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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Well, there WAS a pretty damn long gap between the Macross Zero BD boxset and the Macross tv one.....
  2. Thanks for the heads up! Have posted details on the front page.
  3. Saw it at the cinema back when it came out (part 2 hits this weekend, yay!). Overall I was.....underwhelmed. The use of CG (much like in the Blood C movie) was pretty poorly done and totally ruined the larger battle scenes for me. Having said that, the 2D stuff was nicely done and the music rocked. I suppose the main lasting impression I had was that it just covered familiar ground. Entire shots and lines were identical to the anime/manga. But that's how the whole trilogy will be so I've kinda resigned myself to it. But in return I get a mor focused, compact reselling with crisp new 2D animation and the chance to see it with a cinema full of hardcore berserk fans, lol.
  4. Aaaaaand..... Episode 4 is UP! Get it HERE! Theres some sound quality issues Im still trying to resolve in regards to imported music and how to handle Gubaba when he gets drunk, but I think we are slowly starting to get the hang of this thang!
  5. Gotta love point systems! o(^▽^)o thanks to point systems in the past I've scored a free ps3, Wii and 3DS on launch. Also got a 30,000yen discount off the SDFM BD box set (⌒▽⌒) loyalty points rock!
  6. From today's issue of Famitsu, its.... RENKA Lee!
  7. I dont think its outside the realm of possibility since all it would need is a new paint job and some tweaks. The Alto-colouring 171 though is a really niche product - the 25's are the 'hero mecha' of the show and are widely recognized by hardcore fans and more casual fans alike, hence they get renewals. The 29 is riding high on the popularity of the Wings of farewell so it sells out and warrants a reissue (but, important to note, not a renewal). The Alto 171 doesnt really come new either of these in terms of visibility or popularity imo. I wouldnt go so far as to call it a shelfwarmer - even at 20000yen, that means 2nd hand Amazon sellers are making a bit of a markup off them and prices will probably rise again in a few weeks. At this point though I'd hazard a guess that some stores outside of Tokyo in more rural areas probably still have one or two 29's on their shelves.
  8. Tochiro

    Macross figures

    Well its just a UFO catcher figure which are generally smaller so people can at least be deluded into thinking they will be able to catch one with that flimsy damn claw..... (although I actually managed to get TWO Eva figures out in one turn a couple of years back, lol)
  9. HA! Sorry man, this conspiracy theory almost made me spit out my morning coffee, hehehe. No, no, the 29 was most definately a new production run. While it was small in scale, no doubt, far too many made it to specialty stores (Amazon prices dropped from 35000yen to 20000 overnight) for this to just be some spares that Bandai had lying around. As for the 171 and 25G, its hard to say what will happen to these because neither has the overwhelming popularity among fans that the 29 does at the moment. I'd honestly be surprised if the 171 was ever reissued after its initial run.
  10. Megaroad launch ceremony announced. http://www.macrossworld.com/2230/megaroad-launch-ceremony-announced/
  11. Episode 2 has been reposted. Get it HERE (also added to the first post of this thread). This brings the cast back up-to-date and Episode 4 was recorded (drunkenly) yesterday so I should have it edited next weekend.
  12. It's a little hard to say - the actual FIRST manga is short and is doesn't have any action. On the other hand, it has a rocking' cover, booklet, and A4 sized Macross cloth bag ^^;
  13. Daaaamn I'm looking forward to playing THESE on the PS3.... :-)
  14. Wow...talk about deculture... Also, heres something I'll bet none ever thought Boldolza would say... And now for something less spoilerific... Sheryl in a short--haired wig doesn't look like she was based of May'n at all, right? RIGHT?!?
  15. Yes but you just dont like things as a general rule. Its things you like that are the exception! besides which, the 2009 gig had that awesome Chie acoustic corner! It looks like tickets are going to be limited to 2 max per person so we are all gonna have to be lined up at the Loppi on Sept. 1st. This is gonna be a tough one to get into. BTW, Front page article has been updated - so now theres TWO different concerts that Renato can happily dislike. :-p http://www.macrosswo...okyo-and-osaka/
  16. Sorry for the blurry shot (am at work) but there a few new images turned up in issue 10 of Newtype Ace. the article points out some examples of parts you can power up - probably meaning you need to pay to improve stats of said parts. More interestingly, the release date has changed from 'TBA' to 'Soon.'
  17. Pic from the latest issue (10) of Newtype Ace.
  18. The actual nature of the project has yet to be announced. As for what FB stands for - SOMEONE wasnt checking the front page about a month or so ago ;-)
  19. Some pics to go along with Sketcley's descpription of Vol. 10 (detailed contents posted in the Scoop thread). As usual, these are rushed and taken during my lunchbreak at work (such as it is). Cover of this issues Macross booklet-I sure hope they get around to releasing an official binder for these things at some point. The Playback in Divas section is a 6 page spread on ISHTAR! This would explain why they started selling the issue early - to prevent SAVE from camping out and buying them all up! See? Not all Mikimoto's updated designs HAVE to be moe-ish. Quick, someone touch Minmay's,,,,er,,,,,heart. Even with underboob though, Minmay still cant come close to matching THIS hotness.
  20. This is what happens when I wait until the weekend to post news. Having said that, the news post missed the other concert that was announced... Well the last FB concert in 2009 didn't even get a DVD - which is utterly criminal because it utterly rocked :-)
  21. Actually this might end up being the case but is far from a foregone conclusion. Bandai is notorious for not making many of their anime IP games available for digital download. Even on the Japanese PSN the only Bandai robot games available are the PS1 super robot wars games. None of the PS1 Gundam games are available. Nor is VFX or any Macross games. One would hope that they will add the PS1 DYRL game to their regular lineup after the BD launches but there's still a chance they could restrict the download to only those with Ltd Ed download codes. We shall just have to wait and see.
  22. Ahahaha, sorry, I wasn't suggesting that you turn the subs off. Was just letting off steam. Probably not as noticeable unless you understand the vocal track anyway. Slightly off-topic, but a translation of an interview with Hidetaka Tenjin regarding his work on Yamato Fact File illustrations just went up over at starblazers.com. http://www.starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=76
  23. Translation of an interview with Hidetaka Tenjin can also be found here: http://www.starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=76
  24. First footage http://www.macrossworld.com/2140/first-footage-of-new-macross-phone-game/
  25. Those living outside of Japan can answer this better than me, but my understanding is that the movie part of the disc is but the game isnt. Having said this, Japan and the US are the same BD region so if you are in the US them it will play fine. The DYRL PS1 game will require a japanese PSN account to download - this can easily be made on any console regardless of region. The only issues you might have playing it are if you are using a US region PS Vita, in which case you will need a mem card that has only a Jpn account on it (no US content).
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