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  1. Yes, there most certainly are. πŸ™‚ Internal text translated (where applicable) by Creative Sphere. Also, there’s a QR code on the back page that links to a translation of the full version of the interior interview, done by Renato.
  2. Thanks to @Einherjar, @Bolt & @RDX17 for listening and continuing to check in πŸ™‚ In short, work has kept the crew away from the mic as of late, both because of the amount of it and the changing nature of what we do and our professional relationships with the various parties involved. We have a couple of older episodes in the can that I'm hoping we can salvage, although we will be looking at broadening the subjects we cover in the future so we can continue to bring the Japanese experience to our listeners without stepping on any toes. Look for something podcast-wise to go up in about a month from now. We also have literally a dozen photo galleries from various events over the last year waiting to be posted, and hopefully more to come. In the meantime, we did recently have a guest spot discussing the work we've been up to, so if anyone is in need of some background noise, please check it out πŸ™‚
  3. Well, that was a lot of fun. Got a bit of applause when the curtain dropped too - a lot of teary eyes in the audience. Just about to head out for a 3rd viewing, with a 4th penciled in for tomorrow. πŸ™‚ (Which sounds like more that it is since I know of at least one person who saw it 5 times on opening day alone ^^;)
  4. In a word, yes. At the SpeakerPODcast, we confirmed this with Kawamori himself in front of a mini-auditorium full of people (who also heard it) back in 2014. (And reported on it in our podcast: https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-11-part-2-macross-the-museum/ ) In short, its nothing new. He 's maintained since the mid-to-late 90's that ALL entries in the Macross franchise are in-universe fiction, meaning that Macross 2 holds the same status as any other entry - they are all equally non-canonical. This is why I used the term timeline and not canon in the tweet you quoted. (for details, see here: https://www.decultureshock.com/shoji-kawamori-on-what-is-and-what-is-not-canon/ ) While this policy on canon has been well-known for over half of the franchises history, it wasn't until the last 5 or 6 years that its come up specifically in regards to Macross 2. Following the 2014 talk, I've since heard Kawamori reiterate this policy in 2 separate subsequent talkshows. Macross 2 was then included in the timeline at the Tokyo Skytree Bluemoon Showcase exhibit in 2018 before being included again in a published history on Macross music and its history in 2018 as well). And now the article I tweeted about, the issue is addressed specifically, if briefly. It's noted that at one time its status was debatable, and there was uncertainty whether it was an entry in the timeline or something based on the concept of Macross but in a parallel world. Now, however, its acknowledged as a part of the timeline. So to answer your question, yes. πŸ™‚
  5. In a first for the series, the 2nd performance in November's Macross Frontier Revenge tour will be available as a paid stream for international fans. People will actually be able to experience all the excitement in real time! πŸ™‚ https://liveviewing.jp/overseas/macrossf2021-revenge-eng/
  6. So this was originally going to be a podcast dedicated to Godzilla vs Kong - but then this weekend's Macross news dropped! The result? One very long podcast ^^; https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-145-h-e-a-v-ho/
  7. With autumn here at last and a new movie on the horizon, this episode we attempt to catch up on the last couple of months worth of Macross news while we still can. Tune in! https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-144-the-news-75/
  8. Thanks so much for tuning in! We (in other words, me ^^; ) can get off topic a bit at times but hopefully we manage to convey what the fan experience is like over here, which is what we initially set out to do. If you have any questions or feedback - its always welcome πŸ™‚ Many thanks for listening and for the extensive feedback! Will see what we can do, but any changes unfortunately have to take a backseat to just finding the time to get anything out at the moment. Often we do need to record separate segments whenever we can in 20-30 mins segments with editing being crammed in during lunch breaks (when I actually get lunch breaks ^^; ) hence the lack of dates - a single cast might be done in several segments over a month and may not actually get edited for a month or more depending on how busy things are. And with a movie and a 40th anniversary coming up - oh boy ^^; At least things are in the meta data, as you noted. But we are always hoping to improve over the long run, so thanks again for the feedback!
  9. With the final Evangelion movie hitting Amazon internationally, we thought we'd give our thoughts about it (Warning: spoilers!) https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-143-evangelion-3-01-0-thrice-upon-a-time/
  10. There's a little bit of news this episode, but we're mostly talking about that OTHER mecha franchise ^^; Look, everyone else is talking about Hathaway so we figured that we should too. πŸ™‚ https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-142-hathaways-gigity-gigity/
  11. No, we didn't, sorry. But with the movie on the way, hopefully we'll find out one way or another in the not-so-distant future. :-) Many thanks for tuning in! Hopefully our long rants can help you to kill time and not put you to sleep behind the wheel ^^;
  12. The latest episode of the SpeakerPODcast is now live, featuring all the latest news and then some! https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-141-interesting-times/
  13. Latest episode is live!!!!!! ;-) https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-140-livin-in-the-labyrinth-of-time/
  14. New Macross Frontier theatrical short anime coming this year - The Labyrinth of Time. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-02-06/macross-frontier-anime-gets-brand-new-theatrical-film-short/.169225
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