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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hey everyone I have these books laying around and been trying to get a value for the stuff, so that I can sell soon. Thanks in advance for any info/price check
  2. Hey there all (haven't been on this site in a long time >.<) Got some macross related stuff from this years AX May'N opening ceremonies video: May'N and a pic of her at the panel too may n Katsuyuki kunish opening ozma lee his message to the ax'ers
  3. ok once u save the mission replay file. Go to options, gallery , reply. Reply the mission (choose the file to replay) take your pics (limit would b 4) end the replay then another screen appears where u can replay again,exit replay menu, select replay pictures (thats what one you click on, i think it was the 2nd to last option) A screen will appear with your 4 taken shoots, click for a closeup then click on it again and it will ask u to save. The all go to your screenshots folder on the psp^ ********* and that breetai pic is just a close up with macross in the background
  4. fun with your favorite one eyed villain then friend! ButtKickCombo! "go my minion!!!" Hail Macross & Breetai!
  5. GO TO" options, gallery, replay (yes) then it plays the mission youll have controls to view it from different views,angles,stop and take the pic's like the ones above^^
  6. Damn, im still missing acouple of unlock characters >.< Finally saw the Extra mission list and started going down the line. I was actually using the VF1D got B's on the 1st two mission but then that squadron scramble mission i was getting my butt handed to me lol, but i really almost got to the end of that mission with the simple VF1D then i started looking at what VF i could use, Saw the VF25S and starting building up its stats and with that i got 3xA's 3xS's and 2xSS's ranks The first weapon really rocks on it, helps with the little annoying enemies then just pile on the missiles for the other guys ***BTW the save file at the end of everystoryline end mission, Is a reply of that mission. When you go to gallery you can see it and take pics!
  7. i cant seem to a room >.> oh wells
  8. *lol ya i was gonna type in the jp names but those are shorter hehe now for the SS rank, I just giving them a beatdown after figuring how to control the reg And ive gotten like 2 S ranks with the basic trainer VF too, so idk if picking the weaker unit helps... wouldnt think so but who knows...
  9. *BTW anyone try network play on this?
  10. man i didnt know so many lvls were on just the macross part of the game.. after you beat it as a good guy, try the bad guy lvls theirs one fight where u have to go against rick,max,ben *takeout ben quick! lol* I actually got a SS rank being a regult hehe
  11. hehe ive been playing the macross campaign with the reg.VF-1D hehe Know that you can max out the points you give your VF, cuz i have pts rightnow and cant upgrade it anymore. list of VF's VF-1A VF-1D VF-1A max VF-1J VF-1J(A) armor VF-1S(F) those and acouple misc i got atm. BTW* breetai's a bitch lol
  12. This game rocks guys! I played the macross campaign and its just addicting i dont want to spoil it but ya good times! when you listen to the music your like.... its game time!
  13. hmmm i thought i had a sn here before but guess not >.> Heres my little photo-album of the day: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v20/punkr13/MacrossWCon08/ Well hopefully we'll see each other at the next one or sooner! hehe
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