC on PSN is region locked. That's not to say that it matters where your IP is, but the DLC must be from the same region that you got the disc from. You can purchase DLC from the JPN store but unless you have a JPN physical copy of the game, the DLC won't work- usually the game won't even recognize it. I'm fairly certain that this is a Sony policy (am currently undergoing preparation to submit a game to Sony at work and they have plenty of similar policies in place). The good news is that there's a way around this- the fact that the system is region free! Assault Horizon is 2500-3000yen 2nd hand at Amazon JPN at the moment and will only drop in price from now on so PS3 users have the option of importing and then picking the DLC up from JPN PSN.
  24. It's only rough and unfinished but....why are there robots? And missiles? http://t.co/0yHZoyqO
  25. Nothing overly exciting, but it's nice to see one of Macross games get some coverage on a relatively mainstream gaming site for a change. http://kotaku.com/5892720/come-for-the-movie-stay-for-the-awesome-free-game
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