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Everything posted by westfall

  1. I'm guessing that WMG shot we saw in the TV Spot is right through the palace tower in order to stop that section of New Barelas from crashing into the city... Who else felt ubber inspired by that shot of the Yamato flying over the Garmillan seas?
  2. IT'S UP. No trailer yet but... the first 10 minutes of chapter 7 are on the web. Bask in awesomeness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j7YgDgKohQ
  3. Huge list of merchandise for chapter 7. And our first look at Starsha's palace. http://yamato2199.net/goods/theater_008.html
  4. To those watching the final chapter in theatres as of August 24th, the official sites have posted an apology. It seems the theatre version will be missing part of episode 25. From what i understand, the cut material won't be finished in time and this decision was made to maintain the overall quality. Wether the full episode will be completed for the TV broadcast or only for the home video release is unknown. They do assure that the missing scenes will have little effect on the overall plot of the chapter.
  5. The first 8 minutes will be online soon, according to the Hikari TV site.
  6. My guess is some part of New Barelas...
  7. 15 seconds of awesome. Chapter 7 teaser trailer. and the Iscandar sisters take over the official site http://yamato2199.net/img/top/containts_main_bk07.jpg
  8. They're a set of 6 clear colored versions of mekakore kits. As for the distribution method, i have no clue. Here's the info. https://yamatocrew.jp/crew/info/130701
  9. The PV doesn't reveal that much, except the obvious outcome of that "cliffhanger". My take on the relationship between Garmillas and Iscandar, and Desler's plan : Desler and Yuki appear to be From the episode 23 to 26 synopsis:
  10. As far as i'm concerned the only major flaw in episode 20 is the "missing artifact", midway through the episode. XD The rest i chuck to the story putting the characters where they have to be to better serve it. A bit silly, at times? Perhaps. But awesome just the same. Also, BEST COSMO ZERO LAUNCH EVER!!!
  11. So, it seems they're coming out with an Okita figure, after the Yamato girls run out. And Melda too.
  12. July 31st. You can get it in the usual shops, like Amazon.jp or CD Japan.
  13. Mag Garden has updated the Earth Art Book page with images of what the book will look like inside. Prepare to be blown away, it looks amazing. http://www.mag-garden.co.jp/yamato2199books/main-2-2.html
  14. The theatre exclusive Blu-Ray release seems to have suffered a delay. Instead of being sold at theatres at the time of release, it'll be sent by mail to those who attend the theatre sessions and present a ticket (much like they did with volume 2, though that was due to an error in the discs themselves). This may be a consequence of a faster release schedule or just a way to keep the final episodes from coming out too far ahead of the TV broadcast, which at that time, will be almost catching up. The retail release has also been postponed from September 25th to October 25th. http://yamato2199.net/index.html#vol07_apology
  15. Late July will see the release not only of chapter 6 in home video but also the Yamato and Yamato 2199 MV Series Blu-Ray/DVDs. For those who don't know what the MV Series was, in a nutshell, they're selected pieces of music set to edited animation clips, in essence, Music Videos (MV). Here are some samples of what you will get in those releases. Yamato 2199 - The Yamato Departs the Earth (OST 1) The same theme from the Symphonic Suite Yamato, named Take Off Yamato 2199 - Ambition (OST1) + Ambition (Ambitious Young Man) (OST 2) Yamato Symphonic Suite - Hope for Tomorrow Yamato MV Series and Yamato 2199 MV Series will be published July 24th. Check the video descriptions for more info.
  16. The original Disco version of the Comet Empire Theme was released in a disco themed collection called "I Adore the Eternity of Love", which has only now been released in CD format, as part of the Yamato Sound Almanac collection. http://tinyurl.com/qek3boe
  17. The short The short versions of "Scarlet Scarf", "Kioku no Hikari" and "Yosoro ~ Hoshi no Umi wo Koete" are the last 3 tracks. The full versions were released in singles.
  18. The 2nd score CD has come out last wednesday and my copy is on it's way. Meanwhile, some of the most anticipated themes have reached the web in Nico Video and youtube. 3. Fleet Gathering: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21210925 4. White Comet (Disco): http://youtu.be/ungR9RPrnAM 12 and 13 - Garmillas Dimensional Submarine, normal and tympani versions: http://youtu.be/oFkVKYvSZic And as an extra, Hilde serving tea: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21120461/
  19. The original uploader of those clips has unlocked them and uploaded another, comprising the last bit of episode 22, including credits and episode 23 PV. It has since then been put on locked status but i managed to download it. So enjoy the awesomeness.
  20. Done, though you might want to edit your post or the spoiler tag i put on mine will be irrelevant. Didn't think it was that much of a spoiler as by now everyone knows . It is in the trailer, but i'll play nice. And for those who don't mind being spoiled, here you go:
  21. It was up for a few hours. There were actually 2 clips, one with the funeral scene and a few bits more after it and
  22. For the most eager... the funeral scene... :')
  23. This might seem like a dumb question but... what is YAJ? Yahoo Jp or something else?
  24. If anything surfaces ahead of that, be sure i'll post it. I don't know if it's actually shapped wrong. To me, it looks a bit short.
  25. First report on Chapter 6 with some awesome images. http://newslounge.net/archives/82840"]http://newslounge.net/archives/82840
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